Nexus of the World
I just hope this brings us closer to a FANTASTIC FOUR movie where Christoph Waltz plays Doctor Doom.
I just hope this brings us closer to a FANTASTIC FOUR movie where Christoph Waltz plays Doctor Doom.
Sam Riley (Control), Eddie Redmayne (Les Misérables), Toby Kebbell (Wrath of the Titans), and Domhnall Gleeson (Dredd).
They should just cast Michael B. Jordan for every role in this. Including what should be Stan Lee's obligatory cameo.
They should just cast Michael B. Jordan for every role in this. Including what should be Stan Lee's obligatory cameo.
They should just cast Michael B. Jordan for every role in this. Including what should be Stan Lee's obligatory cameo.
Get rid of the B and then we'll talk.
I hope the following is taken in the spirit it is intended... I've never heard of a black family adopting a white child before. I just looked it up, and it happens, but not often because of cultural stigmas in our society (a black man with a little white girl will attract a lot of attention). That said, I personally think it's just as legitimate as a white family adopting a black child - which is more common because it seems more okay; read: our society hasn't gotten past race based prejudice yet. And I guess neither have I because the casting of the upcoming FF movie struck me as weird at first. I don't like that I felt that way. So I wanted to acknowledging my own prejudice and open up the discussion because I think that's the only way we'll ever get past our prejudices and misunderstandings.
But yeah, I have no problem with this casting (or Human Torch being black). I think it could make for some interesting opposition to racial stereotypes. And God knows, there's been a severe lack of minority super hero characters on film.
a universe who's entire premise so far is social justice for minorities.
I WISH that was the entire premise. The comics would be a lot better.
I WISH that was the entire premise. The comics would be a lot better.
It's a stronger emphasis in the movies than it has been in the comics. The movies have mostly stayed away from the hard sci-fi space opera, time travel, alternate realities stories until now.