Girl Meets World (News/discussion/spoilers)

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I found it online streaming as well. Seems like the typical now-a-days Disney show, but it's cool to see Cory and Topanga again. Unfortunately, you have to be in the US and have a cable provider. EDIT: I just found it streaming online and watched it. It's incredibly cheesy. But seeing Cory and Topanga as parents made me smile. I just hope Topanga is in it more as the show goes on.

I just hope there's an episode where they go to the beach so Topanga has a reason to wear only a bikini the whole episode. Then I'll check this out.
I just hope there's an episode where they go to the beach so Topanga has a reason to wear only a bikini the whole episode. Then I'll check this out.

Seems like the typical now-a-days Disney show

Those kids watch the Disney channel all the time. It's like, you walk in the room and hear/see a few seconds of it and you want to throw the TV through the window, but after you sit and watch it for a few minutes and they've ensnared your mind you forget what good TV is like and you start to accept that maybe this is sort of funny in a little kid/tween sort of way.
Those kids watch the Disney channel all the time. It's like, you walk in the room and hear/see a few seconds of it and you want to throw the TV through the window, but after you sit and watch it for a few minutes and they've ensnared your mind you forget what good TV is like and you start to accept that maybe this is sort of funny in a little kid/tween sort of way.
That's exactly it.
Those kids watch the Disney channel all the time. It's like, you walk in the room and hear/see a few seconds of it and you want to throw the TV through the window, but after you sit and watch it for a few minutes and they've ensnared your mind you forget what good TV is like and you start to accept that maybe this is sort of funny in a little kid/tween sort of way.

Disney, masters of mind control.

Break out your tin-foil hats.
Those kids watch the Disney channel all the time. It's like, you walk in the room and hear/see a few seconds of it and you want to throw the TV through the window, but after you sit and watch it for a few minutes and they've ensnared your mind you forget what good TV is like and you start to accept that maybe this is sort of funny in a little kid/tween sort of way.

hahaha. It's so true.
I honestly had absolutely no clue what they were talking about the majority of the episode. It seemed like they tried to over write it so that it could feel "deep" like the original series, but it just fell extremely flat. The intro scene felt more like an outro scene, Farkle is just a completely awful character, the whole thing seems like a train wreck. I'll keep watching in hopes it gets better and was just facing Pilot blues, but yikes that was bad.
Episode 2 was much better. Farkle was less annoying. There was more Topanga. I mean, it's still a show aimed at tween girls, but…you know…whatever.
I've been watching Boy Meets World over the past few weeks, almost done with Season 1. Really is a great show. Good humor, Ben Savage has a great charisma as Corey (and the rest of the cast is good too, and the girl who plays Corey's little sister is adorable). The show has great heart and unavoidable charm.

As someone who hasn't seen it since it aired back in the 1990's, it's a nice callback to my childhood and teen years.
I've been watching Boy Meets World over the past few weeks, almost done with Season 1. Really is a great show. Good humor, Ben Savage has a great charisma as Corey (and the rest of the cast is good too, and the girl who plays Corey's little sister is adorable). The show has great heart and unavoidable charm.

As someone who hasn't seen it since it aired back in the 1990's, it's a nice callback to my childhood and teen years.

I just finished watching the final (and arguably the weakest) season the other day. It's honestly one of my favourite shows ever. The finale made me a little misty.

EDIT: you should know DiB, the continuity of BMW is completely out of whack. It doesn't work at all.
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I just finished watching the final (and arguably the weakest) season the other day. It's honestly one of my favourite shows ever. The finale made me a little misty. EDIT: you should know DiB, the continuity of BMW is completely out of whack. It doesn't work at all.

Yeah, I noticed that already in terms of them being in 6th grade in Season 1, and said to graduate from high school in the year 2000 in a Season 1 episode, but they end up graduating in 1998 instead.

Oh well.
Yeah, I noticed that already in terms of them being in 6th grade in Season 1, and said to graduate from high school in the year 2000 in a Season 1 episode, but they end up graduating in 1998 instead.

Oh well.

season 1 Cory, Shawn, and Topanga are in 6th grade. Eric is in 10th
season 2 Cory, Shawn, and Topanga are in 7th grade. Eric is in 11th
season 3 Cory, Shawn, and Topanga never mention what grade they are in. Eric is in 12th
season 4 Cory, Shawn, and Topanga are in 11th grade. Eric has graduated but didn't get into college
season 5 Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and Angela are in 12th grade. Eric and Jack are freshmen at Pembrooke
season 6 Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and Angela are in freshmen at Pembrooke. Eric and Jack are sophomores, and Rachel is unknown
season 7 Cory, Shawn, Topanga, and Angela are in college and it is never specified that they graduate, but by the end of the season it's very clear that none of them are coming back. Eric, Jack, and Rachel all graduate.

Not to mention that in season 1 Shawn has a sister named Stacy, Topanga has a sister named Nebula. Later Shawn has a half brother named Eddie. By season 5 it's clear that Jack is Shawn's only sibling and Topanga has no siblings.

In season 1, Topanga's mom's name is Chloe. In seasons 6 & 7 it's Rhinannon. Her dad is played by three different people and her mom is played by two different people. The actors for her parents change between the season 6 finale and the season 7 premiere.

Cory & Eric's little sister Morgan disappears for the first half of season 3 and comes back as a different, much older actress. Her first line is "That was the longest time out ever."

There is a door in the school set that constantly changes. In one episode it's the principal's office. In another, it's a bathroom. In another, it's a janitor's closet.

And so on and so forth. There are tons of them.
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So I watched all seven seasons of Boy Meets World and the first four episodes of Girl Meets World over the past month or two.

Boy Meets World was damn good. It did a great job of addressing life lessons with humor and charm.

Girl Meets World has been pretty disappointing so far. The pilot episode was horrible, and while it's improved with the few episodes that've aired after, it's still paling in comparison to the original. The girl who plays Riley is pretty good, and does a good job of mimicking Corey's tics and behavior from the original. But the supporting cast hasn't impressed me. Even Corey and Topanga in the new show have come off as just odd.

I'm hoping it gets better. They definitely need a better writing team that can both pattern the humor and charm of the original while keeping the new show's own identity.

I'm looking forward to the Christmas episode that'll have most of the original show's cast appearing. The season finale will also bring Shawn back (as will another episode before that) and I'm hoping for a bit of the old Corey/Shawn feel from the original. Granted I'm keeping in mind the new show is about Riley, so I'm not expecting a whole lot of that. Only a little will be fine.

I did like the little cameo of Feeny in the GMW pilot. That was nice.