Ultimate Houde
UC's Resident Genetic Recombinator

Oh, By Odin's Great White Beard!!!!!!
If Rachel Bilson was in this with Kristen...I'd literally sit in the back and Blast Taft the entire time.
And then cut dirty looks at people who look at me disapprovingly.
This makes me wonder what you'd throw at the usher when he tries to escort you.
*plays silence of the lambs*
something like that i think.
Also, I would take Mila Kunis over Kristen Bell any day.
It's not connecting because it's the same damn style of comedy that the last several movies Judd has made.
Seriously, they all are interchangeable, in my opinion anyways. You take normal people, add a strange occurrence, have the actors improvise throughout the whole movie, and BAM! Judd film gold.
I'm done.
I agree.It's not connecting because it's the same damn style of comedy that the last several movies Judd has made.
Seriously, they all are interchangeable, in my opinion anyways. You take normal people, add a strange occurrence, have the actors improvise throughout the whole movie, and BAM! Judd film gold.
I'm done.
Did you write this?
I agree.
And I don't even like that style, so that makes it even less redeeming.
Houde's got it(as does that Cracked article, which I posted somewhere yesterday). Apatow movies just aren't "event" comedies anymore. You know what you're getting and it's all the same. I'm sure I'd laugh a lot if I saw this, but I wouldn't go out of my way to do so. It just doesn't look that funny.
Pineapple Express will be a draw because it looks fantastic in its own right, not because of the cheapened Apatow name-stamp(from the producer of Talledaga Nights and Walk Hard?). At any rate, I think Seth Rogen will have a far better career than Judd Apatow.