Drive (FOX)

Just saw the first episode - it was pretty good! I'm looking forward to watching the next. I'll see how this one goes.

It's got Tim Minear as one of the bigwig producers which is a good thing. Tim Minear worked on Buffy, Angel, Firefly (which explains why Amy Acker, Richard Brooks, and Nathan Fillion are all in the show), and even The X-Files. I also think the show will change quite a bit come season two where the characters go into a particularly dark place, inverting the premise of the show in some way. Tim Minear wrote key episodes in Angel's second season which involved Angel refusing to help the Powers That Be save people and instead focus on revenge in destroying Wolfram & Hart. In The X-Files, Tim Minear wrote Gethsemane and Redux, the fourth-fifth season cliffhanger which is probably the best the X-Files ever got, where Mulder is found dead, having committed suicide after discovering that there are no, and never had been, real aliens and it was all a lie to divert attention from secret black ops military projects.

I can imagine such a similarity occurring in Drive, where a revelation propels the show into a darker, inverted version of itself. For example, in Drive's case, it could be that it changes from a race for a prize and into a hunt for revenge or possibly a retreat, a running away from danger into hiding and a sanctuary. I doubt it will simply be a race for year after year.
Just saw the first episode - it was pretty good! I'm looking forward to watching the next. I'll see how this one goes.

It's got Tim Minear as one of the bigwig producers which is a good thing. Tim Minear worked on Buffy, Angel, Firefly (which explains why Amy Acker, Richard Brooks, and Nathan Fillion are all in the show), and even The X-Files. I also think the show will change quite a bit come season two where the characters go into a particularly dark place, inverting the premise of the show in some way. Tim Minear wrote key episodes in Angel's second season which involved Angel refusing to help the Powers That Be save people and instead focus on revenge in destroying Wolfram & Hart. In The X-Files, Tim Minear wrote Gethsemane and Redux, the fourth-fifth season cliffhanger which is probably the best the X-Files ever got, where Mulder is found dead, having committed suicide after discovering that there are no, and never had been, real aliens and it was all a lie to divert attention from secret black ops military projects.

I can imagine such a similarity occurring in Drive, where a revelation propels the show into a darker, inverted version of itself. For example, in Drive's case, it could be that it changes from a race for a prize and into a hunt for revenge or possibly a retreat, a running away from danger into hiding and a sanctuary. I doubt it will simply be a race for year after year.
I think the genius of Tim Minear is that he can work with any premise. I mean The Inside seemed like just another generic investigation procedural show, and while I can't say it was 'excellent', he knew how to guide his writers and actors to a place that seemed interesting at least before it got cancelled.

Too bad I'll have to wait 13-26 weeks before I can get a nice bootleg of it.
Bass beat me to it, partially.

Now, for all you Firefly freaks out there, the last episode of Firefly, with the Bounty Hunter? Remember him? The creepy guy.

He's the cop that's investigating Fillon's wife's disappearance.


Anyways, the show is good, and after watching all three episodes, I'm excited I finally have something to watch on Monday nights

But this is Fox, they'll cancel it after they move it to Friday night.
So it got incredibly better after episode 3. Them diving into Nathan's past also made some other previous moments make sense.....particularly when he tried stealing that Charger and when he popped it in gear it died on him. Knowing now that he used to be a wheelman would explain why he changed once he got into the car.

And maybe it's just the motorhead in me....but did anyone else wanna cry when they brought back his old car? Anyways.....

The show is really good......but there's a lot of plot holes. But assume they'll be filled as the season moves along.
I'm waiting for Fillon to flip out, and start taking names. At one point in this season, he's going to kill some of the people working for the Cabal

And the lady with the baby


The preview was the same preview that aired last night.

And I love the opening squenence in the show. Tis great
Episode 3 was cool. But sadly, there were some scenes that didn't have Nathan Fillion in them. Always a mistake.

Actually, the whole show is pretty good at the moment. Definately looking forward to the next episode.
Episode 3 was cool. But sadly, there were some scenes that didn't have Nathan Fillion in them. Always a mistake.

Actually, the whole show is pretty good at the moment. Definately looking forward to the next episode.
True and true!
I guessed Susie was talking about the younger black lady whe she kept going "You were going to win this race", and the person that run them off the road was obviously a member of the Cabal, mad that they took a cell phone for their own use.

With the robbery I knew something was going to **** up. Is it wrong that I find the more better parts about the brothers and Tully, and the rest of the cast can leave and I wouldn't care?
They had the lion's share of this episode by a long way, which is why they're more interesting. Heist > Argument about AWOL.

That said, I like the other characters. I like the dad and his daughter (even though they didn't appear in the episode albeit briefly), and I quite like the army guy and his wife. The only characters I don't care for are the mother and the blonde girl with her. The blonde girl is quite unlikeable, and the mother is too erratic. Her character requires you to care more about her baby than the race, and that's just not going to happen. Everytime she puts her baby above the race, I'll sigh because I won't care.

As for Tully - it's his show really.