Dexter Series Discussion *Spoilers*

That episode should've been titled "Wrong Turn". It was just bad. I think it would've been much better if it wasn't condensed into one episode. I think that story had a lot of potential but was poorly executed. Bringing Brian back was useless essentially and so was Jonah. I think there were good ideas, it was just sloppy. It was kind of like the writers all said let's take what was the most popular stuff and try to use it to get people excited about the show again.
I didn't think it was so bad, but it didn't seem right to have Dexter have sex with that girl and joyride while shooting a gun. That doesn't feel like part of his character, even if he wasn't/isn't being himself.
I find this show a chore to watch now, which probably means it's no longer for me. I just don't care about anything going on anymore.
I'm loving this season so far. Brother Sam was awesome, I loved the double-sequel of NEBRASKA by giving us the Ice-Truck Killer and Trinity. I'm curious to see if they were just nostalgic twists to drum up ratings (possible as it's sweeps, right?) or if it's going to pay off more considering we've had two interns that are a little too into Dexter...

I'm really enjoying it. I like Anderson, and Deb as Lieutenant has shaked up the dynamics (and kinda gotten rid of LaGuerta, yay!) and I'm starting to feel that everything's going off the rails as we gear towards the finale...
Ice, that's what I mean. The episode was just so inconsistent with who Dexter is. I understand Brian showing up is supposed to represent Dexter's darkest corner but rather than make it dark, they sort of chose to go the comical route which didn't pay off. I wish, rather than go down this road and reintroduce these old elements to the show, that they'd of focused on Dexter manipulating Travis. I still love that scene with Dexter sitting in the back. The WORST thing they did this season was have that scene and then move Dexter's attention to other stuff.

And this interns! Thank you Bass! Even the guy from Chicago is just too into Dexter. Is it supposed to be suspicious? Like, are they actually not interns and actually FBI or what?
I'm more interested in Lewis than I am in the Doomsday Killer. Especially as the obvious twist was revealed.
I'm with you, Bass. That and I thought that it was a surprise that Captain Matthews was involved with that dead hooker that La Guerta was trying to keep under wraps. Now that the obvious twist is out of the way, perhaps some actual twists will come our way.
I saw the Captain thing a mile away. It was so obvious I was surprised they kept it secret and thought, "If it was him, they wouldn't have kept it secret".

But I'm sure, that now we enter endgame, the series will go off the chain and be super-awesome. As it does every single year.
Last year's end game was a huge cop out. Some of it was fun to watch though. Thinking about it, I definitely enjoyed Jordan Chase as a villain more than I do the Doomsday Killer.

With this seasons end game, I am expecting a lot from it. There's something very odd with the interns and I am hoping that that isn't swept under the rug until next season, although I have a suspicion that it will be.

Also, I think it is finally time for Deb to realize who Dexter actually is. My theory is that she does get fired over her decision to re-open the case that would destroy Matthews and, after that, realizes Dexter is a murderer with the help of her therapist. If she's out of work, there's really nothing she can do against Dex, not that she'd do anything anyway. Should be interesting.
I think it was a cop-out in a structural sense: I want Deb to find out. Rita's dead so that can't happen, but I want Deb to find out.

However, I don't think what happened was a cop-out. I thought it was a brilliant insight into Deb's character that made perfect sense that she didn't take a look at them. It would've been a cop-out if she'd say, walked up, they threw the curtain at her and escaped before she saw anything. Her letting them go was a wonderful character moment, that was annoying only in the sense that I want her to find out. But not a 'cop-out' in the sense, 'they cheated' or 'couldn't be bothered'.
I guess you're right. A cop out in the eyes of those watching, a great character moment for Deb. She's really been the best developed character throughout all of the seasons. I think they are meandering a bit with Dexter now. He's always struggled morally, but this religious stuff, I feel, has been really very forced.
It does feel a bit forced, and now, rudderless, without Brother Sam being even remotely relevant to anything going on.
I don't think he went too soon, only that now he's gone, there seems to be little point in him ever being there.

Interesting. I really hope that they bring relevant bits from each of the past seasons and, most importantly, important characters like Jonah and Lumen should return. The end game for this show is going to be interesting. Already, it hasn't been built up too good but they are giving it two more seasons to build and then end. And they aren't even really definitively saying it's going to end, either. What do ya'll think.
It almost sounds like you're agreeing with me... But without saying it.

Probably so I can take credit and win because that's all I'm about.

Or rather, I agree with the first half of your statement that Sam kinda went to waste, but disagree that he went too soon.

Interesting. I really hope that they bring relevant bits from each of the past seasons and, most importantly, important characters like Jonah and Lumen should return. The end game for this show is going to be interesting. Already, it hasn't been built up too good but they are giving it two more seasons to build and then end. And they aren't even really definitively saying it's going to end, either. What do ya'll think.

I thought this might be the case. It worked out really well for the last three seasons of THE SHIELD.

I'm quite glad of the 'advance warning' of cancellation so we can get a proper wrap up.
I'm glad Deb was made LT. because she was boring me and, IMO, having no real character development. Also, her constant swearing at anyone anywhere is something I've always hated. Horrible.
So, I was watching RICOCHET RABBIT and thinking, "Wouldn't it be great if Dexter had to take on a cop-killer? A serial killer who only kills cops. That would be a terrific villain." Which is not good as it means I'm not too interested in what's happening (which is odd) but then, they go and do that. Also; I'm really looking forward to seeing what else Lewis is up to. And I think Deb is going to screw Matthews utterly (which he deserves) or she'll be demoted and the Lieutenant promotion was a season thing and Batista will take over. So things are really shaping up.

Also, if you look at the trailer for next week's episode
you can clearly see Quinn kick in a door to a room that's on fire, and Batista is bound and gagged on a bed, helpless. Clearly Quinn will save him and realise that his moping around almost got his partner killed. Which I knew was coming when Batista went to that house by himself. I knew Quinn would come and save him. But I'm hoping it'll still be fun too watch and not too predictable.