DC's Earth-66 - Timeline

Why is the Green Hornet inbetween Batman season 1?
Because I'm working on it's placement still. Haven't seen any timeline indication yet. If there are none, I'll do release date order, with the exception of two/three parters, of cause.
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I probably shouldn't, but I'm actually considering putting the Wonder Woman show on this timeline. The suit Wonder Woman wears in Earth-76 is just slightly off looking. Surely they'd try to be completely accurate to the show, right? It's not a major problem, but still. The crossover comic so clearly fused the stows together, I'm almost willing to ignore a couple issues with the years to just work them into a single timeline. Legends of the Superheroes could take place in the early 70s, and it's a bit of a weird Justice League. Pahaps Diana could be suggesting they reform or create a new version of the League, now with a more iconic heroes like herself and Superman. Dick Grayson left Batman and became Nightwing between Legends of the Superheroes and Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77.

Eh, what am I kidding, it probably just occurs post-crisis. They kinda gave themselves an out with that anyway.

Edit: If Earth-Prime can combine worlds, why not Earth-66/76? Done.
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Timeline has changed. The only date error right now is the Batmobile licence plate, but I'm willing to ignore that. Might be some in Wonder Woman, but I'll get there eventually.

Essentially, Batman '66 Meets the Legion of Super-Heroes and Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 are set after the third season and take place in 1966. Batman '66 hints it is aswell. This would push the show back years after it released, which isn't really a problem anyway.

The actual chronological order is accurate now.

Note: You could count The Adventures of Superman as canonical if you wish, as characters from that show had cameos in Batman '66. You'd watch that between Wonder Woman S1 and Batman. I don't count it because it was simply a cameo, but it makes sense.

Billy Batson appears in the same issue. We can assume this is the same version from Legends of the Superheroes.

Martian Manhunter has a cameo in Batman '66 Meets The Legion of Super-Heroes.

So the Justice League in this world (post-1977) is actually pretty much the comics line up.

Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
Martian Manhunter
Captain Marvel
Black Canary
The Atom

Now that's a comic I want to see.
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Theres an unmarked bonus scene in Batman vs. Two-Face with Holly Quinn breaking Joker out of prison announcing herself as Harlequin (she said Harley Quinn, but in the comics she's Harlequin). I can't find it online, but if you have the Blu-Ray you'll find the 30 second scene in the Special Features at the very end unnamed.

I'm going to assume it takes place after she takes the Brain Regulator into herself to save Gotham from going insane. If her first appearance in Batman '66 as Harlequin contradicts this as her first meeting with the Joker, I guess it's after Batman '66 and she's referring to her new name and suit.

The animated films don't really contradict the comics, but you get a couple screw ups like Hugo Strange looking different. Still the same character though, so it's not a problem.
Pahaps Batman '66: The Lost Episode is merely taking place after Batman vs. Two-Face, and the scarring of his face set the Two-Face personality off again, as hinted in the film.

"Clearly Two-Face lies dormant, buried deep in Harvey's psyche. For now, we can only hope it stay that way."

Essentially, Two-Face was given a physical permanent form, like the comic origins, after his original origin with the "evil extractor". While Harvey was truly better by the end of the film, it was inevitable that he was to become the villain.

Oh, and both this comic and the Legion comic display the other side of the Batcave off screen as the trophy area, with the dinosaur and such. Thought that was of note.

The Halloween issue of Batman '66 featured a child dressed as Superman. This, along with cameos at the end of Batman '66, leads me to believe that Adventures of Superman really is in the history of Earth-66 and/or the post-crisis Earth-66 with Wonder Woman. I guess this is the Live-Action Golden Age Universe.

Can we get a Batman '66 Meets Superman '52 anytime soon, DC, just to solidify things here? I'm a bit surprised they haven't, honestly. It's the logical next step after hinting at a Justice League. Oh well, looks like this is it in terms of content within this reality for a while.
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More proof supporting that Superman exists.
This is from Solo #7, a series of standalone stories delivered from an individual writer, given the chance to make whatever they want. This particular one is a story about the 1966 Batman.

