I've always felt the same way... at least with regards to Marvel and DC. For the 'independents' it's a different thing entirely since they don't have the luxury of having extra money or a massive talent base crawling to write for them.
Though on the other hand, I really hated it when they gave away singles of abridged comics, like those highly abridged versions of Ultimate Spider-Man 1 a handful of years ago.
Right. How hard is it to pick a few books from the archives, and just reprint them. Cram them full of ads. Who cares? Why edit them at all (unless maybe they edit out a panel or page at the end and direct the reader to go buy the issue at their LCS)?
Comic companies are so stupid about marketing. Free Comic Book Day is a great idea but their execution sucks.
It's like bringing aboard a certain writer who knows nothing about comics and having him write a fairly major character, then sit on their thumbs months later while he talks about how stupid he thought the character was and basically talk about how unqualified he was to write the book. How embarrassing.