I don't even know what happened with Annihilus. And boo to you not continuing because it doesn't synch up with other comics.
Okay, I was going to stop, but I'm deciding not too.
I liked this when it was Fantastic Four. It was interesting, a breath of fresh air. I truly enjoyed reading it.
But it started to deal with the Cosmic universe, and I love the Cosmic Universe when it was written by DnA. They wrote great stories, that had interesting outcomes with lasting effects. They made a change, and they kept with it. I loved their comics.
And it's not like they wrote in loopholes. Annihlus was reborn, but in the regular universe, not the in negative zone. On a planet filled of his own people and followers. He was already around. The Negative Zone had another ruler at this point, and it was interesting, cause their was conflict. This was not mentioned at all. But it was one thing, I can deal with it. The Cosmic writers didn't seem to care.
Blackbolt and Third Summers Brother whose name I can't remember died in a flash of light, which we all know could be anything. And I haven't read it, but reviews have said the supposed resurrection is kinda stale and redone. But I haven't read it, so I can't say what it was. But the lasting effect was that the Kree where being ruled by the very weapons they created, which added depth to the Kree and gave a purpose to the Inhumans, who did nothing but hide in the dark side of the moon and twiddled their thumbs before that. Now they had a reason.
These stories I loved, but Hickman glosses over it to set it back to when they were boring.
And when this comic became FF: Future Foundation, and not Fantastic Four, Hickman started to tie in events of his other comics into it. I had to read SHIELD to understand what was going on here, and to understand things in SHIELD you need to read Secret Warriors. Which is all well and good, but I never read Secret Warriors cause the concept doesn't interest me, and SHIELD has legendary historical figures slaughtering each other in a secret war, which is an annoying concept. I'm going on a tangent so I digress
In other words, I loved the Cosmic Stories, what they did and what they represented. I adored them. I read them time and time again, and the people who I let borrow them fall in love with them also. It's a tragedy that they have been discontinued and reduced down to one book. You can see the plan that DnA had for the universe. The strove to tie them into what was going on currently in Marvel Comics (Super Skrull sneaking Nova onto earth during Secret Invasion, Blasstar invading Prison 42 in the Negative Zone as a way to invade Earth, Jack Flagg joining the team since he was wrongly convicted into the prison). They took stale concepts and made them fun and interesting. And here's my point.
Imagine someone taking a story you love, stories that got other people into comics, and not even trying to get it to figure out how to make it fit into his story. It pisses me off.
So I dropped it.
Enjoy my rambling post.