Dream-Teaming Round 11: Ladies' Night!


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2006
Carbondale, Illinois
Okay, you're an assistant editor at the comic book publisher of your choice. You're boss comes in and tells you to drum up some roster ideas for a team-book they'd like to set-up for a future creative team to write. He asks for a proposal including: The roster of the team, The driving idea, explanations for character choices, and the creative team you'd like to see.

THE RULES------------------------

1) The winner of the last round becomes the moderator of the round, and thus gets to choose the team in question to be built. He must also name the roster to be filled, which should be at least 4, but no more than 9.

2) You may not use more than 4 characters common in anyone else's team in the round, as in if team one has characters a,b,c,d,e, team two can have characters a,b,c,d in common, but cannot use character e. The team posted first takes priority.

3) You must write a brief two or three sentence plot summary, an explanation for each team member, and the creative team you'd like to see on the book.

4) After TEN DAYS, the round is declared closed. People will vote via PM and send it to the moderator, who will count the votes and declare winner. Like the Ultimatization Game, you CANNOT vote for yourself.

5) The winner declared gets to choose the team in the next round.

This Round:

The Birds Of Prey

Dinah is co-headlining with Ollie, Babs is begrudgingly helping a new Batgirl, and Helena and Zinda have been "busy" with Hal Jordan of all ****ing people so the BoP need some fresh blood. That's where you come in.

Get to work you lazy bums!
I keep hearing about Zinda and Hal. Where was this?

It came up conversationally in Robinson's fairly terrible Justice League mini that Zinda, Helena, and Hal had a threesome. I just assumed it was Robinson's idea. I don't know if it was brought up anywhere else. When I read it, I kind of took it as Green Arrow just cracking a joke.

Incidentally... I wonder if we should have a separate thread for general "Dream-Teaming Discussion" and use these threads exclusively for entries.
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It came up conversationally in Robinson's fairly terrible Justice League mini that Zinda, Helena, and Hal had a threesome. I just assumed it was Robinson's idea. I don't know if it was brought up anywhere else. When I read it, I kind of took it as Green Arrow just cracking a joke.
So far it's only been mentioned in Cry For Justice. Of course there was a big interwebs kerfuffle about whether it was in character and whether it was sexist.

My only problem with it was that it was a throwaway joke that wasn't terribly funny. Still, it's hard to imagine someone writing Black Cat and her new gal pals high-fiving about the time Spider-Man and the Human Torch acted on all that tension and hopped into bed with her after a few brewskies. So maybe it is sexist.
Incidentally... I wonder if we should have a separate thread for general "Dream-Teaming Discussion" and use these threads exclusively for entries.
I think it's fine here. Most of the Dreamteaming threads only last 3-4 pages anyway, might as well keep the discussion where it is.
So far it's only been mentioned in Cry For Justice. Of course there was a big interwebs kerfuffle about whether it was in character and whether it was sexist.

My only problem with it was that it was a throwaway joke that wasn't terribly funny. Still, it's hard to imagine someone writing Black Cat and her new gal pals high-fiving about the time Spider-Man and the Human Torch acted on all that tension and hopped into bed with her after a few brewskies. So maybe it is sexist.

I think the question is, is it sexist on the part of the writer or sexist on the part of the characters? To me, it seems like the kind of conversation I'd hear among dudes I'm friends with, and it seems fairly well in line with the attitudes of Hal and Ollie.
I think the question is, is it sexist on the part of the writer or sexist on the part of the characters? To me, it seems like the kind of conversation I'd hear among dudes I'm friends with, and it seems fairly well in line with the attitudes of Hal and Ollie.
Now this is getting off topic, but I'd love to continue this elsewhere.
Hm... Very interesting. Think I may just jump back on board with this round.
Hooray! I'm moderating a round that isn't a complete dud!!!
Tentative team line-up for....

**** You Guys! We're the Birds of Prey!


Wendy Harris

Traci 13

Black Alice

Cassandra Cain

I have the basic reasoning in mind, but like Doc, I need a little bit of time to let the ideas and subplots simmer. The general idea is that, against Barbara Gordon's wishes, Misfit goes about recruiting a new generation of the Birds of Prey. With many of the prominent female heroes in Babs' court, she pulls in a new generation, many of them who Gordon considered too unstable or wet-behind-the-ears to properly rein in. In some ways they're the opposite of Babs' team, generally hot headed and without the connection Gordon had back to Earth's greatest heroes. But their mission is largely the same, righting wrongs that are largely overlooked by the superhuman community at large. Young women with vast powers, coming of age and bonding into a sort of surrogate family unit.
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CODENAME: Birds Of Prey


Codename: Eagle
Amanda Waller


Codename: Falcon
Cassandra Cain (Lady Cain)


Codename: Hawk
Mercy Graves


Codename: Osprey


Codename: Kite
Jesse Chambers (Liberty Bell/Jesse Quick)


Codename: Vulture
Rose Wilson (Ravager)


Codename: Owl
Eve Eden (Nightshade)


I think you can see where I am going with this... I'm thinking Government Black-Ops team that can essentially take down any superhero team in order to retrieve personnel or information before it falls into the hands of said superhero team...

I'll put in my reasoning for each in the next day or two, but my brain started rolling and I needed to post it before I went to sleep.
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