Well-Known Member
The Brotherhood of Mutants
Creative Team: Mike Carey and Pasqual Ferry
The Pitch: Basically the evil version of Matt Fraction's Science Team from uncanny x-men, with only one mission statement. Fix the mutant decimation, Exodus has commited himself to saving mutant-kind, entirely and he is willing to do whatever it takes, even if it risks global destruction. There will be no proper team just Exodus, Dark Beast, and Omega-Sentinel investigating various possible solutions. The remaining 5 characters will be brought in as Exodus deems their investigation necessary. High Science, and moral-conflict ensue.
You think Magneto is obsessed with being the savior of the mutant race? This guy is Magneto squared. He can't stand to see the mutant race on it's last legs, so he is using his countless resources to actually find a solution. No matter the cost, even if it damns him to the depths of hell he HAS to be the guys to solve the problem. The first issue will revolve around him frantically going through everything he has ever known about mutants to find something. After finding 4 possible answers he goes out to find those who will help him. After losing his Acolytes trust shortly after Messiah Complex he is left alone. So he sets out to find those that will help him, coming up empty handed, until finally coming across the one person willing to do what it'll take to solve the problem....
Dark Beast
All the brains of Henry McCoy a.k.a. The Beast, with none of the scruples. This Hank McCoy let the dark world of the Age of Apocalypse warp him into a shadow of his true self. This Beast is willing to do what the regular Hank won't, he tested an unproven drug on one of the Guthrie Children nearly killing him. Really he has no stake in what happens to the mutants of this world, he is just looking for something to do. When Exodus approaches him with his 4 solutions Dark Beast jumps at the oppurtunity to perform some dirty science.
The first step of the first solution is to get Karima Shapandar a.k.a. The Omega-Sentinel in the fold. Using Karima's Mutant Recognizing abilities, and retrofitting her to a rudementary version of Cerebro constructed from files stolen by Dark Beast. They hope to be able to determine why the X-Gene was knocked into dormancy instead of being out right eliminated. The only answer would have to be something that was dispersed world wide consciously disabling the x-genes causing Wanda's spell to overlooks them. Karima agrees as she thinks that this is a noble pursuit, but what she doesn't know that there is a high possibility that removing whatever is proventing this could cause all the de-powered mutants to be killed.
The second step of the first solution is to reconstitute Nate Grey. Upon his death Nate Grey a.k.a. X-Man dispersed his essence across the entire world to protect every living thing on earth from a terrible threat. After the threat subsided he remained dispersed in case that threat ever returned. On M-Day he knew what was happening and he frantically disabled every x-gene that he was in contact with, and used his vast powers to out right protect those he felt needed to keep their abilities. Once Exodus, Dark Beast, and Karima rip him from his hosts he will be reconstituted, and quite possibly the mutant population will regain their latent abilities. But this will come at a terrible cost, because the threat that Nate sacrificed himself to seve the world from could return to kill everyone.
The second solution that Exodus pondered would be to analyze the oldest living mutants and determine what caused the X-gene to develope, Exodus his own biology extensively, but he needs a mutant of equal age to compare it against, the only mutants of that age still alive today are Selene and Apocalypse, with Selene in hiding somehow dodging Cerebro and Apocalypse missing, Exodus turns to Apocalypse's closest living descendant Chamber. After his expereinces with the New Warriors and New Excalibur Chamber wants nothing to do with this, but he reluctantly agrees to let Dark Beast examine him because he feels he owes it to mutantkind. What he doesn't know is that Exodus and Dark Beast plan to summon Apocalypse and give him a new body in Chamber.
Random is a mutant that perplexes Exodus, at first he just thought of him as useful muscle that is easily manipulated. but in studying his abilities, Exodus realizes that Random has an endlessly replicating pre-x-gene, like an X-Stem-Cell. This is how he is able to adapt himself to any situation. If Exodus and Dark Beast are able to isolate this gene and instill it in another being, it should manifest as a new mutant. He also fits the tank mold for any conflicts that might arise, plus he makes for good comedic relief in contrast of the doom and gloom of the other characters.
Cloak & Dagger
These characters will come up late in the series, as Karima is scanning using Cerebro she comes across these two, and learns of their origins, and becomes suspicious of their possible connections to the MGH industry. She tells Exodus about these two, and he sends Random and Chamber out to find them. While Karima investigates the criminals surrounding their origns and what they did after words. It is discovered that the drug used on Tandy and Tyrone was the earliest known predecessor to MGH. Using Tyrone and Tandy's genetics Exodus assigns Dark Beast to reverse engineer this drug to see if it still has any affect.
I'll expand later
Creative Team: Mike Carey and Pasqual Ferry
The Pitch: Basically the evil version of Matt Fraction's Science Team from uncanny x-men, with only one mission statement. Fix the mutant decimation, Exodus has commited himself to saving mutant-kind, entirely and he is willing to do whatever it takes, even if it risks global destruction. There will be no proper team just Exodus, Dark Beast, and Omega-Sentinel investigating various possible solutions. The remaining 5 characters will be brought in as Exodus deems their investigation necessary. High Science, and moral-conflict ensue.

