She has a nice badonkadonk
You sir are correct.
She has a nice badonkadonk
This was terrible.
I've heard almost nothing but bad things about it and I can't imagine it will be good, but...
...I'm still going to see it.
Bass said:I want to see this, but Eva Mendes? Blech.
Planet-man said:Eva Medes, UGH. Too obnoxious to be attractive to me.
And Ice, do your best to convince them if you can.
I've not read any reviews. I saw trailer and it looked cool. Plus from the same guy as 300 and sin city I thought "how can it possibly suck?" I'll find out most likely Tuesday (half price day at my local cinema plus kids are in school so less people)
It's only from the guy who originally wrote 300 and Sin City's graphic novels, the real drive that made both those movies great was the directors Zack Snyder and Robert Rodriguez respectively.
I thought 300 director was was also doing it? On HOME the video of the director he says he did
Nope Zack Snyder is too busy directing Watchmen
The film, if snuck into or at least caught in the middle of the day at the cheap dollar theater, is worth it for the Samuel Jackson/ScarJo samurai scene.
And the bouncing foot scene.
And the Black Nazi with Arabic Sex Assassin.
And the Black Nazi with Arabic Sex Assassin.
I thought she was French with Arabic tendencies.