Dream-Teaming Round 3: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

It's hard coming up with a team. I want nonpowered people on it, but most of them are already taken.

SHIELD should be humans only, it should be the human answer to all the superpowers.
I'm not going to have a chance to wrap this up until late. Can we push the deadline to tomorrow morning?
I was actually coming on to say that since I have an exam tomorrow and thursday, that I am going to be pushing this back until Thursday evening (midday thursday for those living in the US presently). So until I give you guys the heads up to PM me, feel free to finish your entries.
sweet! I have a team now too!
I will append it to this post when I get it typed up.
Main Cast:

Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) – She is the highest ranking SHIELD officer left after Fury and company are removed from the equation. She reluctantly takes the position and is constantly frustrated by being stuck in the helicarrier while others handle the wetwork.

Director's Personal Assistant

Bob, Agent of SHIELD – Deadpool pulled some strings and made some threats to make sure his former pet found a good home. The only job he's qualified for is fetching coffee, but he turns out to be surprisingly adept at keeping track of the Director's hectic schedule and duties despite being a total doofus.

Mission Support

Garabed Bashur (Black Box) – Formerly a key member of Cable's island paradise Providence. Sabretooth murdered him in brutal fashion, but he's been revived from the dead with some fresh cybernetic enhancements to serve as the ultimate human super computer and support unit. He coordinates and monitors all of SHIELD's activities.

Field Agents

Carmilla Black (Scorpion) – She's been on all sides of the spy trade, but now she's back with SHIELD after she and her current beau cut a deal with Natasha in return for helping to set up a strike on Hydra.


Roger Brokeridge (Hardball) – Former member of the Initiative turned Hydra traitor. He and Carmilla switch sides together.


Barbara Morse (Mockingbird) – After returning from her time with the Skrulls Barbara happily joins back up with SHIELD.


Clint Barton (Hawkeye) – Recently he has unintentionally ceded his codename to both a Young and Dark Avenger and he's been questioning his role as a superhero. Clint decides to get a fresh start with Bobbi at SHIELD. Things get complicated with his his former love interest as their new boss though.


Maya Lopez (Echo) – Her physical talent and photographic reflexes are an invaluable asset.


Neena Thurman (Domino) – Every organization needs a token mutie, SHIELD grabbed one whose luck never runs out.

Following the fall of HAMMER the international agency known as SHIELD is reinstated, but Nick Fury and his closest personnel are not brought back into the fold because they are believed to be compromised. SHIELD is placed in the hands of the highest ranking officer remaining, the Black Widow. She refuses at first, but agrees when she realizes that the world needs SHIELD. She is forced to rebuild the organization from the ground up and recruits talented individuals in all fields.

Arc 1: New Dawn
Natasha's first major action as Director is to coordinate a successful strike on Hydra with the aid of two inside men. Hydra's largest base is captured and their organizational structure is seriously compromised. The celebration is short lived though as Dum Dum Dugan's corpse turns up in the East River. Natasha sends Maya Lopez and Clint Barton to investigate and they discover that Dugan was looking into something called Daybreak. Further investigations and a few skirmishes with the aforementioned Daybreak lead them to Nick Fury. Nick informs them that Daybreak was created as a failsafe to take down SHIELD if it ever went rogue, but Norman got his hands on it when he shut down SHIELD and now they've been activated. He tells Natasha to be wary; Daybreak was specifically designed to destroy SHIELD from the inside out and they already have operatives within Natasha's new organization. He then reveals himself to be an LMD and shuts down before giving them any real useful information.

Arc 2: Bob's Angels
Natasha joins Maya as they search for the real Nick Fury. This leaves Bob to relate her orders to the rest of SHIELD. Dr. Doom is attending a peace summit in the Middle East when someone makes an attempt on his life. Bob dispatches Carmilla, Bobbi, and Neena to protect the Dictator. Wacky hijinks ensue and Natasha realizes that she has too much responsibility to go running off on missions.
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Nice, I love the inclusion of Scorpion and Mockingbird. Unfortunately I could think of a good story or cast for this round so I'll get the next one.
Premise: H.A.M.M.E.R. has been toppeled and the U.N. finally stands up and reestablishes S.H.I.E.L.D as the premier espionage in the world. Tired of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s actions being determind by the U.S. government. For along time this series will be taking place outside of the U.S. taking down threats to humanity world wide. The team will be customized for each mission you will only ever see half the team active in the field at a time, personell selections will be made for highest suitability for the individual missions.

