It kind of sucked.What does everyone think about my cast? I know I wont win but I thought my cast was great.
It kind of sucked.
Hey, you know I'd tell you I liked it if that was true.
My largest problem is that everyone feels so mismatched with each other, regardless of how 'fit' they are or are not for the role.
Anthony Hopkins just isn't old Bruce Wayne. If anything he's old Anthony Hopkins.
Glover is perfect obviously(although I've been meaning to mention to DARKKNIGHT what an inspired choice Tim Roth is), Carrie Fisher as Barbara Gordon is excellent. J.K. Simmons as Tim makes almost no sense. I've not seen your choice for Terry in anything..
You know that's not how I mean 'mismatched'.But wern't they mismatched in the show too? An old veteran Ant-hero type and a basically a no body kid, an insane criminal / ex hero.
You know that's not how I mean 'mismatched'.
So what's the verdict on mine Ourchair? I don't think it's my best but I'd see it.
DARKKNIGHT's cast is the best so far. Knocked it out of the park and clear over the parking lot.
I've never watched the movie, and i'm only vaguely familiar with the Batman Beyond universe, so i'm casting this mostly blind. Wish me luck!
Joseph Gordon Levitt as Terry McGinnis/Batman
I casted somebody a little older than the original character, because I agree with Mole's point that Bruce (no matter how senile or desperate he's becoming with old age) would simply not allow some inexperienced punk kid to carry on his former alter ego. Levitt has regularly played characters much younger than his actual age. Having seen his memorable performances in smaller fare like teen noir piece Brick and queer drama Mysterious Skin convinced me that he's got all the makings of a young Batman.
That's awesome.Woof the Hyena Man
Pick this Hyena and stick his face in the picture. I mean look how cute he is.
Uh hu. Mole said that.
I knew it was only a matter of time before someone casted Kruek as Tan. For this cast is null and void.
FAIL!!!!! Hollywood casting director side won't allow me to disqualify this based on my own personal feelings. TOG's cast stays. :x
So this is a small reprieve for some of you who wanted to play or forgot. I'm really looking for a cast from DSF and Planet-Man.
(Hartnett as McGuinness, Eastwood as Wayne, Glover as the Joker, etc).
....already been put up there by somebody else, so doing this would feel pretty redundant.....even the roles I hadn't considered yet have pretty much been done to perfection...