Earth-8107/1983 Timeline


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2024
Timeline placement and reasoning:
The Incredible Hulk

Due to Hulk being popular enough as to be frequently mentioned in conversation and even have his own TV show, I'm assuming the entire show happens before the Spider-Man programs, or at least the main events of them, due to "The Hulk Destroys Bruce Banner" mentioning Spider-Man, meaning he is already a known figure by then. We'll get to that later.

The year in which the show happens is unclear, though it's clearly the late 1970's - early 1980's. "Origin of the Hulk" references Star Wars, and at the time the show came out only 2 films were released, meaning the show takes place between 1977 and 1980.

"The Creature and the Cavegirl" explicitly has Bruce and the rest travel to 1.000.000 B.C. The timeline didn't seem to have experienced a divergence as in most cases of such time travel, so we can assume they're still in their reality. As they time travel, they also go over several other time periods, but I can't really assume just in which point of time they are.

"The Boy Who Saw Tomorrow" has Betty's shuttle slight scheduled on August 2, and has been moved up 6 weeks from the initial date, meaning she was meant to fly on September 13. The main events take place throughout 2 days before the flight.

Spider-Man and Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends
"The Capture of Captain America" shows Steve Rogers becoming Captain America in 1941 and getting frozen in 1945, as per main canon, meaning that the flashbacks in the documentary shown in the episode takes place around that time. The flashbacks of the Red Skull in "The Quest of The Red Skull" are also set sometime in the early-mid 1940's.
In "The Doom Report", Johan mentions that he served Doctor Doom for 30 years, placing the primary flashbacks in "Cannon of Doom", which shows Doom's origin, to be roughly in 1952. Later, Doom is given scholarship to study in college in America, placing these flashbacks at roughly the late 1950's.

Peter, Bobby and Angelica attend university, with the minimum age one can be accepted there is 18, meaning they're somewhere between those years or older. However, in "Under the Wizard's Spell" Peter mentions he attends college, and is granted college scholarship in "Along Came Spidey", but that could just be a formal term. We could assume that Peter is solidly 18 at the start of the series, starting in the year the main show began, 1981. The show seems to almost fully be set before "The Origin of The Spider-Friends", due to Peter operating alone. That entire show seems to be set in 1983, as per the alternate reality in which all three are killed. Again, more on that later.

"Revenge of the Green Goblin" takes place on Halloween and a day after it. In that same episode, the Green Goblin mentions his first encounter with Peter was 3 years ago, meaning they first met at 1978 at the exact same date, when Peter was 15, which aligns with his common origin of getting his powers at that age.

With that in mind, we could assume this encounter is set shortly after "Along Came Spidey", which tells Spider-Man's origin story. The same origin is also partially shown in "Arsenic and Aunt May", as told by the cousin of the burglar who killed Uncle Ben. The details in both origins slightly differ, however. In the burglar's cousin's recollection of events, Spider-Man slams the burglar to the wall of the warehouse, but in Peter's own recollection, he webs the burglar up as he passes out from shock. The burglar's cousin's story can instantly be ruled out as mostly inaccurate, due to him not being personally present when it happened.

Flashbacks in "The Origin of The Iceman" begin with him as a baby, seemingly around 1964, before moving to him at his first high school dance and him learning to control his powers, which seems to be set around 1979. This lines up nicely with Peter getting his powers at 1978, as Iceman meets Spider-Man for the first time, when he was already a known figure.

The middle events of "A Firestar is Born" take place in Angelica's junior high school years, meaning she's around 14 at that time, placing it at around 1977. Angelica states that Firestar was "truly" born at her senior high school years, meaning it's roughly 1978 also.

The "Doom Saga" episodes can be assumed to take place roughly across several days, so I'll stick them between each other.

"Curiosity Killed the Spider-Man", despite being released earlier, takes place during J. Jonah Jameson's New Year's party, and also having them count down all the way to the New Year, meaning it goes to 1982 from there.

"The Return of Kingpin" mentions Spider-Man has been fighting crime for 10 years, meaning it's chronologically the last episode in the overall timeline, taking place at 1988.

In "Spidey Meets the Girl from Tomorrow", despite the narration stating that Ariel and Bartow are from 5000 years in the future, they themselves state they're from the year 2593. It is stated they're from a different galaxy though, so maybe time flows differently there.

Despite Doctor Doom's empire seemingly falling in "Countdown to Doom" and Red Skull's soul literally being ejected from his body in "The Capture of Captain America" they would chronologically reappear, which... I suppose can be brushed off as them somehow regaining their losses for whatever reason? The comics pull the same thing every month and almost no one is complaining, so...

