Victor Von Doom
Fist of teh Internets.
I hope you 2 frontrunners (you know who you are :wink: ) have some good ideas for the next round. 
*Somebody* wishes he were on the writing team for Entourage... :wink:Lebouf, despite the friendly persona he may seem to emtit, seems like he could channel the arogance comes from being an accomplished young actor as well as the bit of loneliness that comes from a young man who spent most of his youth acting and not being able to experience a true childhood because filming starts at 4:30am---sharp. Plus...can't you picture him being kind of a dick by walking around Hollywood repeating "HOLES *****!" or "EVER SEE TRANSFORMERS DOUCHEPOUCH? YEAH!!! SHIA!!!" over and over at valets?
*Somebody* wishes he were on the writing team for Entourage... :wink:
Good, because the winner was going to be Compound and the only reason why I haven't declared him winner is because I don't want Dreamcasting and Dreamcasting: Remake Edition to run on parallel time tables.I forgot but I just voted.