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Time Out
The year is 2245. Time travel has been developed and it is often used by people for a 'holiday destination', ie, maybe visiting the crusades to experience it, or kicking back in the 60s.
Enter the Thompsons.
Jake, the 17 year old son (Thomas Dekker) is the reject of the family. His dad Peter (Nathan Fillion) is the opposite to him in every way. Jake is a dark, almost goth heavy metal lover, dating a black girl named Tina (Tessa Thompson). Peter was the stereotypical Jock in highschool, and eventually married the prom queen, Jakes mother, who died in a car accident a year ago, coming home from a party with Peter, who had been drinking. Jake has blamed his father for his mothers death ever since.
They live with Jakes grandfather, Jackson (Bill Nighy). A racist Christian Fundamentalist jackass, Jackson has all but disowned Jake for dating Tina, and has never forgiven Peter for marrying Jakes mother, who was Jewish. Peter has had issues with his father stemming from this, and the fact that Jackson refused to go to his own daughter-in-laws funeral.
Peter attempts to reunite the members of his family with a holiday through time, with stops visiting Jakes mom, and other memorable points in the family history. That is until Jake, dumped by Tina due to her disgust of his family, just before the holiday, decides to end his life in the most spectacular way possible. He intends to hijack the time hopping holiday, and kill Jackson, his grandfather, before he ever had the chance to father Peter. Now it is up to the reluctant duo of Peter and Jackson to travel through the timeline, and track down their wayward family member, before he changes history so that the family had never existed....




I see this as a black comedy, with plenty of bickering between Peter and Jackson as they hop through time hunting Jake. The mention of the 3 generations put the Grandfather Paradox in my head for some reason, so I decided to run with it.
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