I got myself an Xbox 360 at the weekend. I haven't connected it to the internet yet so I think I'll have to chooose a new name when I do that. Games I got so far are:
GTA IV - which I'm currently underwhelmed by I thought it'd be more different than the others, but it's just like the last 3 with even more stereotype characters. Though it's still damn good and I love it.
Darkness - The guy in the shop said it was a bit like deus ex machina, and yeah it's based on the image comic. With the voice of Mike Patten from Faith no more etc. haven't played it that much but it seems a lot less linear than i was expecting.
Prey - This game is so much fun, I played the demo before and bought it pre-owned for £5. It's just got so much gravity manipulation, it's clever enough so that I don't need great graphics. Plus the whole inheriting the cherokee mystical powers from your grandad (a little bit racist and belittling but still an interesting twist on the game play).
Crackdown - haven't played yet.