Talia Al Ghul - Rachel Weisz
Obviously this is the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul, as portrayed by Liam Neeson... She's an aristocrat, sent from soon after her birth to boarding school after boarding school, mostly focusing on politics. She shares her father's twisted beliefs, and comes into the picture as a British advisor to the mayor of Gotham. She is really there to meet the man who defeated her father, and she is apparently running the League of Shadows. She always talks about besting Ra's, but never killing. You later find out that she resents Bruce for being the son Ra's never had, the son whom she tried to be all those years. In the end, her and the League of Shadows wouldn't be defeated, she would abandon the attack on her Beloved, telling him that soon he'll see that she and her father are right. And that when he's ready to admit that, he should find her. I'm not so sure about Weisz, but moreso than anyone else on here, I had a general idea of what I'd want to do with the character.
Selina Kyle, Catwoman - Winona Ryder
Winona has magical hypnotic eyes, and she has this dark edge to her beauty... And I've always wanted to see her in some Femme Fatale role... She'd be the perfect love interest (i think she'd have great chemistry with Bale), and she'd be perfect once she got in the simple black Catwoman outfit... And hey, who better to play a thief?
Edward Nygma, The Riddler – Sam Rockwell
I'm thinking of the Jeph Loeb Riddler (see Catwoman: When in Rome) here... He's less the mastermind and more the annoying pest of the villain community, but he's still the guy who you go to to get the inside information. He has dreams of becoming something much more, especially once he sets on solving the riddle of who exactly is Batman. Everyone thinks he's a ****up, even Batman, who basically ignores him except for when he needs him... Which is where this need to be the first to solve this great riddle comes from. And who better to play ****ed up, unloved puppy dogs, with a mean side that'd shoot you and your family to get the right information, than Sam Rockwell. I think he starts out more sane, and deteriorates to the point where at the end of a film he's tossed into Arkham... but when Bats pays him a visit, he says, "Hello Bruce"... Putting him in a position to blackmail Batman... I love the idea of a Riddler who figures out his big riddle, and uses it to gain power in Gotham City.
Oswald Cobblepot, The Penguin - Jon Polito
You might recognize Polito from virtually every Coen Brothers movie, ever... He's great at playing sleazeballs who like to think they have power... Shave off his signature moustache and give him a monocle and a tuxedo and lots of weapons he wants to sell at absolutely rediculous prices. But he'll have his men kill you in a second if you back out of a deal. Polito is absolutely perfect for the Penguin I'm thinking of... the sort of character who's never a primary villain, but always somebody Bats needs to think of to shake information out of.
Dr. Leslie Thompkins – Angela Lansbury
Nothing is more motherly than the voice of Angela Lansbury, and the fact that she's old only adds more to the character... I'm not looking for the Thompkins who sets up a hospital camp in No Man's Land... This Thompkins would have been a child psychologist who did her best to try to help Bruce when he was first trying to deal with it all. She feels that she failed him, but Bruce somehow proves to her that what he's doing isn't some adolescent revenge fantasy, but something more noble. I imagine that after spending some years back in her native London, she returns to Gotham to see Bruce, and wondering what made him disapear for all those years.
Harvey Bullock – Michael Madsen
Okay. Take a moment to imagine Gordon on the rooftop with Batman and Madsen who is smoking a cigarette. Then he goes off at batman for being some lunatic in a cape who's no better than the guys he's rounding off. He's cynical as hell, and will never trust Batman, but he's still one of the good guys.
Renee Montoya – Michelle Rodriguez
Tough Lesbo Action Cop. Plus she drinks too much when her partner's die. I responded to Proj's cast with this: I think that the writers of Lost didn't exactly know what to do with her... Because some of the time she was great as Ana Lucia, but some of the times she was the worst part of the episode. I do think she can act, and I can't think of ANYONE better for the role.
Crispus Allen – Romany Malco
Weeds has shown that Malco can do both serious and joking, so I think a serious role would fit damn well on him. He's a serious cop, and a good cop, one of the best on Gordon's team. I think he'd have a great relationship if he was always snapping back at Bullock's smart remarks. I sort of imagine him as Morgan Freeman's character in Seven, many many years earlier...
i think i have this one in the bag.

