DreamMovie #17- I am the Vengeance, I am the Knight...

Nice one Proj. Heh, everyone's making Penguin an English arms dealer. Interesting that Dick doesn't appear until the end. Cool references. Pedophiles with hats, I like it. The Iceclub Lounge as a club, cool.

I always considered Ken Watanabe's role in Begins to be "Ubu," since he was the decoy. However, we see later on that Ra's has other assassins who could be used as decoys.

Mole, making Robin a motorcross freak was a nice touch. He could just use his motorcross outfit as his costume (because it's probably styled in red, green, yellow, and black, like Robin's costume should be....but it sounds like you're going for the Nightwing route right away). I still don't think Poison Ivy would work in Nolan's universe though....
Nice one Proj. Heh, everyone's making Penguin an English arms dealer. Interesting that Dick doesn't appear until the end. Cool references. Pedophiles with hats, I like it. The Iceclub Lounge as a club, cool.

That's because the Penguin as an English arms dealer is so much cooler than him being a little freak with a bird/umbrella fetish. It also fits in a lot with Nolan's vision.

And I thought The Iceclub Lounge was always a club?
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That's because the Penguin as an English arms dealer is so much cooler than him being a little freak with a bird/umbrella fetish. It also fits in a lot with Nolan's vision.

Yeah, I know. It's an excellent idea. But everyone's using it.

(because it's a good idea)
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*edited to make The Penguin a robot from the future*

*also he's a woman*

*and likes to do it with goats*

This movie will be brilliant.
I have an idea.

Batman & Robin are an ambiguously gay duo, Penguin is a goat-****ing female robot from the future, Talia Head is a porn star, the Riddler is a ninja, Bane is a pirate, Man-Bat is a zombie, and Catwoman is a hooker (sadly, there has already been a hooker Catwoman in Batman: Year One).
So, I've been reading a Magician's Tale, and it signaled a spark that I'm going to incorporate into my pitch (and which gives me a neat resolution to the assault on Wayne Manor). Selina Kyle suffers from severe achromatism. Basically, she has to wear heavy dark shades in well lit spaces or her vision fades to all white, but she can see in the dark with perfect vision... like a cat.
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So, I've been reading a Magician's Tale, and it signaled a spark that I'm going to incorporate into my pitch (and which gives me a neat resolution to the assault on Wayne Manor). Selina Kyle suffers from severe achromatism. Basically, she has to wear heavy dark shades in well lit spaces or her vision fades to all white, but she can see in the dark with perfect vision... like a cat.

You, sir, are kicking *** left and right in this Dreamcasting. Seriously, I'd actually like to see your movie made. The plot is intricate (especially in the reading), but translated to screen it wouldn't be overly so. Its intelligent, exciting, and jumps right into exploring the characters exactly as they should be explored in Nolan's Batman.

My ONLY complaint is it might come off as a little too busy with the amount of characters. In Begins the focus of the movie was Batman / Scarecrow / Ras, TDK was Batman / Joker / Two-Face. Yours would be juggling Batman / Catwoman / Bane / Harley Quinn / Riddler / Penguin / Talia. You've more than doubled the amount of major starring/supporting characters. This doesn't even take into account characters like Gordon, Alfred, Lucius, etc. I realize roles like Penguin, Nash/Riddler, and Harley Quinn would probably be smaller roles with less screen time, but I still think its a little heavy on the amount of characters which your incredible plot depends on. I think the best approach to take with this movie would be to go the opposite direction of the Spider-Man 3's and X-Men 3's and focus on less characters/villains so that the real meat of the story isn't overshadowed merely by character development (which yours certainly isn't anyway, but just saying).

Just some constructive criticism on my part merely because I'm so otherwise blown away by your pitch. Seriously, you might want to start hammering out a script or at least a treatment and try to find a way to get it to Warner Bros. Just in case.
You, sir, are kicking *** left and right in this Dreamcasting. Seriously, I'd actually like to see your movie made. The plot is intricate (especially in the reading), but translated to screen it wouldn't be overly so. Its intelligent, exciting, and jumps right into exploring the characters exactly as they should be explored in Nolan's Batman.

My ONLY complaint is it might come off as a little too busy with the amount of characters. In Begins the focus of the movie was Batman / Scarecrow / Ras, TDK was Batman / Joker / Two-Face. Yours would be juggling Batman / Catwoman / Bane / Harley Quinn / Riddler / Penguin / Talia. You've more than doubled the amount of major starring/supporting characters. This doesn't even take into account characters like Gordon, Alfred, Lucius, etc. I realize roles like Penguin, Nash/Riddler, and Harley Quinn would probably be smaller roles with less screen time, but I still think its a little heavy on the amount of characters which your incredible plot depends on. I think the best approach to take with this movie would be to go the opposite direction of the Spider-Man 3's and X-Men 3's and focus on less characters/villains so that the real meat of the story isn't overshadowed merely by character development (which yours certainly isn't anyway, but just saying).

