Well-Known Member
Maybe I'm being stupid, but I'm raising my character to be a spell caster with one hand and a sword in the other. For the first 11 levels, he was beasting... Now he (Or I, I should say) is having trouble killing dudes.
Maybe I'm being stupid, but I'm raising my character to be a spell caster with one hand and a sword in the other. For the first 11 levels, he was beasting... Now he (Or I, I should say) is having trouble killing dudes.
I ended up really excelling once leveled up and put my skills into magic. For destruction, how do I get lightning or ice?
Aaaand the new patch corrupted my save file. 40 hours down the drain.
That sucks.
I heard there were problems with this patch. I haven't installed it yet. I am thinking I am gonna avoid it. Are you on PS3 or Xbox?
PS3, fortunately I have PSN+ so my save is backed up online. I found a fix too, delete your game install/info (not the save), then hop into Skyrim so it'll reinstall its info.
After reading this I immediately thought *product placement*
Although that's not a bad idea since I have like 6gb of free space left.
Back up plan is always good.
If you haven't seen it already, 100 Ways To Die In Skyrim. I've seen this like ten times and it doesn't get old.
Hilarious!!!!!!! I ****ing hate Benny Hinn
For a minute i thought you said Benny Hill and I was about to give you a talking to.
That's just one of many reasons why I hate him.