Talia Al Ghul - Rachel Weisz
Obviously this is the daughter of Ra's Al Ghul, as portrayed by Liam Neeson... She's an aristocrat, sent from soon after her birth to boarding school after boarding school, mostly focusing on politics. She shares her father's twisted beliefs, and comes into the picture as a British advisor to the mayor of Gotham. She is really there to meet the man who defeated her father, and she is apparently running the League of Shadows. She always talks about besting Ra's, but never killing. You later find out that she resents Bruce for being the son Ra's never had, the son whom she tried to be all those years. In the end, her and the League of Shadows wouldn't be defeated, she would abandon the attack on her Beloved, telling him that soon he'll see that she and her father are right. And that when he's ready to admit that, he should find her. I'm not so sure about Weisz, but moreso than anyone else on here, I had a general idea of what I'd want to do with the character.

Selina Kyle, Catwoman - Winona Ryder
Winona has magical hypnotic eyes, and she has this dark edge to her beauty... And I've always wanted to see her in some Femme Fatale role... She'd be the perfect love interest (i think she'd have great chemistry with Bale), and she'd be perfect once she got in the simple black Catwoman outfit... And hey, who better to play a thief?

Edward Nygma, The Riddler – Sam Rockwell
I'm thinking of the Jeph Loeb Riddler (see Catwoman: When in Rome) here... He's less the mastermind and more the annoying pest of the villain community, but he's still the guy who you go to to get the inside information. He has dreams of becoming something much more, especially once he sets on solving the riddle of who exactly is Batman. Everyone thinks he's a ****up, even Batman, who basically ignores him except for when he needs him... Which is where this need to be the first to solve this great riddle comes from. And who better to play ****ed up, unloved puppy dogs, with a mean side that'd shoot you and your family to get the right information, than Sam Rockwell. I think he starts out more sane, and deteriorates to the point where at the end of a film he's tossed into Arkham... but when Bats pays him a visit, he says, "Hello Bruce"... Putting him in a position to blackmail Batman... I love the idea of a Riddler who figures out his big riddle, and uses it to gain power in Gotham City.

Oswald Cobblepot, The Penguin - Jon Polito
You might recognize Polito from virtually every Coen Brothers movie, ever... He's great at playing sleazeballs who like to think they have power... Shave off his signature moustache and give him a monocle and a tuxedo and lots of weapons he wants to sell at absolutely rediculous prices. But he'll have his men kill you in a second if you back out of a deal. Polito is absolutely perfect for the Penguin I'm thinking of... the sort of character who's never a primary villain, but always somebody Bats needs to think of to shake information out of.

Dr. Leslie Thompkins – Angela Lansbury
Nothing is more motherly than the voice of Angela Lansbury, and the fact that she's old only adds more to the character... I'm not looking for the Thompkins who sets up a hospital camp in No Man's Land... This Thompkins would have been a child psychologist who did her best to try to help Bruce when he was first trying to deal with it all. She feels that she failed him, but Bruce somehow proves to her that what he's doing isn't some adolescent revenge fantasy, but something more noble. I imagine that after spending some years back in her native London, she returns to Gotham to see Bruce, and wondering what made him disapear for all those years.

Harvey Bullock – Michael Madsen
Okay. Take a moment to imagine Gordon on the rooftop with Batman and Madsen who is smoking a cigarette. Then he goes off at batman for being some lunatic in a cape who's no better than the guys he's rounding off. He's cynical as hell, and will never trust Batman, but he's still one of the good guys.

Renee Montoya – Michelle Rodriguez
Tough Lesbo Action Cop. Plus she drinks too much when her partner's die. I responded to Proj's cast with this: I think that the writers of Lost didn't exactly know what to do with her... Because some of the time she was great as Ana Lucia, but some of the times she was the worst part of the episode. I do think she can act, and I can't think of ANYONE better for the role.

Crispus Allen – Romany Malco
Weeds has shown that Malco can do both serious and joking, so I think a serious role would fit damn well on him. He's a serious cop, and a good cop, one of the best on Gordon's team. I think he'd have a great relationship if he was always snapping back at Bullock's smart remarks. I sort of imagine him as Morgan Freeman's character in Seven, many many years earlier...
i think i have this one in the bag.