Grand Theft Auto IV

One of the early missions for Little Jacob has you following a drug dealer back to his supplier...I've tried this twice and both times I spooked him before he got there. If you manage not to alert him can you sneak up on the guys in the apartment and kill them easier?

Not sure if sneaking makes it easier. I can't remember specifically, but I think eventually he spots you anyway and shoots at you. Either way, you have to kill them.

Also - earlier in the game at the point where you execute the guy hanging off the ledge in the construction site...I accidently killed him before I decided whether or not I wanted to. What are the differences between killing and not killing him?

I did the same thing (accidentally killed him), so not sure.
So, I agree. This game started out great, but the deeper you got into it, the more it felt underwhelming. Don't get me wrong. It's a great game. The driving has a steeper learning curve but is much more satisfying once you get a hang of it, and the new shooting system is tight. By the end of the game, I was pretty much exclusively popping off head shots. And I really like the new chase system. It adds a higher sense of believability and actually rewards a chase, rather than hiding out and building a bunker against the cops.

But it just felt like, it wasn't that big of an evolution. Sure, the city looks pretty. It looks really, really pretty. But the friends system is just stupid. All it does is add unneeded, boring chores to the game. The plethora of side missions, which are one of the great parts of the series, have been pretty significantly stripped down. And the additional media (internet, TV, etc.) while sometimes funny, really doesn't add much to the game. It's like, if I want to watch TV, I'll watch TV. I won't watch my video game character watch TV. And the "branching paths" don't really amount to more than one ending or another.
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So, I agree. This game started out great, but the deeper you got into it, the more it felt underwhelming. Don't get me wrong. It's a great game. The driving has a steeper learning curve but is much more satisfying once you get a hang of it, and the new shooting system is tight. By the end of the game, I was pretty much exclusively popping off head shots. And I really like the new chase system. It adds a higher sense of believability and actually rewards a chase, rather than hiding out and building a bunker against the cops.

But it just felt like, it wasn't that big of an evolution. Sure, the city looks pretty. It looks really, really pretty. But the friends system is just stupid. All it does is add unneeded, boring chores to the game. The plethora of side missions, which are one of the great parts of the series, have been pretty significantly stripped down. And the additional media (internet, TV, etc.) while sometimes funny, really doesn't add much to the game. It's like, if I want to watch TV, I'll watch TV. I won't watch my video game character watch TV. And the "branching paths" don't really amount to more than one ending or another.

Perfect assessment. Zombi, you're full of good ideas. Seriously, this sums up my feelings of the game perfectly, now that the new game smell has worn off and I'm not blinded by its pretty graphics and great overall gameplay.

Granted, its not a perfect game, and it made some attempts that failed, but overall it was a great achievement in gaming.
But it just felt like, it wasn't that big of an evolution. Sure, the city looks pretty. It looks really, really pretty. But the friends system is just stupid. All it does is add unneeded, boring chores to the game. The plethora of side missions, which are one of the great parts of the series, have been pretty significantly stripped down. And the additional media (internet, TV, etc.) while sometimes funny, really doesn't add much to the game. It's like, if I want to watch TV, I'll watch TV. I won't watch my video game character watch TV. And the "branching paths" don't really amount to more than one ending or another.

Yeah, it's kind of stupid watching Niko watch TV, and sometimes when I'm on the internet, there are things I want to click, but it won't let me.

I don't like that you can only date like 3 people outside of the actual story (LawChick, SoBoHoe, and Liberated Woman).

I also wish that there were more clothing options. How are there only three different stores in Liberty City (Perseus, Modo, Russian Shop)?

Niko's definitely my favorite GTA character, along with Brucie. For a while, I had him wearing a "Scarface"-type outfit (It's a black suit at Perseus, with an open white undershirt and popped collar), but I've recently pimped him out with a GTA3-style "Claude" outfit, with a black flight suit and greenish cargo pants from the Russian Shop.

I wonder if the next one will take place in contemporary Vice City?
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I wonder if the next one will take place in contemporary Vice City?

