He Sees You When You're Sleeping. He Knows When Yo
Dr.Strangefate Has Got
Robin - Tim Drake - Gregory Smith
Smith is best known as the lead on Everwood, playing the moody pianist Ephram Brown... He put a lot of work into that role, even in the ****tier episodes across the four seasons. The dark brooding with bits of lightness are where I see Tim Drake in him. Tim is the leader of this new team of Titans.
Wonder Girl - Cassandra Sandsmark - Kristen Bell
Geeky Girl who can kick *** in love with a Superboy? Finds out she can kick *** extra hard and does? I think Bell is perfect. The movie I think would take more from her developing confidence in herself and her powers (themes from Young Justice)... She'd be living in the shadow of Donna Troy who is a real no-nonsense Warrior. Donna does NOT approve of Cassie joining the team, she thinks she needs to earn it more.
Superboy - Conner Kent - Teddy Dunn
Based more on the Duncan Kane of Season Two of Veronica Mars, where he's more of a human being and less of a mopey violent crazy mccrazypants. Conner is a bit of a goof, but he's got depth when he needs to have it... He's also a stocky farmboy type. Which Dunn fits...
Kid Flash - Bart Allen - Frankie Muniz
I'm kind of expecting people to be a little against this casting, but what I see in Bart especially when he turns into Kid Flash is this intense desire to be respected as a part of the Flash legacy. He's pushing against feelings of inadequecy, but he's also the funny, light-hearted member of the team.
Cyborg - Vic Stone - Leonard Roberts
Roberts has got the whole mentor thing down, i think, and would interact well with both members of the new team and the members of the old team. He would be the one to get the team together, though Robin would take leadership soon thereafter.
Raven - Rachel Roth - Nora Zehetner
Even though TOG stole her, I still think she works better than anybody else I could work out. Also: I made the picture strip ages ago, and I wasn't about to change it for anybody.
Changeling - Gar Logan - Shawn Ashmore
Beast Boy is a ****ty name. Honestly, I've never been a big fan of the character, and I think he only works when he shows his serious side, especially now that he's not just a little kid anymore. Shawn Ashmore I feel could work with the aspects of the character that I like and keep the funny lines to Bart and Roy.
Nightwing - Dick Grayson - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Dick's a bit more put together than Tim, and smiles a bit more. He's still a very serious person, but has faith in Tim and supports the new team. He's best friends with Roy, and I cast these two based on how I think they'd work off each other.
Arsenal - Roy Harper - Seth Green
Roy is the Joker of the original team... He's had his problems, namely a pretty nasty Heroin addiction that got him kicked off the original team temporarily, but now he's back on his feet. He supports the team, and is amused how their dynamic mirrors that of the original five.
Tempest - Garth - Mike Erwin
He was actually the voice of Speedy in the animated series, but he's got the look of an underwater prince type guy... He's sexy, he looks the part, he can act, and he can swim. Woot. I think he'd get a lot of crap for going by Aqualad way back when.
The Flash - Wally West - Neil Patrick Harris
I've pushed this before, and I think this works especially well in conjunction with the rest of the older titan cast.
Donna Troy - Eliza Dushku
I'd play Donna as more of the warrior than the diplomat. She takes her role seriously, and has lost a lot of her fun side after the original Titans disbanded... Eliza would help define this version of Donna, who would probably be a lot more like Artemis than Wonder Woman in personality. She actively disaproves of Cassie joining the Titans.
Deathstroke, The Terminator - Slade Wilson - Viggo Mortensen
Once I considered him I couldn't think of anyone else. Imagine him in that picture with the eye-patch... Then imagine him with a sword.

Robin - Tim Drake - Gregory Smith
Smith is best known as the lead on Everwood, playing the moody pianist Ephram Brown... He put a lot of work into that role, even in the ****tier episodes across the four seasons. The dark brooding with bits of lightness are where I see Tim Drake in him. Tim is the leader of this new team of Titans.
Wonder Girl - Cassandra Sandsmark - Kristen Bell
Geeky Girl who can kick *** in love with a Superboy? Finds out she can kick *** extra hard and does? I think Bell is perfect. The movie I think would take more from her developing confidence in herself and her powers (themes from Young Justice)... She'd be living in the shadow of Donna Troy who is a real no-nonsense Warrior. Donna does NOT approve of Cassie joining the team, she thinks she needs to earn it more.
Superboy - Conner Kent - Teddy Dunn
Based more on the Duncan Kane of Season Two of Veronica Mars, where he's more of a human being and less of a mopey violent crazy mccrazypants. Conner is a bit of a goof, but he's got depth when he needs to have it... He's also a stocky farmboy type. Which Dunn fits...
Kid Flash - Bart Allen - Frankie Muniz
I'm kind of expecting people to be a little against this casting, but what I see in Bart especially when he turns into Kid Flash is this intense desire to be respected as a part of the Flash legacy. He's pushing against feelings of inadequecy, but he's also the funny, light-hearted member of the team.
Cyborg - Vic Stone - Leonard Roberts
Roberts has got the whole mentor thing down, i think, and would interact well with both members of the new team and the members of the old team. He would be the one to get the team together, though Robin would take leadership soon thereafter.
Raven - Rachel Roth - Nora Zehetner
Even though TOG stole her, I still think she works better than anybody else I could work out. Also: I made the picture strip ages ago, and I wasn't about to change it for anybody.
Changeling - Gar Logan - Shawn Ashmore
Beast Boy is a ****ty name. Honestly, I've never been a big fan of the character, and I think he only works when he shows his serious side, especially now that he's not just a little kid anymore. Shawn Ashmore I feel could work with the aspects of the character that I like and keep the funny lines to Bart and Roy.

Nightwing - Dick Grayson - Joseph Gordon-Levitt
Dick's a bit more put together than Tim, and smiles a bit more. He's still a very serious person, but has faith in Tim and supports the new team. He's best friends with Roy, and I cast these two based on how I think they'd work off each other.
Arsenal - Roy Harper - Seth Green
Roy is the Joker of the original team... He's had his problems, namely a pretty nasty Heroin addiction that got him kicked off the original team temporarily, but now he's back on his feet. He supports the team, and is amused how their dynamic mirrors that of the original five.
Tempest - Garth - Mike Erwin
He was actually the voice of Speedy in the animated series, but he's got the look of an underwater prince type guy... He's sexy, he looks the part, he can act, and he can swim. Woot. I think he'd get a lot of crap for going by Aqualad way back when.
The Flash - Wally West - Neil Patrick Harris
I've pushed this before, and I think this works especially well in conjunction with the rest of the older titan cast.
Donna Troy - Eliza Dushku
I'd play Donna as more of the warrior than the diplomat. She takes her role seriously, and has lost a lot of her fun side after the original Titans disbanded... Eliza would help define this version of Donna, who would probably be a lot more like Artemis than Wonder Woman in personality. She actively disaproves of Cassie joining the Titans.

Deathstroke, The Terminator - Slade Wilson - Viggo Mortensen
Once I considered him I couldn't think of anyone else. Imagine him in that picture with the eye-patch... Then imagine him with a sword.