Just some constructive criticism on my part merely because I'm so otherwise blown away by your pitch. Seriously, you might want to start hammering out a script or at least a treatment and try to find a way to get it to Warner Bros. Just in case.

Hah. Thanks. But I'd really have a snowball's chance in hell of it getting anywhere near Warner, and I'm really weak at film writing. Besides, the Animaniacs filed a restraining order against me.

And I do think I definitely introduced too many characters. There would be almost no focus on Gordon, emphasizing how isolated Batman's become from his support. Looking back, I'd probably bump Riddler from the pitch, and if it actually went to the script-writing phase, I'd probably have to bump either Talia or Harley as well.... But now I'm knee deep into it, so I may as well just finish off the pitch with everyone. But Bane's done, except a coda near the end, and Harley and Cobblepot will probably collide together practically at the start of act three (Act two's gonna encompass the assault on Wayne Manor).

Edit: Thinking on it, it would probably work better as two independent scripts. The first introducing Kane, Cobblepot and Kyle in smaller supporting roles, with the focus being on Nashton's hunt for the Batman and the rise of the Clown Disciples (although, could Harley Quinn pull a film, or would it feel too derivative of the Joker?), focusing on class wardare. Then a second script introducing Bane, Kyle as Catwoman, and Kane as Talia Al Ghul, with Ozzie stepping up to a bigger role as well.
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*Note* You cannot vote for this movie.

BATMAN: Knightfall​

Act One:

It has been one year since the events of The Dark Knight. As Gordon and Batman discussed at the conclusion of the film, Batman took the blame for Harvey Dent's murders of five people. During this year, Bruce has been seeing a woman known as Selina Kyle, who he sees as a kindred spirit. Though he has found someone he could love as much as Rachel he keeps himself distanced from her. Gordon is reluctantly leading a manhunt against a man that he knows is innocent. During this year Bruce has finished construction of Wayne manor and his Bat-Cave. Bruce Wayne has been showing up less and less to meetings at Wayne Enterprises and Lucius is getting concerned about his more and more reclusive lifestyle. He continues on crime fighting despite Alfred's insistence that he lay low until the manhunt has been called off. Bruce is adamant that he continues his war against crime as Roman Sionis; a man calling himself the Black Mask has taken control of the Gotham mafia and is causing more damage than his predecessors. He has been trafficking a new type of drug into Gotham's crime circles. Batman discovers that this new drug, known on the street as venom, is responsible for bouts of intense roid rage and enhanced strength. Batman is having trouble with some of the thugs using this drug and now going by the name of, the Jokers. Batman is concerned that his nemesis is inspiring more and more people every day while he is hated by the populace of Gotham. To raise his hopes, Alfred insists that he goes out on a date with Selina Kyle, and the two prepare to go to Haly's Circus, where the Flying Graysons are performing.
Before the show, the youngest of the Graysons, Dick, sees a man that the owner of the circus calls "Fats." The man informs him that Sionis requires the circus for his drug trafficking. The owner refuses and Zucco promises him that he'll regret it. As Bruce and Selina watch the circus together, Bruce notices that some of the acrobatic moves shown on stage remind him of the opera that he saw as a child the night his parents were murdered. Before the beginning of their act, Dick goes to his parents and tells him that he saw something strange before with the owner but his father tells him to focus on the performance. As they begin their performance above the act Bruce watches on as the young boy enjoys the act with his parents until his father swings out onto a rope and catches his mother. The rope breaks as the parents both plummet to the ground. Everyone in the crowd goes wild as the people go and help the parents as Bruce watches the young boy who is now orphaned. Eventually Bruce takes the boy in to look after him, feeling a kindred spirit in him.
During this time several crimes have been have been perpetrated by a man who leaves intricate riddles at the scene of his crimes. Wayne attempts to find a connection to these crimes and Black Mask but is interrupted when he hears of a hostage situation involving the Jokers gang at Gotham Bank. Bruce breaks into the bank and takes down several of the Jokers, after he leaves them tied up he finds several of the GCPD on the roof, waiting for him. A chase ensues and Batman is shot several times in the back by police officers and falls off of a rooftop. He barely makes an escape and returns to the Bat-Cave where Alfred stitches him up. As Bruce is spending more nights away from the mansion, Dick feels more and more vengeful against Zucco and decides to confront him. Alfred tells Bruce that Dick went out, and Bruce puts his suit back on to prevent him from acting on his rage, like he almost did. Dick almost kills Zucco but is stopped by the Batman. Batman then interrogattes Zucco as to who he's working for but Zucco has a heart attack in the process and dies. Batman then takes Dick to the cave. Dick gets angry at Batman for denying him his revenge but he stops him. There, Bruce reveals his secret to him, telling him that he can help. The first act ends with Bruce telling Dick, "Welcome to the war." Act one would end with Batman taking Dick in as his eventual partner.

