Dexter Series Discussion *Spoilers*

THINK ABOUT IT. This will be the final two! I'm so smart!

Trinity kills in four - The 10-year old (Cody), the single woman (Debra), the mother of two (Rita - Cody's dead now), the single father (Dexter). It's completely set up. Trinity's next (and certainly his last cycle) will be the Morgans. Eeek! So excited!
I think it would have been interesting if in response to Deb saying the name of the killer, Christina had said "that's not his name, it's Arthur Mitchell." So not only would they realize Trinity is still out there but that someone is manipulating them! Dexter would have another challenge!

I don't even know how to talk about this show anymore. I am on the edge of my seat the whole time waiting for something bad to happen.

4x12 is going to be the most insane hour of television ever made. I hope it doesn't disappoint.
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Spoilers for 4x12!

Pretty pleased with the finale though a bit disappointed. I thought it was a bit predictable. Arthur kills Rita and Dexter kills Arthur. It would have been interesting if Arthur had escaped... I expected a better confrontation between the two.

Speculation for next season? I presume we'll see Rita's mother return or Paul's parents to try and get full custody of the kids as Dexter tries to be a single father with three kids. And now that Deb knows Dexter and the Ice Truck Killer were brothers, I expect her to start putting things together... this season showed how competent she really is so I wouldn't be surprised if she discovers his secret next season. But will she be an ally or an enemy? Dexter also has to cope with Harrison getting the urge now. Will he help support it or try and stop it?

Any ideas for villains for next season? I presume they won't do another serial killer because there would have been too many. I would like Dexter to go after a cannibal in an episode though.

I'm going to be annoyed if the next seasons starts up 12 months later or something. I need to know how Dexter explains Trinity killing his wife! And Batista saw him in the police station talking to Dexter!

Also, John Lithgow better win an Emmy. He got me so excited for this show like never before.

Those promo posters from the start of the season with baby Harrison covered in blood are much more fitting now.

Imagine if the Mitchell family called Dexter Kyle in front of all the cops!
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I'm into the third season right now and I'm enjoying it very much. I think this show gets better as it goes on... Miguel is an interesting character and I can't wait to see where he goes. Dexter having a buddy is awesome.
Speculation for next season? I presume we'll see Rita's mother return or Paul's parents to try and get full custody of the kids as Dexter tries to be a single father with three kids. And now that Deb knows Dexter and the Ice Truck Killer were brothers, I expect her to start putting things together... this season showed how competent she really is so I wouldn't be surprised if she discovers his secret next season. But will she be an ally or an enemy? Dexter also has to cope with Harrison getting the urge now. Will he help support it or try and stop it?

I think Rita discovering Dex is a serial killer is the only thing "left" as 'twere. Also, Harrison (unless they time jump) will not be old enough to get "urges".

I'm going to be annoyed if the next seasons starts up 12 months later or something. I need to know how Dexter explains Trinity killing his wife! And Batista saw him in the police station talking to Dexter!

Trinity killing his wife is easy - it's his cycle and it's fuel for Debra, she'll no doubt blame Rita's death as Trinity trying to hurt her. Also, Batista wouldn't remember seeing Arthur Mitchell. It wouldn't be realistic. He didn't look him in the face, and wasn't aware of the man at the time.

Also, John Lithgow better win an Emmy. He got me so excited for this show like never before.


Those promo posters from the start of the season with baby Harrison covered in blood are much more fitting now.


Imagine if the Mitchell family called Dexter Kyle in front of all the cops!

I was wondering if that would happen...

Anyhow - the finale was brilliant. So desperately exciting. I was actually annoyed that Trinity didn't do his cycle on Dexter's family, and thought, "Well... they messed it up" only to get the phone call from Rita and I went, "Oh ****. **** **** ****." I can't wait to see how the next season unfolds.

IDEA! What if Rita returns as a ghost like Harry?! Harry's the 'devil' telling Dexter to forsake the family and go killing, and Rita's the 'angel' telling him not to do it!
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No, the producers already said Rita is done, there won't be any return of her. Period.

Yep. I would preferred to have seen ghost Doakes insulting Dexter while he's doing his thing. :)
I think Deb is going to become more of the protagonist, as the show has kind of been heading in that direction for a while. At the very least, we'll continue having each episode split pretty evenly between the two. I think she's going to start putting things together. Remember that there is still an entire Mitchell Family alive to point at Dexter and say that he was around for months, and that he was in the house when the police broke in. That would be enough for her to start searching.

Then maybe she starts digging around. The big moment is going to have to be when she realizes that Doakes wasn't the Bay Harbor Butcher. Maybe all it takes is for his family to point out that he has alibis for MANY of the murder victims. Then she puts the pieces together and everything starts pointing at her brother.

I think she'll have to turn him in... Deb has many faults, but she always does the right thing in the end, no matter how much it ends up hurting her. Just imagine the moment she's searching for evidence in his back shed and finds the murder instruments. Or when she realizes what exactly he used the giant walk-in freezer for in his old apartment. She sees that she has the same old model of air conditioner, and maybe its noted for how easily the front falls out, and she sees that rather than filled with dust, this little open area is impeccably clean. She sees the same one in her brother's shed... There are a LOT of ways she could figure it out, but I can't see her just accepting it. She would confront him first before bringing in the evidence, but she would DEFINITELY bring in the evidence. Either he'll run or be caught. Before any of that he'll tell her about the code and what her father did and how he shaped him.

I think the best way the show could end would be Deb having to raise the kids. Maybe a final episode cuts forward several years and we see a young harrison having just killed the family pet, looking at the blood on his hands. And there's this fascination in his eyes.

Then Debra needs to make a choice. She knows about the code. If this kid winds up turning into a monster he'll be caught immediately, but since she loves him, she wonders what might happen if she pushes him into becoming the right sort of person.

THAT is how I think the show will end.
Season 5 should be about Dexter leaving Miami to hunt and kill the infamous Hannibal Lector.

I can finally enter this thread again! I have finished catching up! I've been on a marathon everyday for the past two weeks or so watching seasons 3 and 4.

I just finished 4 now. Someone at work, that *****, ruined what happens to the mother, because a friend and I were talking about Dexter. The ***** comes in like she was already in the conversation and goes, "And yeah, poor Rita dying, huh?". **** YOU!

But even knowing this, my heart still raced as the episode was nearing the end. I expected a better confrontation b/w Arthur and Dexter (almost typed 'Kyle', heh), but that's a minor complaint in the best episode of the whole series. That last part with Harrison in the pool of blood like Dexter.... my jaw just dropped to the floor. Holy mother effing cow on a jumping stick! And Rita.... poor Rita. I will miss her dearly. :(

Season 5 cannot come fast enough. Dexter is now one of my favorite shows of all time. I remember watching season 1 and thinking it had a slow build up to it. But as I kept watching on, I kept enjoying it more. And with going to SDCC this summer, I will try to get to the panel, if they have one, to see S5's trailer. If I can record it, I shall try. Hehe.
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Lithgow was just stunning in season 4. It's a shame that he and Jimmy Smits can't return. I'm still hoping that Rita will show up as a ghost like Harry.
Lithgow was just stunning in season 4. It's a shame that he and Jimmy Smits can't return.
They were stunning indeed. Both were excellent. Lithgow scared me as to how brilliantly he was at playing a serial killer. They way he went from 'normal' to his 'primal rage' was just holy ****! Intense!!

I'm still hoping that Rita will show up as a ghost like Harry.
I would like that, but I just read she'll be playing a recurring role on Housewives, so the chances of that are slim.
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When Lithgow told his wife, for the first time, "Shut up, c**t."

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