Fables series discussion (spoilers)

Ultimate Houde said:
Is this one going to contain the puppets and the Arabian tales, or just the Arabian tales?
Vol. 7 also includes the 2-part puppet-soldier story, "The Ballad of Rodney and June".

It will be released on June 28, according to Amazon.com.
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I've been out of the loop on this for a little while, (right after the first issue of Homelands which I absolutely loved) but I just got caught up on it the other night. I love this series. Anyways, I saw the preview for #49 (on Buzzscope, link below for anyone who hasn't seen it).


Also, these teasers were posted on the fabletown forums by Adam K.

Father and son encounter something strange in the wind.
A bunch of tattle-tales
Got him on the rebound.
Geez, is he whipped
Whisky and lots of it
Say good-bye to meat on a stick
Departures x 3 (or should I say x 6?).
Uh-oh, I guess he couldn't find him after all.
Signal(s) in the wind.
Nothing bad is coming (but that might depend on your definition of bad).

So, Bigby is gonna show up this issue, that I think is beyond dispute. Personally, I think Mowgli's been on a wild goose-chase and Bigby is going to appear on the Farm (which is what I think the last page with North and Snow alludes too). As for the rest of the teasers, I don't know :).
Father and son encounter something strange in the wind.

Maybe this alludes to Bigby and North

Say good-bye to meat on a stick

No more Colin showing up in Snow's dreams
Ok, so I thought I'd make some last minute guesses on these teasers, just to see how right or wrong I wind up being.

Father and son encounter something strange in the wind.

I still think this is referring to Bigby and Mr. North. Possibly in regards to something else that is coming, or possibly it's an ambigious way of telling us that we are finally going to see them meet and it's gonna be a trippy reunion. Still, there is the strong possibility that this could also refer to Bigby and the Seventh Cub.

A bunch of tattle-tales

Either this refers to the cubs or to the inhabitants of The Farm. It might also refer to the Mouse Police. Either way you slice it, I think it involves Bigby's appearance. If it's the Cubs, maybe the tell Rose or Snow. If it's the Farm Dwellers, it's just them sounding the general alert that Bigby is where he shouldn't be. If it's the Mouse Police, they tell Prince Charming. Actually, even though the cubs are the running bet, I think the Mouse Police have a strong underdog possibility here.

Got him on the rebound.

Hmmm. Could be in reference to Beauty, Beast and Charming. Or possibly something the whole menagerie of Blue and Ride. For some reason I got this sneaking suspicion that Rose has some designs on Blue. Or this might have something to do with Cinderella. We know from solicits she's going to be performing missions in the Cloud Kingdom and later Smalltown. Maybe this is how she gets ahold of Jack's magic beans (heh heh). Or maybe it means Humpty-Dumpty;).

Geez, is he whipped

You got to love ambiguous semantics. Could refer to whipped as in the docile sense, or in the physically dominated sense. Don't even know. For some reason, I think it might involve the dominated meaning rather than the romantic one. Or maybe somebody actually gets physically whipped with whips. Heh, heh, part of the whole "catching them on the rebound" thing.

Whisky and lots of it

I think this either refers to Frankenstein's head or the Forsworn Knight. Possibly something in regards to Bigby, but I don't think so. I lean more towards the first too. We know drink causes the Knight to speak and prophesize. We also know that Frank likes to drink. In either case, Bufkin was the guilty party. I'm leaning on the Knight getting some more screentime here, it seems like the time for it.

Say good-bye to meat on a stick

Either no more Colin in Snows dreams, or maybe just a really glib jibe on Mowgli not having to live in the wild anymore (we see him eating meat on a skewer in the preview;)).


Who knows. Riding Hood maybe? North? The Cubs? Thrushbeard for not getting enough screentime? Have to see.

Departures x 3 (or should I say x 6?).

Well, this is a tummy-teaser. A very obvious guess is the Cubs. However, I don't think so. I'm thinking various people are going to be moving to where they need to be for #50 and the coming storylines. I think some of them will be obvious, the others more offscreen (like Blues departure was). Cinderella is one of the departed, I think. So, the other five are a mystery.

Uh-oh, I guess he couldn't find him after all.

Mowgli finds out that he really has been on a goosechase all this time, because Bigby is either on the Farm or almost there. Or perhaps this is more subtle and somebody is looking for somebody else in the story.

Signal(s) in the wind.

This is where I get my idea that the final panel in the preview is an indication that Bigby is coming and North knows it. Or, maybe it's something more.

Nothing bad is coming (but that might depend on your definition of bad).

I'm really up for believing this just means that Bigby is finally going to reappear, and about damn time. There might be something more to it, but I don't care at this point.

Ok, now we just have to wait and see how totally wrong I was ;).
I was wondering when the next issue was coming out and it appears I've missed it... :(
You did, it explains where Bigby has been all these years, and Mowgli is the one who finds him.

At the end he comes back.

He was with a supposed human girl for the past couple of years as well.
Bigby sent me a copy. I read it. Fables rocks.
Last issue seemed somerhwat of an anti-climax and it left a bunch of dangling plots (a Willingham specialty, I realize). What happened to the Seventh Baby? Snow sent him/her/it to find Bigby something like a year ago. What drove the North Wind away? Who will Bigby's "ummm friend" turn out to be (since we are still following her storyline, there has to be something there)?

Next issue is the 50th anniversary issue with the "cute" cover that I don't actually believe will be the real cover.

hm. Has Willingham explained the exact relationship between the various fables worlds and the mundane world? The mundane world subconsciously absorbs the stories of all the fables in the various worlds. Presumably, this is the only dimension that does this. The Arabian fables don't seem to have heard the stories of the German fables, for instance. So, is the mundane world some sort of nexus that connects them all, and if so, why isn't the Adversary interested in the mundy world? Has this been touched on yet?
I think I've read in solicits that there is going to be some kind of summit between the Fables who live in the mundy world and the Adversary - which implies, anyway, that Willingham is going to explain it all a little more.

The Adversary did send his soldiers to take down the Fables and couldn't do it (that particular time, anyway), so we'll see how it works out.
Rhyo said:
I think I've read in solicits that there is going to be some kind of summit between the Fables who live in the mundy world and the Adversary - which implies, anyway, that Willingham is going to explain it all a little more.

The Adversary did send his soldiers to take down the Fables and couldn't do it (that particular time, anyway), so we'll see how it works out.

*nod* But his attack on the mundane world was only directed at the fables in exile, and didn't seem to be nearly as expansive as the full-on assaults he stages in other fables worlds.

Either way, that's exciting. One more question... Has Billingham stateed when and if there's going to be a definitive end to Fables?
Zombipanda said:
*nod* But his attack on the mundane world was only directed at the fables in exile, and didn't seem to be nearly as expansive as the full-on assaults he stages in other fables worlds.

Either way, that's exciting. One more question... Has Billingham stateed when and if there's going to be a definitive end to Fables?

No end that I know of (especially not with another mini and another on-going starting), but I can't keep up with the discussions on the official Fables website:

Zombipanda said:
Another mini? God Jesus. That's excellent.

I think the mini is just that short HC special. I could be wrong though, I don't check the Fables news.