Gamesmaster Round 1 - Superman!

To keep the game somewhat believable in terms of controlling a man who can move planets if he needs to, Superman's powers would scaled back to mirror the Bruce Timm Superman. Still a lot stronger than most of foes…but not quite as all-powerful as the comic counterpart.

The story would flow along with Bruce Timm's show. Starting out with the main villain being Lex Luthor and the majority of your opponents being superpowered criminals he's backing…leading up to a Lex in his green mech suit battle…all building up to an invasion from Darkseid and Apokolips.

• Free Roam
**Please note that all controller functions are based on the Playstation controller set-up**

You can't have a Superman game nowadays without having the freedom to fly wherever.

Following the flying engine from the "Superman Returns" game…you can fly from street-level up to a certain point in the sky (very high obviously). Your standard left analog to move around…right analog to look. Hold L2 to hover and tap R2 to takeoff/land. Hold R2 to fly at superspeed (holding R2 for more than 7 seconds would result in you speeding up and thus creating a sonic boom. Unlike the "Superman Returns" game…when you break the sound barrier, you actually DO speed up and everything goes blurry just like your favorite racing games. L1 would activate your superpowers depending on what you have selected (heat vision, ice breath, x-ray vision). Selection would be assigned to the 3 directional buttons ala "God of War". R1 would serve as a lock-on function.
• Combat
Seeing as how Superman is stronger than everyone else and pretty much impervious to harm, there won't be an impressive martial arts combo like Batman or any other game. It'll be a simple punching combo. Square will give you a fairly weak/straightforward 1-2-3 combo. Triangle will give you a hard hitting 1-2 combo. Holding X will cause you to block attacks…but tapping X and any direction will cause you to zip-dodge at super speed. O to grab/interact with objects.

Random Stuff
Voice acting would be from the Timmverse cast. Anything else will just not do.

The beginning tutorial would be in the Fortress of Solitude flashback format with voiceover by Jor-El.

• Costumes
Different costumes would be unlocked at the end of the game depending on the difficulty setting the game was beat in. Beat it on easy and all you get is the option to choose between the normal suit or any of the Superman impostors from "Death of Superman". Beat it on normal and you get that well as Godfall style costume and Red Sun costume. Beat it on hard and you get Kingdom Come costume as well as the bonus option to play thru the game as Supergirl just like you were able to play as Green Goblin in Spider-Man1.
Thanks Doom , I glad someone posted one.

You chose Timmverse and the reason you said for choosing it was great dude not sure about the Superman Returns engine for flying , I didn't think they did many things right in that However I also realise that's probably the most realist way to do it as I could see a company doing that.

The rest of it was brilliant too plus you added supergirl :D (I really like supergirl she's probably my favourite DC hero after Nightwing ) Congrads dude , you've done a damn solid game.
Okay, here's my idea.

Superman is standing on the ground in Metropolis, for some reason not being able to fly. These aliens are coming down towards him, tons of them in multiple rows. They have a set pattern they never deviate from, but the closer they get to the ground the faster they move. Superman has to shoot laser eye beams at these invaders from space and kill them all before they can touch down.
Okay, here's my idea.

Superman is standing on the ground in Metropolis, for some reason not being able to fly. These aliens are coming down towards him, tons of them in multiple rows. They have a set pattern they never deviate from, but the closer they get to the ground the faster they move. Superman has to shoot laser eye beams at these invaders from space and kill them all before they can touch down.

hey , we already so no joke ones.
My entry:


Point of the game: Superman finally sheds himself of the lame red-and-blue, underpants-outside-the-outerpants costume

Main Boss: Red-and-blue, underpants-outside-the-outerpants costume

End game: Superman gets some jeans and a t-shirt.

Result: Superman is no longer lame.

Ok the joke entries were funny at first but now they are just annoying

The story is the same as every other Superman story before. Clark Kent arrives in Metropolis and saves the day as Superman. He faces super powered foes such as Zod, Metallo and Parasite, normal crooks such as Intergang, evil scientist now turned businessman Lex Luthor and an alien invasion by Darkseid and the armies of Apokalips.

Voice Actors
Timmverse cast. They are perfect. No need to change it.

Type of Game
Mainly freeroam, which would include missions such as Jimmy Olson contacting you on his Superman watch, Superman hearing crimes in progress with his superhearing etc. There'd also be strange mini games like in the Phantom Zone, deep space... what have you.

What can you do? You can fly around, run with super speed, use enhanced senses, heat vision, ice breath, super strength... this game will let you control Superman... the real Superman. There are no limits. You don't even have to play the game if you don't want to. Example, perhaps you decide to fly around the world destroying everything. The army will hire Lex Luthor to try and stop you. This involves the creation of the failed clone Bizarro who engages you.

Basically, this game lets you define Superman yourself. Every action would have a reaction. Sick of earth? Leave it. Travel through space, searching for various worlds... destroy a planet? Beware of the Green Lantern Corps.

A Superman game has to be endless. You have to be able to do anything. This is what I want to play.
Ok people pm your votes , winner will be announced tomorrow.
No votes at all! i'm extended voting by 24 hours , come on people vote
Well I only got one vote pm'd but the Winner and the person in charge of next round = Victor Von Doom Congratulations Dude
*eagles squawk*

This is not a bad idea for a thread, but I think we need to tweak it or something.