Good question. I'm thinking there'll probably be a Grand Theft Auto IV/Liberty City Stories type game out for the PSP before we see another console GTA. Maybe a prequel, interquel, sequel, etc to GTA4.

I could see a Prequel with Dwayne as the main character (focusing on his rise in the drug world before he went to jail), or maybe even Michelle/Karen/whatever her real name is (Niko's first girlfriend). It'd be the first time a female was the main character in a GTA game, and it could help explain why she was forced to work for the company. Maybe even Gerry McReary.

And of course, many of the GTA4 supporting cast can appear along with new characters.

Speaking of which, I'd still like to see a San Andreas Stories game made, though I'm not sure if that'll happen given Rockstar's claim that they're now focusing solely on "this" (GTA4) generation of GTA for the future. Of course an outside company could probably still put one together with Rockstar's approval/help.

I'd also like a to see a current gen GTA Classic disc where they include GTA1 and GTA2 games, as well as the two expansion packs for the first GTA game ("London 1961" and "London 1969"), and maybe even throw in Grand Theft Auto Advance if a version for the Wii is released. Basically, for completists and nostalgic gamers.
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Good question. I'm thinking there'll probably be a Grand Theft Auto IV/Liberty City Stories type game out for the PSP before we see another console GTA. Maybe a prequel, interquel, sequel, etc to GTA4.

I could see a Prequel with Dwayne as the main character (focusing on his rise in the drug world before he went to jail), or maybe even Michelle/Karen/whatever her real name is (Niko's first girlfriend). It'd be the first time a female was the main character in a GTA game, and it could help explain why she was forced to work for the company. Maybe even Gerry McReary.

And of course, many of the GTA4 supporting cast can appear along with new characters.

hm.... That makes me wonder if the DLC content for the 360 will replace the traditional "Stories" and then later be ported to the handheld, rather than the other way around
hm.... That makes me wonder if the DLC content for the 360 will replace the traditional "Stories" and then later be ported to the handheld, rather than the other way around

Good question, though as far as I know right now, the downloadable content will be new missions based on GTA4 (thus serving as an extension, expansion, or sequel of GTA4 itself).

I think we'll still see GTA Stories games released first on the PSP (for sales), and then ported to the PS2 (a year or so after the PSP release for those who only have a PS console). I think sales of the past Stories games were strong enough to keep the company producing the titles in this fashion for maximum profit--getting a physical copy of your game, available for multiple platforms in game stores and major retailers is still a better avenue of sales than only downloadable content.
I just read on Wiki, under Playboy's information, that not only do you get Playboy's house when you kill him, but you also get Claude's outfit from GTAIII. I killed Playboy and got his house, but there was no GTAIII outfit....Is this a Wiki mistake?

