Twilight of the Superheroes Trilogy
Done as trilogy as too much for one self contained movie
Plot :
This Film starts off Rip Hunter walking through the streets. He is looking for John Constantine to give him an important message. Maybe the most important message he could ever give to someone.
He finds him and tells him that John Constantine of the future told him to track him down. They walk off to talk to each other. This is to set up the entire trilogy. In an odd sort of way the first 2 movies will be Rip Hunter explaining the future to John Constantine.
The future
An apocalyptic war between superheroes is about to be waged. This will not end well if it comes true. How it happened was in 2012 earlier society was starts to break down. Villains see the opportunity and take it to exploit what is happening for their own selfish needs.
The Justice League have had enough. Pushed too far they decide to plan and mount up. They remove every villain permanently. While this may seem like a good thing it is not. It sets of a chain event that will change the world as we know it.
The League is then seen as the only force for reason and order. The pressure mixed with a new found ego becomes too much. Soon they pass a motion outlawing aliens from Earth! This is not a popular decision and soon turns heroes against heroes.
The smaller supergroups (like the Titans) Do not wish to be associated with the League. This continues and continues until they all split off in to "houses". The houses are as follows :
House of Steel , House of Thunder , House of Titans , House of Mystery , House of Justice , House of Tomorrow , House of Lanterns and House of Secrets (Made up of villains who are still alive after the justice leagues attack)
Story Skips forward 30 Years
We now see the Houses as they have evolved. But not all of the members are at war. Superboy (House of Steel and the son of Superman and Wonder woman or Superwoman as she is now called) and Mary Marvel Jr (House of thunder and the daughter of Mary Marvel and Captain Marvel) are getting married in a Romeo and Juliet type way.
The two most powerful Houses are about to unite, The leaders of both houses know if this happens they would have the strength to rule all other houses. What they don't know is the House of thunder has a secret that cold destroy it from with in.
Captain Marvel's own son and wife, Captain Marvel Jr. and Mary Marvel are having an affair. They fear what would happen if Captain Marvel found out. What would it also mean for the house? But yet they are in love should they keep going? They are also mother and son. Isn't that wrong? So much conflict , more so than a normal affair.
The union of the houses is feared by the House of Titans, House Justice and the House of Secrets. The House of Secrets is the most scared. They should be too. They fear the attack the Justice league made years ago will be repeated on their group.
The House of Lanterns (Located on Mars after the no alien rule) is planning an invasion. The likes of which is off the charts. Their invasion plan includes the use of Hawkpeople , green Martians and of course Green Lantern Corps.
Movie 3
This movie will be all about John Constantine and Rip Hunter meeting up with the Justice league. They have decided all the events started because of the leagues attack so if they can talk them out of ever doing it then the future will be changed.
During the talk it will cut to the future showing the war happen and hundreds of heroes dying. The war will be in size the size of the war in Lord of the rings. Maybe just a little smaller. It will be shown however in the same style as the fights in 300 so it gets right in on the action.
BUT after the league has finished been told the film will end with the future literally rewinding and be shown as a more peaceful future. Before cutting back again to present day where we see Constantine finding a letter.
Constantine reads what may turn out to be the ultimate "Dear John" letter. Written by his future self, the letter apologizes for using his younger self so cynically, but assures John the younger that it's all for the best. The older Constantine having the advantage of hindsight, can remember everything that happened to his younger self, including meeting with Rip Hunter, getting told a terrible story and then launching on a mission to warn everybody affected of what waited in their future and how they might avert it. The elder Constantine can even remember how that all worked out: The world of Twilight came about anyway, often because of people's actions in response to his warning. He can even remember getting a letter handed to him, exactly the same as this one. He muses briefly over the paradox of who really wrote the letter originally before apologizing to his younger self again and consoling him with the fact that a wonderful woman is waiting in his near future, and that she will be worth everything.
Reading the letter, the younger Constantine is furious. It has turned out that there is someone craftier than John Constantine... namely, John Constantine twenty years older and smarter. Constantine has been conned by himself. Worse, since the person who tricked him is twenty years away in an unreachable future, Constantine has no way of getting vengeance upon the person who did this to him. Angered and enraged, he goes into a bar and sits with the crumpled letter in his hand, getting drunk. This is the end of the story, and we only have a final one-page epilogue that takes us back to the beginning, now that we've come full circle. The woman enters the bar and notices John, asking him for a light. He looks up and their eyes meet. She is beautiful. He knows instantly that he could love this woman forever. Knows who she is, knows how happy him and all his future selves are going to be with her... and finally, perversely, he understands how he can have his revenge against his future self, how he can avert the circumstances that lead to Twilight by throwing a small but important spanner into the workings of destiny.
"Excuse me, have you got a light?"
Constantine looks at her and blinks twice before replying.
"No. I'm sorry. I don't smoke."
The woman shrugs, and after a while leaves the bar without speaking to Constantine any further. After she's gone he sits, dead drunk at a dimly lit corner table, and cries his cold and cynical heart out.
Note : I would have altered that ending or changed some things but it seemed to powerful and mind blowing to change that it would be a shame to do so.
Cast :
Rip Hunter – Jonathan Frakes – Rip Hunter seems in many ways to be close to been like Riker in Star trek the next generation. I tried to find someone like Riker but decided only Jonathan Frakes will do this part justice.
John Constantine – Christopher Eccleston - I needed an actor who was English but that was the not the important factor. He needs to be an actor who can play gritty but also distant and a loner. Christopher Eccleston is perfect for this.
Superman – Brian Krause – He would need to bulk up but when looking at superman I had in a way TWO characters to cast. I needed the Man of steel and hero all , big blue of scout of now. And a man who was a tough leader , a father , a husband and about to go to war.
Brian Krause can play the nice guy like superman is now BUT he plays it so well he is normally cast in the role. He is not normally given the chance to play more darker which superman in the future would have to be so why not take advantage of his range and surprise some people with it.
Superwoman (wonder woman) – Bridgette Wilson – Another I had two characters. One the *** kicking warrior that is Wonder woman the other a mother and someone who is worried about what the war may bring.
Now this choice may get me a lot of slack but I like it as we have seen her in the roles needed. I looked at other actresses but they were mostly great at one and crap at the other so I figure I will settle for very good at both.
Supergirl – Hayden Panettiere – This is the daughter of Superman and Superwoman. She is kind hearted and loving (unlike her brother) and a very sweet but confident character. After heroes there was NO other choice for me but her.
SuperBoy – Aaron Stanford – Alan Moore described him as "Bad news" This got me thinking. And as I wrote the plot description all I could think was Pyro from X-men movies. I think he was great in that role and so he's right for my son of Superman and Superwoman
Captain Marvel – Kevin Sorbo – Another choice bound to get me slack. But I see Marvel as basically been like Hercules but just a bit darker. I know he can play the hero and the leader both of which is needed for this.
Mary Marvel – Sigourney Weaver – I needed an actress who was powerful to be believed as Mary Marvel , Could play a loving mother to her daughter , could play a seductress to seduce her son and if she was scared by war you knew it would be bad. Sigourney Weaver is all of them.
Mary Marvel Jr. – Mila Kunis – I wanted someone who could play the blushing bride to be. She needed to be cute not just in looks but in a way that makes you really want to push for their wedding. Also superboy is a bad boy she needed to be a girl who could balance that out and help him be nicer like his dad.
Captain Marvel Jr. – Tobey Maguire – I know he is Spider-man and that makes this very unlikely but I wanted Captain Marvel Jr. to have a nervousness about him for having an affair with his mother. I see him also looking up to his father and Tobey Maguire's natural nervousness makes him spot on for what I wanted