The cast so far...

Robin: Max Thieriot


This Robin is very similar to the one seen in Dark Victory, except about 17 years old, which is a perfect age for the Boy Wonder in one of these films. Robin's going to act as the one that Bruce sees as his replacement. Bruce never wanted to do this his whole life, and Dick is going to be the one to eventually take his place. He's initially a very angry kid because of his parents' murders, but turns into the bright beacon of hope that helps inspire Bruce to greatness. Max Thieriot is 19 years old and looks young enough to pull off the boy wonder.

Catwoman: Selma Blair


Selina Kyle is never really shown as Catwoman, she's alluded to as being a cat burglar but mostly acts as Bruce's love interest who doesn't take to his constant ambandonment and distance. She could be set up for a future sequel but is mostly Selina in this one. I think Selma Blair has the right look for Selina, but also has the inherent toughness needed for the character.

Black Mask: Adam Baldwin


Black Mask will act in the capacity that Falcone and Maroni did in the first films. The only difference is that he represents the escalation that is apparant in these films. He is always seen in public with his real face showing because he's untouchable, but is given the name Black Mask because of his penchant of wearing a skull mask while committing crimes, which he loves to do in person. He has a legitamite buisness front as well, which makes him a parallel to Bruce Wayne and to Batman. I think Adam Baldwin has qualities that make him very menacing as a villain for Batman. He'd try and get at his rival Wayne by attacking Selina, leading to a brutal attack by Batman.

Tony "Fats" Zucco: Vincent Pastore


Zucco fills the exact same capacity that he did in Dark Victory, he's a slimeball and is working for Black Mask but is important in that he leads to the creation of Robin. Vincent Pastore has that sleazy look to him that Zucco needs, he's not as brash as the other bosses around Gotham but is still dangerous in his acts.
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Selma Blair as Catwoman is great and I'm surprised others haven't thought of it.
Enh, I don't really like Selma Blair. But Adam Baldwin and Vincent Pastore are great.
Hah. Thanks. But I'd really have a snowball's chance in hell of it getting anywhere near Warner, and I'm really weak at film writing. Besides, the Animaniacs filed a restraining order against me.


Still, man, very impressive. A treatment alone to be handed off to a script-writer will still get you a nice check. I know its near impossible to pull off, but still think its worth a try.

And I do think I definitely introduced too many characters. There would be almost no focus on Gordon, emphasizing how isolated Batman's become from his support.

That makes sense. I'd still like Gordon to play a minor role, more along the lines of Begins as opposed to his larger role in TDK, mainly because Oldman's performance in the first two really clicked with me. I was never as big a fan of Gordon as I was after seeing Begins, and even moreso after TDK. Oldman injects such a perfect humanism to the role.

The isolation aspect, though, of Batman now being fully on his own, makes perfect sense given the ending of TDK.

Looking back, I'd probably bump Riddler from the pitch, and if it actually went to the script-writing phase, I'd probably have to bump either Talia or Harley as well.... But now I'm knee deep into it, so I may as well just finish off the pitch with everyone. But Bane's done, except a coda near the end, and Harley and Cobblepot will probably collide together practically at the start of act three (Act two's gonna encompass the assault on Wayne Manor).

Riddler (along with Catwoman) were my favorite in your casting. Love the spin you put on their backgrounds. But the Wayne Manor thing...maybe a little too reminiscent of Begins? Could it be adapted for an assault on the Batcave itself, or would that ruin what you have, or come off as too comic book-y?

Edit: Thinking on it, it would probably work better as two independent scripts. The first introducing Kane, Cobblepot and Kyle in smaller supporting roles, with the focus being on Nashton's hunt for the Batman and the rise of the Clown Disciples (although, could Harley Quinn pull a film, or would it feel too derivative of the Joker?), focusing on class wardare. Then a second script introducing Bane, Kyle as Catwoman, and Kane as Talia Al Ghul, with Ozzie stepping up to a bigger role as well.

Either way, man, the ideas you're putting forth are really inredible (IMO). This idea is a Nolan Batman all the way, as far as I'm concerned.

Selma Blair as Catwoman is great and I'm surprised others haven't thought of it.

I like the idea as well.

Still, man, very impressive. A treatment alone to be handed off to a script-writer will still get you a nice check. I know its near impossible to pull off, but still think its worth a try.

But, it would be time and creativity that could be spent more productively working on writing projects that are (less ambitious but) more likely to find a route to production, and come from my own mind rather than tinkering with properties owned by other people.

