that's what they say about making love to sheep.
I thought they said it was baaaaad
(I know , I know bad pun)
that's what they say about making love to sheep.
Here's my logic -- this is the Avengers' b-team. All potentially interesting characters on their own (especially Iron Fist), but when they're part of NA, they're second fiddle to the obvious "big guns". And so my casting reflects this -- I picked able supporting players (from ensemble TV shows mostly), to complement my slightly-more-famous main cast.You have until Wednesday to cast Four More New Avengers characters (and I checked, none of these were cast in your individual casts):
Hawkeye - Now going by the name Ronin, though who knows how long that will last.
Scarlet Witch - She disassembled the Avengers, then decided there should be no more mutants but then through a deus ex... I mean CHAOS MAGIC... there were still some left over. Coincidentally, the ones we cared about the most.
Iron Fist - Former Hero For Hire, and current Avenger.
Jarvis - Everyone's favorite Butler (aside from Alfred, and Ultimate Jarvis)
Wait a second -- is there going to be a second round of voting? Like, a run-off? Or are you deciding the winner, on the strength of our combined, expanded cast?But I figure this is the fairest way to end a Tie-Breaker (because If I tossed my vote in, Shade would win, and I would be accused of favoritism)
Here's my logic -- this is the Avengers' b-team. All potentially interesting characters on their own (especially Iron Fist), but when they're part of NA, they're second fiddle to the obvious "big guns". And so my casting reflects this -- I picked able supporting players (from ensemble TV shows mostly), to complement my slightly-more-famous main cast.
Having said that...
Michael Vartan as Hawkeye. So far, Vartan is is usually remembered as Agent Vaughn, a key supporting player (and principal romantic interest) on the long-running "spy-fi" drama Alias. He's got a natural ordinary-Joe charm but can do "ethically gray" convincingly enough to play a well-meaning guy who has been on either side of the law, at various points in his career.
Morena Baccarin as Scarlet Witch. Scarlet Witch is, honestly, a bit of a mess, as a character. She's been portrayed as maternal, sexual, and mentally unstable, depending on who is pulling which of her strings. Baccarin, who played the main "Companion" (read: geisha or courtesan) in the cult sci-fi/Western Firefly, is well-placed for the role of a character who seemingly embodies so many contradictions, but manages to remain a whole person, in spite of it.
Nicky Katt as Iron Fist. Let me say categorically that I'm against the use of Fist in any NA movie. He's a perfectly interesting character, on his own, or playing off Luke Cage alone. But as part of NA, he's kinda superfluous -- rich guy using his fortune for superheroics? That's Iron Man. Street-level vigilante with personal code of ethics? That's Hawkeye. There's not much room for Danny Rand to stand out, especially while Hawkeye is doing the "resident ninja" gimmick. In spite of my misgivings, I casted Nicky Katt, anyway. Katt has played mostly rough-edged patent bastards in indie films; he seems to be a pet actor of director Richard Linklater, with various supporting roles in SubUrbia, Waking Life, and Dazed and Confused (all helmed by Linklater). But he's also played diamond-in-the-rough type characters, most notably badass teacher Harry Senate on classroom drama Boston Public.
Jim Broadbent as Jarvis. Veteran British actor Jim Broadbent actually has the range needed to be my choice as both the 616 AND Ultimate versions of Jarvis, no matter how disparate. He's just THAT talented. Obviously, in this version, he needs to be more on the cuddly, paternal side he displayed in the Bridget Jones movies (as the protagonist's dad), rather than the calculating ring-master he played in, say, Moulin Rouge. But I trust he'll fit the role, one way or another.
Wait a second -- is there going to be a second round of voting? Like, a run-off? Or are you deciding the winner, on the strength of our combined, expanded cast?
Wait a second -- is there going to be a second round of voting? Like, a run-off? Or are you deciding the winner, on the strength of our combined, expanded cast?
shades is awesome. woulda gone with compund but that was a bad choice for wanda. like catherine zeta jones the best. her voice is perfect.
See, Hibiki thinks I should be in it.
I'm a total Captain America casting snob to the point that I can't reasonably figure out who to cast as him.Matt Damon seriously has the cap from ww2 look down... him and eckhart. Either of them would be a good choice for cap.
I'm a total Captain America casting snob to the point that I can't reasonably figure out who to cast as him.
The thing of it is that I believe whoever plays Captain America has to not only be a good actor, but ALSO have classical good looks, and by classical good looks I mean the kind of handsome that is very specific to the forties. Watch all the actors from that era and if you look past the hairstyle and the clothes, you'll notice that the combination of facial features they have seem to have ceased to exist, almost as if they bred themselves out of existence.
And because of this line of thinking, I may never be able to cast Cap to my own satisfaction.
Neither.So would you approve Eckhart or Damon in a Cap role?
But not for lack of talent from either actor. They are both excellent actors who --- given an ideal situation --- would probably try to do they best they could with both characters.
Also, I think based on performances from The Core and Thank You For Smoking, Eckhart it's a waste to not use him to play chattier self-absorbed characters.
But not for lack of talent from either actor. They are both excellent actors who --- given an ideal situation --- would probably try to do they best they could with both characters.
Also, I think based on performances from The Core and Thank You For Smoking, Eckhart it's a waste to not use him to play chattier self-absorbed characters.