Most of the story didn't happen, as it was in Bruce's nightmare, but it's still influenced by reality, and Superman and the Justice League (Legends of the Superheroes) do exist by the time it takes place.

A child is dressed as Superman throughout the entirety of Batman '66 #46.

A direct reference to Adventures of Superman.

3 references to Superman in total, 1 of them being directly the version from Adventures of Superman. It's reasonable to me to include that show.
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I don't know that I'd be as quick to assume that the comics crossovers necessarily indicate that Wonder Woman and Adventures of Superman take place on the same Earth since that's not the assumption made on this timeline for any of the non-DC comic crossovers, and there are plenty of examples elsewhere in the multiverse of characters having the same appearance/actors but existing on different Earths.

Granted, even if the TV shows are all on different Earths, it would seem that Earth 66's Superman and Wonder Woman have had largely the same experiences as they would have had on their own Earths (which could be true of their Batmen as well,) so it still makes sense to group their timelines together. However, that would seem to be an argument in favor of including the other, non-DC crossover's episodes as well.

In either case, in the spirit of full inclusion, is there any reason to keep the New Adventures of Batman off the timeline at this point? It would seem on its face to be an animated continuation of the live-action TV show like the more recent animated movies.
I don't know that I'd be as quick to assume that the comics crossovers necessarily indicate that Wonder Woman and Adventures of Superman take place on the same Earth since that's not the assumption made on this timeline for any of the non-DC comic crossovers, and there are plenty of examples elsewhere in the multiverse of characters having the same appearance/actors but existing on different Earths.

Granted, even if the TV shows are all on different Earths, it would seem that Earth 66's Superman and Wonder Woman have had largely the same experiences as they would have had on their own Earths (which could be true of their Batmen as well,) so it still makes sense to group their timelines together. However, that would seem to be an argument in favor of including the other, non-DC crossover's episodes as well.

In either case, in the spirit of full inclusion, is there any reason to keep the New Adventures of Batman off the timeline at this point? It would seem on its face to be an animated continuation of the live-action TV show like the more recent animated movies.
1. Batman '66 Meets Wonder Woman '77 refers to the Wonder Woman '77 comic directly. It's in the Batman '66 brand as well. It's also completely DC, unlike the intercompany crossovers. Superman, being DC, seems much more intentional, especially since they follow up on it the very next issue.

2. Batman '66 Meets the Man from U.N.C.L.E. has a note saying they were going for a generic look, indicating that it's unrelated to the show. A point Selfishmisery brought up a long time ago is that you wouldn't include all the Shurlock Holmes novels on a Batman: The Brave and the Bold timeline, and that it would simply be the version of the character from that universe. Some of the cameos don't actually make sense if you scrutinise them anyway.

3. Eh, that would fit the Super Friends continuity more, since Adam West voiced Batman for a time in that show. The show had a different Batmobile, Batgirl suit and Riddler suit. The animated films were directly made to continue this continuity, like the tie-in comics, while the show just utilized the actors.

I guess it's reasonable to assume that Wonder Woman happened on Earth-66 and Earth-76 identically. All speculation, of cause.
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3. Eh, that would fit the Super Friends continuity more, since Adam West voiced Batman for a time in that show. The show had a different Batmobile, Batgirl suit and Riddler suit. The animated films were directly made to continue this continuity, like the tie-in comics, while the show just utilized the actors.

Fair enough--I was convinced by "The New Adventures of Batman" title that it was a spinoff, but I didn't realize that there was an even earlier animated series called the "Adventures of Batman", unrelated to the live action show, whose designs were used in the second cartoon show too.

I can't imagine this being needed, but I was watching the Green Hornet and noticed something timeline related that I thought I'd bring up: At the end of 1x06, "Eat, Drink, and Be Dead", Britt gives Mike a 15% raise (!) without telling him, but at the end of 1x09, "The Ray is for Killing" Mike is upset that another reporter is being given a raise instead of him. This means that either 1x06-09 take place close enough together (within the same month, say) that Mike hasn't noticed his raise or that there's a significant break in time somewhere in between 1x06 and 1x09 to allow for Mike to become dissatisfied with his pay again.

