Ugh. This movie was bad. I mean "bad" bad. It was so bad that I actually wanted to run home and watch a 12-hour Elektra movie marathon. Just nonstop, back to back showings of Elektra.
That's how bad it was. Nevermind how incredibly cheesy it was just a poor film all together. I wasn't expecting this to be great. I really wasn't. I just wanted to be entertained. I wasn't. I couldn't wait for it to end. And the sad part....I knew from the moment the opening credits began to role that I was in for a long boring spell. And this coming from a man who saw the midnight..........after being up since 4am.
I give them credit....the kid versions of Cage and Mendez were spot on in likeness. And Ghost Rider himself looked pretty cool.....especially the first time he transformed and turned back. But aside from that.....there wasn't anything else to enjoy.
The fights were too quick and boring. All the actors looked bored. And I sat there wondering why any of them would sign on to do something this bad. At least with Elektra being bad....I still had that feeling of wanting to watch it every now and then. But I don't ever wanna see Ghost Rider again. Ever.
The only good thing about this film was Sam Elliott. He played his character perfectly. I enjoyed seeing he and Cage ride side-by-side (actually racing each other-----not a lot of people picked up on that). And I did chuckle slightly when GR flipped the cops the middle finger as he drove off down the river (not a lot of people picked up on that either).
1/5 (and the 1 comes from the transformation scene)