thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
That's not original.
That's not original.
That's not original.
I made this statement earlier to TOG. And better:Great concept, moony. Except you should've given Danny Trejo a blade-related name like Machete or Dagger Charlie....
Desert Eagle is an awesome bad guy name.
However, I object to the fact that Danny Trejo's character has a name that does not suggest some kind of sharp object like a knife or something. (e.g. "Uncle Machete" and "Razor Charlie").
Also, why is the Black Dragon not um, you know, black?
I'll vote a second time.
For myself.
Moonmaster it is.
My awesomeness knows no bounds!
Didn't you say you had two ideas? PM them to me.Next time Moony, NEXT TIME! *shakes fist*
Ourchair – B.D. Wong
Ourchair is a manipulative figure; he is always scheming and pulling strings. I'm certain Wong would be great. Plus all Asians look alike.
I think there are a lot of fun choices for the Alan Moore one, but the anime one would finally allow me to post my idea for live-action, American Akira.
Oh I can imagine it.American Akira? ....How?