You think Magneto is obsessed with being the savior of the mutant race? This guy is Magneto squared. He can't stand to see the mutant race on it's last legs, so he is using his countless resources to actually find a solution. No matter the cost, even if it damns him to the depths of hell he HAS to be the guys to solve the problem. The first issue will revolve around him frantically going through everything he has ever known about mutants to find something. After finding 4 possible answers he goes out to find those who will help him. After losing his Acolytes trust shortly after Messiah Complex he is left alone. So he sets out to find those that will help him, coming up empty handed, until finally coming across the one person willing to do what it'll take to solve the problem....
Dark Beast

All the brains of Henry McCoy a.k.a. The Beast, with none of the scruples. This Hank McCoy let the dark world of the Age of Apocalypse warp him into a shadow of his true self. This Beast is willing to do what the regular Hank won't, he tested an unproven drug on one of the Guthrie Children nearly killing him. Really he has no stake in what happens to the mutants of this world, he is just looking for something to do. When Exodus approaches him with his 4 solutions Dark Beast jumps at the oppurtunity to perform some dirty science.

The first step of the first solution is to get Karima Shapandar a.k.a. The Omega-Sentinel in the fold. Using Karima's Mutant Recognizing abilities, and retrofitting her to a rudementary version of Cerebro constructed from files stolen by Dark Beast. They hope to be able to determine why the X-Gene was knocked into dormancy instead of being out right eliminated. The only answer would have to be something that was dispersed world wide consciously disabling the x-genes causing Wanda's spell to overlooks them. Karima agrees as she thinks that this is a noble pursuit, but what she doesn't know that there is a high possibility that removing whatever is proventing this could cause all the de-powered mutants to be killed.

The second step of the first solution is to reconstitute Nate Grey. Upon his death Nate Grey a.k.a. X-Man dispersed his essence across the entire world to protect every living thing on earth from a terrible threat. After the threat subsided he remained dispersed in case that threat ever returned. On M-Day he knew what was happening and he frantically disabled every x-gene that he was in contact with, and used his vast powers to out right protect those he felt needed to keep their abilities. Once Exodus, Dark Beast, and Karima rip him from his hosts he will be reconstituted, and quite possibly the mutant population will regain their latent abilities. But this will come at a terrible cost, because the threat that Nate sacrificed himself to seve the world from could return to kill everyone.

The second solution that Exodus pondered would be to analyze the oldest living mutants and determine what caused the X-gene to develope, Exodus his own biology extensively, but he needs a mutant of equal age to compare it against, the only mutants of that age still alive today are Selene and Apocalypse, with Selene in hiding somehow dodging Cerebro and Apocalypse missing, Exodus turns to Apocalypse's closest living descendant Chamber. After his expereinces with the New Warriors and New Excalibur Chamber wants nothing to do with this, but he reluctantly agrees to let Dark Beast examine him because he feels he owes it to mutantkind. What he doesn't know is that Exodus and Dark Beast plan to summon Apocalypse and give him a new body in Chamber.
Random is a mutant that perplexes Exodus, at first he just thought of him as useful muscle that is easily manipulated. but in studying his abilities, Exodus realizes that Random has an endlessly replicating pre-x-gene, like an X-Stem-Cell. This is how he is able to adapt himself to any situation. If Exodus and Dark Beast are able to isolate this gene and instill it in another being, it should manifest as a new mutant. He also fits the tank mold for any conflicts that might arise, plus he makes for good comedic relief in contrast of the doom and gloom of the other characters.
Cloak & Dagger

These characters will come up late in the series, as Karima is scanning using Cerebro she comes across these two, and learns of their origins, and becomes suspicious of their possible connections to the MGH industry. She tells Exodus about these two, and he sends Random and Chamber out to find them. While Karima investigates the criminals surrounding their origns and what they did after words. It is discovered that the drug used on Tandy and Tyrone was the earliest known predecessor to MGH. Using Tyrone and Tandy's genetics Exodus assigns Dark Beast to reverse engineer this drug to see if it still has any affect.
I'll expand later
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