Hi, ourchair.
As you know, I'm another total Fantastic Four Fan. (Total Ultimate Fantastic Four fan. Geez...) So I looked at the movie in that kindly light. I enjoyed it, I saw it twice, and I bought the DVD the day it came out and I enjoy that too.
The movie you reviewed - excellent review! - reads a lot like the movie I saw. Not totally, because two people never see a movie exactly the same, but close. It's good, but not great.
6/10 from me.
The introduction of the characters was fast and good. There could not have been a better way to say hello to Johnny Storm than the stunt with him on his bike kissing his girl in the car.
I liked that we went by a direct path to the origin, merely alluding to events in the past. But I thought the fantastic event wasn't fantastic enough. I would have liked the space scenes to be flashier, and ideally to have no gravity, or some substitute for that, like clunky magnetic boots and/or tethers. I'm not asking for real science. There is no real science in the Fantastic Four, and I'm cool with that. Just make the environment seem more exotic, please. Make it more unusual, more fun.
The pseudo-science was lamer than it had to be. The temperatures for the Human Torch were silly, and there was no need for numbers at all. Doom and Reed quoting "Chemistry 101" at each other was weak. Since when is Reed made of rubber? He seems more to represent water. And what does happen when you rapidly cool hot metal, is Victor Von Doom being paralysed the typical consequence? This dialogue must have been hard to say. It was hard to listen to. The story did not need it.
I thought the fantastic family should have been slightly more loving and less dysfunctional. And there should have been a greater sense of fun. One more positive scene would have done it. Ben and Alicia might have added the extra touch of people successfully learning to get on with each other that I wanted.
But overall the movie was already good. I liked the breakfast table scene. That was pure Fantastic Four. And the Torch nailing the Thing with the duster and cream was
I will defend Jessica Alba, even though the crack about "Scientist Barbie with a Malibu Beach tan" is dead on the mark. As soon as I heard that Jessica Alba was going to be Sue Storm, I thought, against the people who told me the "bad" news" that this would work, and it mostly did. Sue Storm is a part that calls for drop dead beautiful, not a very good actress and pretty enough, like Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane Watson. Also, it was life and death that the actress be willing to open a comic book, form a reasonable opinion about who she was playing, and do her level best to put that character on screen. The Fantastic Four could not afford a Halle Berry. Jessica Alba is drop dead beautiful, she has a solid grasp of her character, and she put an honest effort in. Good enough for me.
I though Michael Chiklis
rocked - I thought he was better than Chris Evans, which is saying a lot. The rubber suit was fine. The scene where he could not pick up his engagement ring because of his rocky fingers was touching.
Yes he could have used another scene for the transformation - but he did get to make an explosive entrance later. The missing scene was not nearly as bad a flaw as Anna Paquin not getting an emotional scene to show Rogue giving up her power in
X-Men: The Last Stand (2006) - after which of course there was and could be no big, crashing scene for her.
I didn't like the Fantastic Four movie's Victor von Doom once he transformed. A bunch of what was wrong seemed completely unnecessary, just bad presentation. His mask was good but not quite there. His open coat and generally absent hood were bad, and there was no reason not to get them right. When he was wearing the mask, a human voice wasn't enough, and an electronically treated voice would have been better. There was no reason to have him firing lightning bolts always from arms hanging limply from his sides.
I have a serious case of envy for the kind of movie that Batman fans got in 2005, and for the two movies Spider-Man fans have gotten. I think the Hulk and X-Men movies are much better than
Fantastic Four (2005) too. But, the movie was still more good than bad for a Fantastic Four fan.
I look forward eagerly to sequels, preferably with the Fantastic Four flare pistols, the Fantasticar, a wedding, etcetera. :smile:
:rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: :rockon: