Dream Movie #15: Shaken, Not Stirred




England's government has collapsed and MI6 has disbanded. Not long after, several SIS agents, stripped of their ranks and rendered job-less, are killed. Determined to get to the bottom of this, agent James Bond infiltrates the Vauxhall Cross, SIS headquarters, and searches for information about MI6's demise. To his surprise, he finds M and some others ransacking the place, apparently to destroy evidence. After a long battle, Bond is defeated and tranquilized by M.

Bond awakens several hours later in a dimly-lit room. His age has caught up to him, and he suffers from a rare blood disease called Selatcia (his highly reactive state is presumably caused by a build-up of stress from the high-octane spy missions and plethora of women he's bedded in his career). Using the "Lazarus" serum composed of nanites, painkillers, and Vodka, Bond has managed to remain immune to the disease for the past few months, but the serum is wearing off and it's only a matter of time before the disease finally takes over and corrodes his bloodstream.

Bla-bla-blah, M is a bad guy, he's working with Mandrake, the leader of the Zenith Organization, something-something-something. It's not like you can vote for this anyway. So, whatever, this is really just a bunch of people I'd like to see in a Bond movie, with some ideas to make it like a Metal Gear Solid version of 007.


James Bond, Agent 007 - Gary Oldman
An aging MI6 agent. I would have chosen Christian Bale, which would have made Bond younger and change the plot a little, but he's too well-known as Batman. And plus Gary Oldman can play anything.

Sir Miles Messervy, M - Sir Michael Gambon
SIS Head of Service. Sir Michael Gambon has starred in films, his most recent works including Sleepy Hollow, Ali G Indahouse, Layer Cake, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, and the Omen, though he is perhaps best known to today's generation as Albus Dumbledore, Hogwarts headmaster in the Harry Potter films. I strongly believe that Sir Michael could pull off the role with ease, as it is a well-known fact that he pisses excellence. If you don't agree with me for this casting, then I will fight you.

Geoffrey Boothroyd, the Gunsmith - Rade Šerbedžija
SIS Quartermaster. I'm doing a different spin on Q for this. Inspired by Wanted, I've included a character called "the Gunsmith," who manufactures weapons for MI6. He's still got his cooky inventions, but he's an arms dealer. Unlike the Q of old, the Gunsmith is a tough son-of-a-bich and sort of acts as a mentor to 007. You may have seen Rade as Gen. Gredenko in 24, or as Boris "the Blade" in Snatch. He was also in Shooter, Mission Impossible 2, and Eyes Wide Shut, and appeared as the homeless guy in Batman Begins ("Nice coat").

Mandrake - Malcolm McDowell
The criminal mastermind behind Zenith Corporation, he helps bring about the destruction of MI6. Or something.

Felix Leiter - Laurence Fishburne
Uh, yeah, I realize the Felix Leiter wasn't black in the book (at least I don't think so....he's white in most of the movies). This is just a nod to Jeffrey Wright from Casino Royale (since I chose an older actor to play Bond, I decided to play an older actor to play Felix).

James Blonde - Scarlett Johansson
Although she's like, half Gary Oldman's age....I can imagine Bond still pimping teh ladies even past his prime. Scarlett Johansson is incredibly hot and would be perfect as a Bond girl.
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Why is she eating a flower?!

That's a pretty good cast, Langsta.

I may cast this. I want to do my own sequel to Casino Royale, but I'm not sure whether to remake From Russia With Love (film) or Live and Let Die (novel).
Why is she eating a flower?!

That's a pretty good cast, Langsta.

I may cast this. I want to do my own sequel to Casino Royale, but I'm not sure whether to remake From Russia With Love (film) or Live and Let Die (novel).

Actually, enh, thanks, but it sucks.
Umm...Langsta's cast was some kind of awesome. Other than Laurence Fishburne and Scarlett Johansen, I loved it.

Yeah. The first four actors I could actually see being in a Bond film.

****. I forgot I wanted to do this. I need to try and think of something.
Dream Movie can still keep going, as long as we try to distance it from Dreamcasting as much as possible. More "make a pulp noir film" or "make a new film in this franchise" than "do a Daredevil movie."
Dream Movie can still keep going, as long as we try to distance it from Dreamcasting as much as possible. More "make a pulp noir film" or "make a new film in this franchise" than "do a Daredevil movie."

Ok. Well, it's been about two weeks. The deadline is Saturday then.
Alrighty then, vote - Mole or Random.

I'll, uh, count up the votes when I wake up tomorrow.
I don't want to pick favorites.

How about this: Random or Mole, whichever one of you guys starts the next thread first is the moderator next round.