The main events of the show take place on Earth-8107, though it also featured several other realities. "The New Adventures of the Mighty Avengers" cartoon that Peter watches in "Arsenic and Aunt May" is designated by the Appendix as Earth-82026, the undone Green Goblin creature infested world from "The Triumph of the Green Goblin" is Earth-59957 and the future Ariel and Bartow come from in "Spidey Meets the Girl from Tomorrow" is Earth-83036.

Comic Continuity
The Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 3 #7 shows a reality called Earth-1983, where the Spider-Friends are murdered by Morlun. The series-adjacent comics, such as Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends and The Incredible Hulk vs. Quasimodo are stated to take place in the same reality, due to differences in continuity (such as Norman Osborn's niece Mona being named Norma in the comic). The "Deadpool and His Insufferable Pals" story from the 2016 Deadpool annual is a tricky one, and here's what the Appendix has to say about it:

A Doctor Octopus appears on an "Amazing Friends"-style world in Deadpool V Annual#4 (2016), but there is no indication this is actually on Earth-8107 or some other, similar world. One can rule out Earth-1983, however, as Firestar and Iceman are alive and well in that reality [the entry was written before they were revived]. Then again, the entire story could be a delusion within Deadpool-616's mind.

I support this statement, and I think this could be a yet another reality. The Appendix used to designate the main show reality as Earth-604829 before the handbook designations, so I assume this designation can be applied to this hypothetical reality.

(NOTE: i caught up on the shows on a torrent site, so sorry if the timecodes are a bit off haha)

Spider-Man: #ff1100
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends: #990000
The Incredible Hulk: #6aa84f

1.000.000 B.C.
The Incredible Hulk, 1x07: "The Creature and the Cavegirl" (0:09:11 - 00:10:06)
The Incredible Hulk, 1x07: "The Creature and the Cavegirl" (0:10:26 - 00:17:40)
The Incredible Hulk, 1x07: "The Creature and the Cavegirl" (0:17:49 - 00:21:54)


Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x13: "The Quest of The Red Skull" (0:08:06 - 0:08:26)

Spider-Man, 1x18: "The Capture of Captain America" (0:02:32 - 0:02:37)
Spider-Man, 1x18: "The Capture of Captain America" (0:02:40 - 0:03:01)


Spider-Man, 1x18: "The Capture of Captain America" (0:03:05 - 0:03:21)

c. 1952

Spider-Man, 1x17: "Cannon of Doom" (0:13:59 - 0:15:16)

c. 195?

Spider-Man, 1x17: "Cannon of Doom" (0:15:17 - 0:17:18)

c. 1964

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x01: "The Origin of The Iceman" (0:04:43 - 0:05:04)

c. 196?
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x03: "Along Came Spidey" (0:06:24 - 0:06:44)

c. 197?
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x02: "A Firestar is Born" (0:06:55 - 0:09:30)

c. 1977
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x02: "A Firestar is Born" (0:09:31 - 0:12:48)

c. 1978
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x01: "The Origin of The Iceman" (0:05:10 - 0:07:14)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x02: "A Firestar is Born" (0:12:49 - 0:18:33)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x02: "A Firestar is Born" (0:19:00 - 0:19:27)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x03: "Along Came Spidey" (0:06:45 - 0:12:48)
Spider-Man, 1x22: "Arsenic and Aunt May" (0:03:34 - 0:03:47)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x03: "Along Came Spidey" (0:12:56 - 0:14:36)
Spider-Man, 1x22: "Arsenic and Aunt May" (0:03:48 - 0:03:53)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x03: "Along Came Spidey" (0:14:37 - 0:15:34)
Spider-Man, 1x22: "Arsenic and Aunt May" (0:03:54 - 0:04:00)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x03: "Along Came Spidey" (0:15:35 - 0:16:06)
Spider-Man, 1x22: "Arsenic and Aunt May" (0:04:01 - 0:04:28)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x03: "Along Came Spidey" (0:16:07 - 0:16:50)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x03: "Along Came Spidey" (0:16:51 - 0:17:13)
Spider-Man, 1x10: "Revenge of the Green Goblin" (0:07:44 - 0:07:59)

October 31
Spider-Man, 1x10: "Revenge of the Green Goblin" (0:07:27 - 0:07:40)

Spider-Man, 1x10: "Revenge of the Green Goblin" (0:08:07 - 0:08:17)
Spider-Man, 1x10: "Revenge of the Green Goblin" (0:08:38 - 0:09:05)


