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WARCRAFT: Eternitys' End
Returning Characters
Jaina, Tichondrius, Archimonde
New Characters
Thrall - The Rock
The Rock seems perfect for Thrall, he is young enough, no stranger to action, and is a decent actor. I think the role of the young Warchief is perfect for him

Grom Hellscream - Ron Perlman
Ron is no stranger to makeup (see Hellboy), and can get the intensity and rage of Grom down well.

Cairne Bloodhoof (voice)- Morgan Freeman
Freemans' voice is just spot on for the old and wise leader of the Tuaren people.

Tyrande - Scarlett Johansson
Scarlett just seems to fit the look for Tyrande, besides Tyrande wears very little. Which is how I like my Scarlett.

Malfurion - Viggo Mortenson
Viggo can pull off the wise, intense Malfurion perfectly, a very similar role to his in LOTR.

Illidan - Johnny Depp
Depp can do the slightly crazed, twisted Illidan. You know it, I know it.

Mannoroth (voice)- Vladimir Kulich
The voice of the Beast in Angel just seems to sum up Mannoroth, a living war machine, and bringer of death.

The Prophet/Medivh - Ian McDiarmid
The shadowy, mysterious Prophet? The Last Guardian who brought war to Azeroth? McDiarmid.

The second film will alternate between The Orcish warchief, Thrall, and his second in command, Grom Hellscream, as they cross the great oceans
to the western lands of Kalimdor, where they befriend the mighty Tauren (think Minotaur) chieftain, Cairn Bloodhoof and the Night Elves Tyrande Whisperwind, and the druid Malfurion Stormrage as they struggle against the Scourge. While Thrall had left to speak to the mysterious Oracle (actually the shadowy Prophet) Grom, after his lumber gathering actions anger the Night Elves, succumbs to corruption in order to defeat them and consumes the Pit Lord Mannoroths blood, binding him to the Legion.
The prophet informs both Jaina, who is now in Kalimdor (after she was told by the prophet to go west - shown in flashback), and Thrall of Grom's fall and the two rescue him from the demon's influence.
Grom pledges to slay Mannoroth,and he and Thrall track him to a canyon, where they fight. Grom eventually kills the pit lord, dying in the process.
While Malfurion wakens the rest of the Night Elf Druids, Tyrande frees Illian Stormrage, Malfurion's brother, from his eternal prison.
Malfurion is furious but eventually allows Illian to work with them, until he discovers the mysterious Skull of Gul'dan, an ancient artifact that he consumes, and afterwards uses his new, demonic powers to kill Tichondrius. When Malfurion discovers what Illian has done to himself, he banishes his brother from Kalimdor.
The Legions forces have now began their attack on kalimdor, and head for the great World Tree. Tyrande and Malfurion join forces with Thrall and Jaina in a joint attack on the legions army, lead by Archimonde himself, who is intent on draining the power from the World Tree.
Archimonde overruns the allies lines, climbs Mount Hyjal and starts to drain the power from the World Tree, but Malfurion springs a trap. The Wisps, spirits of deceased Night Elves and powerful nature spirits are summoned and they swarm the Demon lord, detonating their energies at once, destroying both Archimonde and the World Tree, stripping the Night Elves of
their immortality, but saving all of Azeroth.
The final moments of the film show the destruction the Legion has brought to Azeroth, all of Lordaeron in ruins and being consumed by the Scourge plague , turning this once proud land into the twisted Plaguelands. The fnal shot of the film will be of Northrend, showing a massive frozen citidel, and zooming inside showing an ice covered throne where an empty suit of armour is left frozen
as if it were being worn by an invisible entity. The eyes of the helmet glow, starting to melt holes in the ice, and the film ends.
Final film Warcraft: the Frozen Throne to follow