Teh Sexy Monkey Queen
Here's a key. It's right next to the bed.where is this "Bad" and how can i get in it?
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Here's a key. It's right next to the bed.where is this "Bad" and how can i get in it?
Here's a key. It's right next to the bed.
kay, after I finish here with Tog, I'll show p around 8:30
I want the bed.
It's funny how gay this thread turned out.
Much like Proposition 8, this thread is so gay.
Houde is actually right on the money. To avoid your friends because you're lazy is an extremely dick-ish move.
Dooms such a Dick that he pretended his apartment building was on fire to get rid of a one night stand.
Dick move Doom.
These two have what this thread is about.
One time Doom beat up a kid for his lunch money. Doom was 25, the kid was ten.
Doom's a Dick.
It's funny how gay this thread turned out.
Doom once dated this girl and knocked her up. When she told him she was pregnant, he disappeared for a month. But then he came crawling back when he learned that her mom got nominated to run as VP.
Doom also frequently offers his dick in a box as a Christmas presents.