My Boom-Boom's mostly gay
This would have to be planned really carefully for this work and I don't faith that Marvel would do that? Look at Pre Crisis DCU and what mess their multiverse created? Besides fans are going to ticked off if you just erase a universe that become attached to.
As long as sales are going strong on Ultimate books, Marvel won't pull the cord on the current UU, and it's my understanding that sales ARE good.
The multiverse thing isn't an issue. You just don't let the universes cross with each other. The problem with the multiverse is that we had multiple versions of the same characters, or characters from completely different universes, hopping across worlds willy-nilly.
The best way to do it would be to keep the Ultimate Universe, and instead create a new line. We'll call it "All-Star Marvel", for ease of use. You pass the reins over to your current all-star writers. I'd compare it to what DC did with 52. They take their four most prestigious writers (Grant Morrison, Greg Rucka, Mark Waid, and Geoff Johns) and throw them all in a room together, and together the team hammers out a new universe, the goal of which is to stay true to the Marvel Universe, all the while creating a cohesive universe that works for a contemporary audience. And they give them a time table of, say, ten years to do it in. The audience goes into the line knowing this. Then they divvy up the books. Rucka gets All-Star Avengers, Waid gets All-Star Fantastic Four, Johns gets All-Star Spider-Man, and Morrison gets whatever the hell he wants because he's the king of everything. The universe stands on its own, never crossing over into either the UU, OR 616.
I'm all tingly now.... I totally want DC to buy out Marvel so this can happen.
Edit: How did I forget about X-Men? On second thought, Waid and Johns get X-Men and Fantastic Four, and Keith Giffen gets Spider-Man
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