I doubt 1966 would ever need to be further broken down on the timeline, but once you start noticing these details, you can't stop, lol.
2x07, "The Spell of Tut" begins on a "balmy evening" in Gotham, suggesting a spring-summer placement and both Batman and Tut mention the events of 1x27, "The Curse of Tut" as having taken place "last year", so at least 2x07 takes place in the year following 1x27.

I also noted that in 2x03, "Hot Off the Griddle", the police inform Batman that Catwoman is still alive. Since it was suggested that she might be dead after falling into a chasm in 1x20, "Better Luck Next Time", it's likely that Batman: The Movie (in which she also features) actually takes before 1x19, "The Purr-fect Crime." (I'm not sure of the larger continuity implications of that, but Batman was already familiar with Catwoman in 1x19, so it is possible. Assuming, of course, that all the Catwomen were the same character.)
2x07, "The Spell of Tut" begins on a "balmy evening" in Gotham, suggesting a spring-summer placement and both Batman and Tut mention the events of 1x27, "The Curse of Tut" as having taken place "last year", so at least 2x07 takes place in the year following 1x27.

I also noted that in 2x03, "Hot Off the Griddle", the police inform Batman that Catwoman is still alive. Since it was suggested that she might be dead after falling into a chasm in 1x20, "Better Luck Next Time", it's likely that Batman: The Movie (in which she also features) actually takes before 1x19, "The Purr-fect Crime." (I'm not sure of the larger continuity implications of that, but Batman was already familiar with Catwoman in 1x19, so it is possible. Assuming, of course, that all the Catwomen were the same character.)
I remember reading that Batman: The Movie was supposed to come out first.
I probably don't need Adventures of Superman on this timeline, really. Wonder Woman and Batman, regardless of if Earth-76 is the tv show, the universes combine or stay separate, are pretty much the same universe anyway. Adventures of Superman was probably intended to be connected in Batman '66, but I can't really see DC acknowledging them as the same anyway.
At the end of "Dizzonor the Penguin", Batman turns down offers from both parties to become their presidential candidate for the 1968 election, likely putting this episode closer to its late-1966 airdate than this timeline currently has it.
At the end of "Dizzonor the Penguin", Batman turns down offers from both parties to become their presidential candidate for the 1968 election, likely putting this episode closer to its late-1966 airdate than this timeline currently has it.
Hmm. Can't really squeeze it. I guess this universe has different presidential election years? Too much evidence in the comics for those not to be 1966.

Do they specify 1968 or can in be 1964?
Hmm. Can't really squeeze it. I guess this universe has different presidential election years? Too much evidence in the comics for those not to be 1966.

Do they specify 1968 or can in be 1964?
The 1968 election specifically is mentioned by name, but as an upcoming event. Technically, the episode could take place any time after the 1964 election but before 1968. (Given that the episode aired in 1966, I think the idea that the parties involved were lining up to lock down a candidate that early was supposed to be funny anyway.)

The next episode "Green Ice", is set during "the hottest day of the year", so likely summer of whichever year.
That would put it on September 8th, 1964.
The US presidential elections are in November, so the hottest day following the 1964 elections would be July 30, 1965--summer of '65 being the earliest "Green Ice" could take place. But there's some wiggle room since the hottest day of the year could be referring to local temperatures in Gotham City.
The US presidential elections are in November, so the hottest day following the 1964 elections would be July 30, 1965--summer of '65 being the earliest "Green Ice" could take place. But there's some wiggle room since the hottest day of the year could be referring to local temperatures in Gotham City.
Well, because of other evidence, that puts 3x53-3x54 into February-March 1966 and Batman '66 #27-28 into August 1966. Theres a 6 month time jump in Batman vs. Two-Face which makes this very unlikely.