Nexus of the World
Greg Lantern is such an ******* unlike Simon Nestro.
This is an amusing recap of the Greg Lantern film:
Pretty well done. It highlights my biggest internal issue with the film - the whole plot revolves around Parallax being this nigh-unbeatable villain that Green Lanterns, in any number, are woefully outmatched by and even afraid of, but he gets his ass kicked in like five minutes by a single Green Lantern with a really simple plan. In one scene, he gets significantly flustered by a missile from a human jet. How could he be anything more than a threat-of-the-week to Kilowog or Tomar-Re, let a lone whole teams of Green Lanterns?
The constructs were just too ridiculous I never liked when green lantern would make specific objects. I prefer they keep it simple and focus on using his abilities in a dynamic fight sequence than just coming up with over the top constructs.
I like the goofy constructs. Just shooting blasts out of the ring is no fun. And if you ever read the old GL comics or even watched the old Super Friends cartoon he is always making goofy crap. I thought the constructs in the movie were a total shout out to old school fans of the character. In fact I thought this movie above most of the others is much more for the comic fan vs the casual movie fan. Aside from the explanation of the yellow ring there were no real changes to make it more accessible to people who are not fan of the comic.
Absolutely. Plus one of the points of the ring is that you have to use your imagination. Even the movie touched on that, albeit briefly.
I get that but I never liked it. I always felt whenever they made accurate everyday objects like a giant hot wheel car it feels like a little kid's imagination using the toy he has lying around. I would much prefer practical tools like the hook he used when Kilowog made the sun, the swords, the springs. And if they did use something like a drill make it look more fantastic and interesting than just an everyday drill but bigger and greener. Use the concept of creating a 3 dimension object using will and imagination with some... imagination. And so much of it became just laughable and not in a good way. It really just became what scale version of a random real life object could we just throw in instead of lets take this force field concept and really make these scenes interesting and sometimes they did there were a bunch I like but some were just too silly and boring.I like the goofy constructs. Just shooting blasts out of the ring is no fun. And if you ever read the old GL comics or even watched the old Super Friends cartoon he is always making goofy crap. I thought the constructs in the movie were a total shout out to old school fans of the character.
Absolutely. Plus one of the points of the ring is that you have to use your imagination. Even the movie touched on that, albeit briefly.
Oh definitely, in fact during the explanations I kept thinking "would anyone who hadn't read the comics actually like this" Because writing just came off so corny unless you already knew what was going on and were able to over look the exposition.In fact I thought this movie above most of the others is much more for the comic fan vs the casual movie fan. Aside from the explanation of the yellow ring there were no real changes to make it more accessible to people who are not fan of the comic.
I always felt whenever they made accurate everyday objects like a giant hot wheel car it feels like a little kid's imagination using the toy he has lying around. I would much prefer practical tools like the hook he used when Kilowog made the sun, the swords, the springs. And if they did use something like a drill make it look more fantastic and interesting than just an everyday drill but bigger and greener. Use the concept of creating a 3 dimension object using will and imagination with some... imagination. And so much of it became just laughable and not in a good way. It really just became what scale version of a random real life object could we just throw in instead of lets take this force field concept and really make these scenes interesting and sometimes they did there were a bunch I like but some were just too silly and boring.
Oh definitely, in fact during the explanations I kept thinking "would anyone who hadn't read the comics actually like this" Because writing just came off so corny unless you already knew what was going on and were able to over look the exposition.
I also felt the film was stuck between being a serious and a not serious film and it just didn't work right and failed on both sides.
I thought it was super cool in the comic when Johns described each earth lantern and why they make the constructs they do. The ring should respond to each user differently. I'd love to see something like that in the movies.
that was pretty cool. Green Lantern Reborn was one of the most tightly written stories I've ever read.
Thanks. I couldn't remember what story it was in. I get it confused with when he was talking about the lost lanterns and how they use (or don't use as the case may be) their rings. I think that was Reborn also. But same idea. And yeah, cool.
Random said:I know that but I feel there needs to be limits of what a person can do, they have to be able to clearly concentrate on the form and function of the object here it was just "oh you're thinking of that there you go".
...that's where the willpower aspect of it comes in.
Inspite of the disappointing Box Office, it looks like WB is still making a sequel
Good. The fairly poor Box Office had me worried, but it looks like WB may have too much invested in getting a DC movie universe off the ground to quit. Hopefully they learn from their mistakes, as a movie revolving around Hal vs. Sinestro should be epic.