DIrishB said:
That makes sense. I'd still like Gordon to play a minor role, more along the lines of Begins as opposed to his larger role in TDK, mainly because Oldman's performance in the first two really clicked with me. I was never as big a fan of Gordon as I was after seeing Begins, and even moreso after TDK. Oldman injects such a perfect humanism to the role.

Oldman's great as Gordon. Definitely under-rated.

Riddler (along with Catwoman) were my favorite in your casting. Love the spin you put on their backgrounds. But the Wayne Manor thing...maybe a little too reminiscent of Begins? Could it be adapted for an assault on the Batcave itself, or would that ruin what you have, or come off as too comic book-y?

Very valid point. I was worried about it being too close to the scene in the first movie, but figured it could come off as homage. But the Batcave simply wouldn't work. If I were going a different route, maybe, but as I've set it up, that just wouldn't work for a few reasons. For one, the target is Bruce Wayne, not Batman. Bruce represents the social disparity that the Clown Disciples are railing against, and he just fosters that resentment by using "Wayne" as a buffoon personality to cover his trails as the Batman. But they aren't targeting him because he's Batman. They're targeting him because he's a self-indulgent fop. The CD are all French Revolution up in here. Second, it needs to be public. It needs to put Nashton there, in a crowd full of costumes, trying to glean the Batman from the crowd; needs Selina Kyle, slinking around as she extricates little pieces from Wayne for her upcoming burglary of Wayne Towers, plus I really really want to highlight the achromatism (I think it's the one thing that really separates her from every other version of Catwoman out there); needs Bruce front and center so he can be taken off of Nashton's short-list of Batman candidates (forcing Nashton to think more creatively, and look more discretely at Wayne's butler, Alfred) and forces him to see first hand the causes of crime rather than the symptoms. The key theme of the story is social responsibility and the intent is to shift a large part of the focus from Batman to Bruce Wayne. Third, if some mugs in clown makeup are able to figure out Batman's identity, that just makes Nashton look like a chump. Fourth, if I remove the angle of Intergang giving guns to the Disciples (which is clunky, and doesn't make a lot of sense), it allows me to put in a third act set piece I really want to do, where Ozzie's bodyguards storm a clown safehouse. Luckily, I think there's a fairly easy solution. Move the party to Kane Manor. It frees up the question of why Bruce Wayne is throwing a lavish Halloween party when he really needs to be doing work as Batman (He's there to uncover what he can on Kathy Kane's operation. While Nashton's investigating Batman and Selina's investigating Wayne, Wayne is investigating Kane). And it gives Ozzie and Intergang an excuse to exact revenge on the Disciples. I'm going to sprinkle a few other changes on the earlier parts of the script too. I'm going to make it so Kane Enterprises is pumping investments into the Gotham Police Department and have Nashton hired by her, rather than directly by the GCPD (which should serve to make her a more credible threat). They're working behind a veil of social responsibility while they secretly smuggle contraband and rebuild the underworld in their image. Batman will be investigating Kane in his fancy Bat-computer immediately after he comes back from Santa Prisca. Maybe a few other changes too. I should have the third act up sometime today.

As for favorite characters, I don't think Riddler and Catwoman have been changed too much from the source, but I'm especially proud of my Bane. He's basically the same character at the core, but I think I've added in some nice intricacies that I feel actually make him conceptually more compelling than the comics version.

If I split it up into two films, the first would be called The Dark Detective and the second The Dark Crusader, and that would pretty squarely send off the series.

Also.... When the hell are we going to see your spin on the franchise, Strangefate? I want to know what you're planning.
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I wrote the first act, and then five days later I got all wrapped up in it again and wrote the second act. I'm still thinking it through how the film will end (my biggest problem is finding a way to tie my Catwoman subplot into the climax). But I promise it will be up here before the round ends, probably in the next few days (i've been spending the weekend writing a 20 page screenplay for my film class at NYU this summer).

I will say this: Batman's two primary antagonists in my feature are The Riddler and Lt. Maggie Sawyer, the new head of the Gotham Major Crimes Unit.
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I wrote the first act, and then five days later I got all wrapped up in it again and wrote the second act. I'm still thinking it through how the film will end (my biggest problem is finding a way to tie my Catwoman subplot into the climax). But I promise it will be up here before the round ends, probably in the next few days (i've been spending the weekend writing a 20 page screenplay for my film class at NYU this summer).

I will say this: Batman's two primary antagonists in my feature are The Riddler and Lt. Maggie Sawyer, the new head of the Gotham Major Crimes Unit.

I'm really worried your plot is totally going to sink my battleship.

The idea of Maggie Sawyer as an antagonist is really interesting.