G.W. Bridge (directer not on the team)

S.H.I.E.L.D. needs a head director, with Osborn, Stark, Hill, and Fury all on the oust, and all of the major S.H.I.E.L.D. bigwigs gone awol, The U.N. turns to Bridge. He is one of the most persistent and relentless men in the MU making him a perfect fit for the job. Not to mention he already has experience being the Director. He signs on because he needs something to do with his life, the man is a hunter with nothing to hunt, taking this position again gives him something to hunt.

Clay Quartermain (handler)

One of very few senior S.H.I.E.L.D. agents willing to re en-list, this is a man who has constantly been living in Fury's shadow, and with Fury out of the picture Quartermain will finally get his chance to shine

Ant-Man (stealth expert)

everyone was pleasently surprised how Eric turned out despite his enrollment in the Thunderbolts. He's gained enough confidence and experience to be a stealth expert to be reckoned with, using a left over Iron-Spider costume the S.H.I.E.L.D. tech devision gives his suit an update giving him camoflauge and invisibility capabilities further adding to his adeptness at being a sneaky son of a *****. Oh and yes, he's still an Irredeemable douchebag

Deathlok (demolitions expert)

One of those classic trying to reclaim his humanity type characters. S.H.I.E.L.D. gives him some reconstructive surgery too atleast give him his old face back. But he's still a cyborg he feels he can't fit in with humanity, so he joins up with S.H.I.E.L.D. to aleast make himself useful to the humanity he strives for. Plus if you need a room cleared if any and all Hydra/Aim/Hand goons this is the guy you want to do it in MIchael-Bay-ian fashion

Robbie Rider (communications expert)

After being scared out of the Nova Corp's in the fallout of the War of Kings, Robbie returns home in hopes to regain his old life. Only to find P.E.G.A.S.U.S. dismantled, so after reaching out to his old contact's he gets set-up with a desk-job with S.H.I.E.L.D. in his initiation interview he displays vast knowledge in military warfare, technology, extra-human relations, combat strategies, and even a surprisingly adept display of physical prowess all courtesy of his prolonged exposure to the Xandarian worldmind. Not wanting to waste such a resource they recruit him into their premier team to be the lead strategist. S.W.O.R.D. is going to be constantly trying to cherry pick him from S.H.I.E.L.D. and he find's it very tempting, but he's got some anxieties about space now after being involved in a major cosmic war causing him to stay grounded.

Hellcat (Femme Fatale)

feelin stilted after being ditched in Alaska by the initiative and hearing that they're restarting S.H.I.E.L.D. So she decides to do what she does best to get herself a position she feels she deserves. She does everything she can to annoy the S.H.I.E.L.D. bigwigs into giving her a job. Naturally it doesn't work so she reaches out to Daimon Hellstorm her ex-husband to scare the **** out of her recruiter and force them to hire her. Nobody is happy about her being here except Patsy, but Bridge is going to make damn sure she earns it.

Devil-Slayer (MAX version wedged into continuity military expert)

The teams grizzled war veteran, he's here because alot of people see some shades of Nick Fury in him from when he was a soldier in WW2. He brings in the mysterious bad-*** angle a great visual and the oppurtunity to mix spies and demons.

Jennifer Kale (Mystic expert)

The cost of having someone like Devil-Slayer on the team comes with the heightened chance that they'll have to deal with some serious mystical mojo, and the Devil-Slayer is great in a pinch, but they'll need some back up, and in her first useful act Hellcat uses her old Defenders connections and gets Jennifer to join up as a divisional ambassador from A.R.M.O.R.

Union Jack (proper spy)

Quartermain gets this guy on loan from MI6 in britain, he's not exactly happy to be here, but he'll be damned if he's not going to get the job done. This guy brings the in a more traditional super-spy flavour. His involvement will inevitably lead to a run-in with MI13 and Pete Wisdom's crew

Black Widow (assasination expert)

Yelena Belova, quite possibly the deadliest woman in the world. Seeing her as much more valuable on the side of angels than as a rogue agent, S.H.I.E.L.D. retains her sevices from her service as Thunderbolts leader. She's a force to be reckoned with and you don't want to get on her bad-side.

