thee great one
Master of TOG-fu.
That doesn't sound too bad, but I like the legacy they have.
This is the first time i've done one of these, would it be a problem if i were to cast Lei Keng, Yu-Ti, Jeryn Hogarth, etc?
Some of those are pretty cool.
Is Colleen Wing purely Asian or is she mixed?
Danny Rand/Iron Fist V - Edward Burns
I don't think you have to be a martial arts expert to play Iron Fist (take Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne/Batman from Batman Begins for example). Acting ability is what I'm looking for. I think this guy has the right look to play Danny Rand.
Luke Cage - Chiwetel Ejiofor
Rand's partner-in-crime and fellow hero-for-hire.
Misty Knight - ????
Colleen Wing - ????
Orson Randall/Iron Fist IV - Michael Vartan
Vartan and Burns look a lot alike (I always thought that Burns looks like a mix between Michael Vartan and Matthew Fox).
Bei Bang-Wen/Iron Fist III - Kang Dong Won
This Iron Fist was a revolutionary. He's pretty badass.
Wu Ao-Shi/Iron Fist II/"The Pirate Fist of Pinghai Bay" - Zhao Wei
Bei Ming-Tian/Iron Fist I - Andy Lau
This guy was the first.
Davos the Steel Serpent - Hiroyuki Sanada
Genghis Khan - Ken Watanabe or Bolo Yeung
Khan was Ming-Tian's main enemy. Now, Ken Watanabe is a badass mother****er. But Bolo Yeung is the epitome of badass. So, take your pick.
Langsta. I think you should limit one actor per choice.
How do you expect people to vote on your choices when you have 3?
And that limits the people who don't like to have the same actors.
Michael Vartan would actually be perfect for the role Danny Rand.
Remember that scene of Danny in that building and all the Hydra agents just show up and he's got that "O Rly" look on his face? I can totally see Vartan pulling that off.
She looks Asian but not too Asian.
What does that even mean?!
What does that even mean?!
Wow.Maggie Q as Colleen Wing: She looks Asian but not too Asian. Also, a decent actress.