EDIT: I looked back in the strategy guide (yeah, I bought the strategy guide....) where it talks about the "Holland Play" mission. Apparently I did get Claude's outfit, but I have to change my clothes at Playboy's to wear it.
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GTA V WISHLIST: I can dream, can't I?
>Asian or Hispanic protagonist - Seriously, come on, there are Asian gangs all over the place in all of the GTA games (Yakuza, Triads, etc.)! I think it's about time I get to play as myself
>Character customization - I want my guy to be able to have different hairstyles (San Andreas!), I want my guy to be able to shave (I know, that seems super-realistic, but Niko goes through all of GTA IV with ****ing stubble, and not one time does he take a razor to his face), I want more clothing options, T-shirts, more stores
>Money - Credit cards
>Katana - The katana is in Vice City and San Andreas, I don't know why they took it out in GTA IV
>Car customizations - Again, I missed the the nitrous and hydraulics from San Andreas
>Health system - Eating and exercising to keep yourself healthy, a la San Andreas
>Basketball - This is another one of those little things that made San Andreas cool; it's not really important to the story, but it's still cool
>Bicycle - Ditto
>Clothing - More clothes stores other than Perseus and Modo; maybe Binco and some other stores
>Food - More food choices other than Burger Shot; Chinese food, Italian restaurants
>Dojo - Boxing, martial arts, kickboxing, I ****ing loved this **** in San Andreas
>Firearms handling - What the **** happened to the weapons skill feature? Dual-wielding, mother****er!
>Improved internet - I want to be able to click on every single advertisement, I want to be able to make my own Myspace-like profile in-game (all right, maybe that's too much to wish for, but there is a Myspace-like site in GTA IV, but you can't click on anything), I want to be able to date more than 3 people, and have more of a variety, hell why not even let your guy date other guys
>Silencers - Silencers should be available for all guns, including shotguns ('No Country For Old Men')
>MP3 player - Make it so you flip through your weapons and there's an MP3 player in there; your dude can just be walking around the streets listening to music, maybe with Xbox Live you can transfer music from your Xbox to your game
>Groceries (supermarket)?
>Pedestrians - They do random things; start fights, scratch their asses, etc.
>Casino - This is yet another thing that was in San Andreas that they removed in GTA IV
>Pinball arcade
>Weather - Snow, hail, ice, mud
>Painkillers - To increase stamina during fights
>Cops - Their cars should have radio
>Pets - Not necessarily pets, but pets for yourself .... it might be cool to see people on the streets walking their dogs .... animal rights activists would be all over the ****ing game, because it'd be pretty simple to just kill the dog, but what GTA game hasn't been met with controversy? ****, the game is about killing people for God's sake

That's all I can think of right now. That would be cool if the Fixer dude (the Assassin from GTA IV), was like, a major villain in the next game, or maybe United Liberty Paper.
Also, it's not very likely, but a new city - possibly Carcer, or a city based Flint/Detroit called Michelin.
Can someone please clear something up for me: In what GTA game was Carcer City? The first one, or what?

Also, yeah, I'd love a new city. It seems doubtful that they'll make another game called 'Grand Theft Auto: Vice City'. And a GTA V wouldn't be likely until the next gen.

Speaking of which, is anyone else a bit pissed off that they called it 'GTA IV' as if it was this huge step up from the last game, when really it wasn't?
Can someone please clear something up for me: In what GTA game was Carcer City? The first one, or what?

None. That's the manhunt city.

Speaking of which, is anyone else a bit pissed off that they called it 'GTA IV' as if it was this huge step up from the last game, when really it wasn't?

I am. It's almost basically GTA III with better graphics and bikes
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Wasn't it in one of the original top-down ones, though? I remember talking about it for years, before Manhunt came out, how they would have to do GTA: Carcer City, eventually.


Carcer City is a city used in Manhunt, a non-GTA Rockstar game which involves a mass murderer named James Earl Cash. Carcer City is an industrial town with a corrupt police chief (Gary Schafer) and a snuff film director who apparently calls the shots in town. There are white supremacists, murderers, and other sorts of criminals and rogues who rampage through the streets of the city. Carcer City is most likely based off Newark, Detroit, Philadelphia or Cleveland.

It is mused that Carcer City would exist in the same fictional world as the GTA games, because of overlaps and references within them. According to a news segment from GTA III, Carcer city is "nearby" to Liberty city.
Can you (on the PS3) put your own music on your own radio station for this game? I thought it was capable because I thought I heard you'd be able to buy mp3's from Amazon in game. Lemme know, becuase I want to create my own soundtrack to this.
Wasn't it in one of the original top-down ones, though? I remember talking about it for years, before Manhunt came out, how they would have to do GTA: Carcer City, eventually.

Carcer itself has never appeared or been featured in any GTA game, but its been referenced directly in almost every GTA game since GTA3. So basically, it ties the Manhunt games into the GTA universe (at least as spin-offs).

Can you (on the PS3) put your own music on your own radio station for this game? I thought it was capable because I thought I heard you'd be able to buy mp3's from Amazon in game. Lemme know, becuase I want to create my own soundtrack to this.

Goodwill's soundtrack for GTA4 it is all ABBA songs.

He likes to run people over to "Dancing Queen".
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