First Arc: Espionage 101 (in 4-parts) the first arc will be a very "let's get the team together" kinda story. Moving the chess pieces around and introducing the readers to the individual characters. Introduce The Son of the Mandarin as the big bad for the foreseeable future of the book by having him seize control of Madripoor. Plus a quick mission to the Savage Land to retrieve the Rock of Life from Stegron and his dinosaur horde.

Second arc: The Heir to the Mandarin's Throne (a.k.a The New Secret War) (in 12 parts)
Eventually every son must step out of the shadow of his father and strike out to make a name for himself. After studying his fathers actions in his wars against Tony Stark Temugin finally feels that now is the time to strike at the world and make his mark. After seizing control of Madripoor Tem quickly goes about drastically expanding his empire, but he has no generals or underlings, no one to betray him, and the thing is the people in the regions he's conquering adore him. A world super-power has sprung-up seemingly over night, and he is strictly not on the side of angels, providing weapons and safe havens to tyrants asnd terrorists alike. There is nothing legally that the U.S. or U.N. can do. So S.H.I.E.L.D. dispatches their premier team silently off the coast of Madripoor and provides them with a reverse engineered Shockwave Rider with invisibility capabilities. The teams mission should they choose to follow it is too overthrow this new world power by any means necessary, but it can in absolutley no-way lead back to S.H.I.E.L.D.

Death, Intrigue, Love, Betrayal, Action, Seduction, Explosions, and a scene where Ant-Man unshrinks himself from inside a corrupt politician.

All will be found in the pages of "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D."

written by Paul Cornell
art by Michael Lark
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Writer – Greg Rucka
Art – Clay Mann​

The Premise

Ok...quick pitch.

In a crossover event between Secret Warriors and New Avengers----in the aftermath of Clint Barton's public outcry for America to wake up and stop falling for Norman Osborn's bull****, Maria Hill finds substantial incriminating evidence against Norman that proves without a shadow of a doubt that he is abusing power and having his Avengers run shady operations that result in killing innocent civilians.

In an attempt to get the world's premiere security/intelligence force back where it needs to be, Nick Fury (backed by some power players in the U.N and a large group of political figures dying to save face after the HAMMER debacle) reinstitutes SHIELD and names his team:

Nick Fury – SHIELD is his baby. And after the past few years, he'll be damned if anyone else is gonna run this. And run it the way it should be.

Deputy Director
Maria Hill– Serving as the continuity for when Fury ran SHIELD and when Tony ran it, Maria knows what works...and what doesn't work. She's seen it at its best....and worst. And although he won't admit----Fury knows he won't be able to do this forever...and when he steps down....he knows it won't be in better hands.

Field Ops Coordinator
Dum Dum Dugan – Not one for politics, Dugan prefers to remain in the field. Although his body ain't what it used to be, he now plans and coordinates all field ops and serves as Team Leader when he can. There is no one Fury can trust more to handle his people in the field.

Superhero Liason Handler
Daisy Johnson – There are too many superpowered crazies out there for Fury and a bunch of grunts with a standard-issue 9MM to handle. He knows there's gotta be capes involved. But he needs someone he can trust serving as the liason. The Initiative might be dead in the dirt....but a superhuman community and SHIELD need synergy if they're gonna make the world a better place. Daisy is gonna be one of the "Greats" one day.....and it all starts here.

Fury's Howling Commandos (Shadow Ops)
Secret Warriors – Fury choose these kids for a reason. He can't spare a single one. Too bad one of these kids' dad is the God of War. With his shadow team led by Ares, Fury teaches these kids the art of war and makes sure they have a capable leader.

I want this comic to be Marvel's Checkmate. Fans of the DC book know how awesome this book is.
Okay, unless there are any last minute entries, I declare this round over. PM your votes to me.
Ugh. Again, I missed the deadline.

Edit: Okay. I put something up. It's not quite up to what I wanted, but c'est la vie. It's also a little late. I don't know if that disqualifies it.
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I still proudly stand by my military-esque SHIELD team.

SHIELD should be a military force...not a Mission Impossible team.