The Incredible Hulk, 1x03: "Origin of the Hulk"
The Incredible Hulk, 1x01: "Tomb of the Unknown Hulk"
The Incredible Hulk, 1x02: "Prisoner of the Monster"
The Incredible Hulk, 1x04: "When Monsters Meet"
The Incredible Hulk vs. Quasimodo

The Incredible Hulk, 1x05: "The Cyclops Project"
The Incredible Hulk, 1x06: "Bruce Banner Unmasked"

The Incredible Hulk, 1x07: "The Creature and the Cavegirl" (0:00:00 - 0:09:10)
The Incredible Hulk, 1x07: "The Creature and the Cavegirl" (0:10:06 - 0:10:25)
The Incredible Hulk, 1x07: "The Creature and the Cavegirl" (0:17:41 - 0:17:48)
The Incredible Hulk, 1x07: "The Creature and the Cavegirl" (0:21:55 - 0:23:23)
The Incredible Hulk, 1x08: "It Lives! It Grows! It Destroys!"
The Incredible Hulk, 1x09: "The Incredible Shrinking Hulk"
The Incredible Hulk, 1x10: "Punks on Wheels"
The Incredible Hulk, 1x11: "Enter: She-Hulk"


July 31
The Incredible Hulk, 1x12: "The Boy Who Saw Tomorrow" (0:00:00 - 0:15:43)
August 1

The Incredible Hulk, 1x12: "The Boy Who Saw Tomorrow" (0:15:44 - 0:16:46)
August 2

The Incredible Hulk, 1x12: "The Boy Who Saw Tomorrow" (0:16:47 - 0:23:17)


The Incredible Hulk, 1x13: "The Hulk Destroys Bruce Banner"

Spider-Man, 1x01: "Bubble, Bubble, Oil and Trouble"
Spider-Man, 1x02: "Doctor Doom, Master of the World"
Spider-Man, 1x08: "The Doctor Prescribes Doom"
Spider-Man, 1x12: "The A-B-C's of D-O-O-M"
Spider-Man, 1x17: "Cannon of Doom" (0:00:00 - 0:13:57)
Spider-Man, 1x17: "Cannon of Doom" (0:17:19 - 0:21:51)
Spider-Man, 1x19: "The Doom Report"
Spider-Man, 1x21: "Countdown to Doom"
Spider-Man, 1x03: "Lizards, Lizards Everywhere"

October 31
Spider-Man, 1x10: "Revenge of the Green Goblin" (0:00:00 - 0:07:26)
Spider-Man, 1x10: "Revenge of the Green Goblin" (0:07:41 - 0:07:44)
Spider-Man, 1x10: "Revenge of the Green Goblin" (0:07:59 - 0:08:05)
Spider-Man, 1x10: "Revenge of the Green Goblin" (0:08:18 - 0:08:37)
Spider-Man, 1x10: "Revenge of the Green Goblin" (0:09:06 - 0:15:51)

November 1
Spider-Man, 1x10: "Revenge of the Green Goblin" (0:15:52 - 0:21:48)

December 31
Spider-Man, 1x04: "Curiosity Killed the Spider-Man" (0:00:00 - 0:03:07)


January 1
Spider-Man, 1x04: "Curiosity Killed the Spider-Man" (0:03:08 - 0:21:47)

Spider-Man, 1x05: "The Sandman is Coming"
Spider-Man, 1x06: "When Magneto Speaks... People Listen"
Spider-Man, 1x07: "The Pied Piper of New York Town"
Spider-Man, 1x09: "Carnival of Crime"
Spider-Man, 1x11: "Triangle of Evil"
Spider-Man, 1x13: "The Sidewinder Strikes!"
Spider-Man, 1x14: "The Hunter and the Hunted"
Spider-Man, 1x15: "The Incredible Shrinking Spider-Man"
Spider-Man, 1x16: "The Unfathomable Professor Gizmo"
Spider-Man, 1x18: "The Capture of Captain America" (0:00:00 - 0:02:31)
Spider-Man, 1x18: "The Capture of Captain America" (0:02:38 - 0:02:39)
Spider-Man, 1x18: "The Capture of Captain America" (0:03:31 - 0:22:38)
Spider-Man, 1x20: "The Web of Nephilia"
Spider-Man, 1x22: "Arsenic and Aunt May" (0:00:00 - 0:02:35)
Spider-Man, 1x22: "Arsenic and Aunt May" (0:02:36 - 0:02:40)
Spider-Man, 1x22: "Arsenic and Aunt May" (0:02:41 - 0:03:33)
Spider-Man, 1x22: "Arsenic and Aunt May" (0:04:29 - 0:21:49)
Spider-Man, 1x23: "The Vulture Has Landed"
Spider-Man, 1x24: "Wrath of the Sub-Mariner"
Spider-Man, 1x26: "Under the Wizard's Spell"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x05: "The Origin of the Spider-Friends"

Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x01: "The Triumph of the Green Goblin" (0:00:00 - 0:08:48)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x01: "The Triumph of the Green Goblin" (0:08:49 - 0:08:56)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x01: "The Triumph of the Green Goblin" (0:08:57 - 0:23:53)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x02: "The Crime of All Centuries"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x03: "The Fantastic Mr. Frump!"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x04: "Sunfire"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x05: "Swarm"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x06: "7 Little Superheroes"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x07: "Videoman"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x08: "The Prison Plot"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x09: "Spidey Goes Hollywood"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x10: "The Vengeance of Loki!"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x11: "Knights and Demons"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x12: "Pawns of the Kingpin"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x13: "The Quest of the Red Skull" (0:00:00 - 0:08:05)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 1x13: "The Quest of the Red Skull" (0:08:27 - 0:23:52)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x01: "The Origin of The Iceman" (0:00:00 - 0:04:42)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x01: "The Origin of The Iceman" (0:07:15 - 0:23:53)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x02: "A Firestar is Born" (0:00:00 - 0:06:54)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x02: "A Firestar is Born" (0:18:34 - 0:18:59)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x02: "A Firestar is Born" (0:19:28 - 0:23:51)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x03: "Along Came Spidey" (0:00:00 - 0:06:44)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x03: "Along Came Spidey" (0:12:49 - 0:12:55)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 2x03: "Along Came Spidey" (0:17:14 - 0:23:51)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x01: "Spider-Man Unmasked!"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x02: "The Bride of Dracula"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x03: "The Education of a Superhero"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x04: "Attack of the Arachnoid"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x06: "Spidey Meets the Girl from Tomorrow" (0:00:00 - 0:02:52)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x06: "Spidey Meets the Girl from Tomorrow" (0:04:47 - 0:20:47)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x06: "Spidey Meets the Girl from Tomorrow" (0:22:43 - 0:23:31)
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x07: "The X-Men Adventure"
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x08: "Mission: Save the Guardstar"
"Deadpool and His Insufferable Pals" - 2016 Deadpool annual
"Edge of Spider-Verse: Web of Fear" - The Amazing Spider-Man, Vol. 3 #7, pg. 15-16 [Earth-1983]

Spider-Man, 1x25: "The Return of Kingpin"


Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x06: "Spidey Meets the Girl from Tomorrow" (0:02:53 - 0:04:46) [Earth-83036]
Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, 3x06: "Spidey Meets the Girl from Tomorrow" (0:20:48 - 0:22:42) [Earth-83036]
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yes, i am aware the page is a little messed up at the moment and i'm working on fixing it
if nothing happens then i'll just screenshot the whole thing and post it here
There is a fix for when it glitches out, it's just that you have to type the whole part out separately. Do that for each bit and delete the glitched versions as you go along.
You can't copy/paste the glitches, or "fix them". You have to type out the incorrect parts from scratch, then delete the glitched version.
and this glitches are why i build the timeline from scratch directly in the site from the start.
I initially wanted to squeeze Spider-Woman into the mix, but again, zero clue as to where it would fit and would probably be very contradictory, considering that show also has a Dracula centered episode
From the Marvel Animated Universe Wiki

"Continuity wise Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends should actually take place before Spider-Man. In "The Crime of All Centuries" this is apparently the first time that Spider-Man has encountered Kraven the Hunter. Kraven even tricks Firestar into thinking he is a nice guy and she develops a crush on him. If Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends were to take place after Spider-Man than why didn't Spider-Man warn Firestar about Kraven? Additionally, in
"The Hunter and the Hunted" Spider-Man states that he had fought Kraven on several other occasions. Also, in "Countdown to Doom", Boris Karela betrays Doctor Doom and Doctor Doom is apparently killed, but in "The Fantastic Mr. Frump", Boris is shown to still be working for Doctor Doom who is still alive."
I already discussed the first point that can be brushed off as "Oh yeah uh he survived offscreen actually" the comics occasionally do
As for Boris still serving Doom, considering the show's fondness of hypnosis tropes, I don't see why he couldn't have just hypnotized him into continuing to serve him

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