52 maybe more than i can handle but then again i dont like to handle a lot of s#!t
52 maybe more than i can handle but then again i dont like to handle a lot of s#!t
52 maybe more than i can handle but then again i dont like to handle a lot of s#!t
then again i dont like to handle a lot of s#!t
But you liked Ultimate Clone Saga. :|
DC: batman, superman, JLA, JSA, Outsiders, teen titans
there's no real distinguishment between JLA, JSA etc. they're just different teams with different flashes or different green lanterns. i read a bit of JLA but could never be bothered with the others.
Ninja4peace said:So the 3 team lines are all different, avengers is a mish mash of whoever each member has a unique origin, and you've got different dynamics, X-men all have the same origin so writers don't have to think up sketchy origin arcs. And F4 is like a Family, again different dynamics between members.
Ninja4peace said:Each team i feel is fairly distinct and has something different to say. Daredevil has got that same detectivey feel as batman (and many the same writers)..
Ninja4peace said:And where as superman is invincible, spidey isn't at all and he often gets beaten the crap out of....and everyone loves an underdog.....I'm probably being too unjust to superman here, i like his character in JLA and superman/batman I just don't think i'd ever be bothered to read his solo comic.
Ninja4peace said:but punisher and hulk i find more interesting characters than wonder woman/superboy/ everyone in DC who has the same power
Ninja4peace said:Tho nothing beats super pets
Except now we have two different Avengers teams, and three different X-teams, and the Fantastic Four is broken up. So how do the six different Marvel team books manage to differentiate themselves better than the DC team books do again?
Just because Daredevil's got Brubaker doesn't mean he's as good as Batman.Could Daredevil sustain two books?
Well, your loss. Action Comics is kicking *** right now. And All-Star is amazing
Who in the DCU has the same power?
i think one of the reasons i prefer marvel to dc is looking at the main titles and i may be a bit niave here, I haven't read anything post crisis
DC: batman, superman, JLA, JSA, Outsiders, teen titans
there's no real distinguishment between JLA, JSA etc. they're just different teams with different flashes or different green lanterns. i read a bit of JLA but could never be bothered with the others.
The JSA is a massive society of older and more experienced superheroes with the intent of training and offering help to up-and-coming superheroes, and providing a prominent public face for the superhero community. The JLA is a superhuman strike force that tackles threats to the Earth. The Outsiders are a morally ambiguous group of outlaws who are doing the messy work no one else will. Teen Titans is a group of sidekicks who all band together to help each other out. Then there's Shadowpact, which holds the forces of magic at bay, and Checkmate, who provides us with our good, good spy drama fix. There's Supergirl and the Legion of Superheroes.... and every single one of these books manages to maintain its own, distinct flavor. Plus, none of the teams have Wolverine.
Because DC is teh suxx0rs omg lol !!1!!11!111o1n11noeon
UltimateHoude said:Is his penis long enough?
UltimateHoude said:Did you say that with a straight face? I don't think you did. I hated the Action Comics story the first time I saw it.
In the movies.
UltimateHoude said:I think he's talking about all the people in the DCU have flight/superstrength/invunerablility/super good looking.
UltimateHoude said:But, at least they all ain't Wolverine.
ultimatefan420 said:you cant ban me for stating my thoughts and you certainly cant lock me up 52 sucks period dot dash
We've already been over this. It doesn't matter, because none of you puny humans can match the awesome girth and length of a panda dick.
you cant ban me for stating my thoughts and you certainly cant lock me up 52 sucks period dot dash
They can ban you for anything they feel like. And 52 does not suck, you may not like it but it is much better than what Marvel is currently doing. Its a well developed story that takes b-lister heroes (I use the term b-lister as character fans know but qeneral public may not recognize) and gives them a chance to shine and they dont fail. With intriging multiple plots that are balanced prefectly and all are leading to something huge. To me it feels like the Lost of comic books. Now you may not like it as oppose to differences in taste but to say it completely sucks proves your thoughts are ill-informed and that of a blind marvel fanboy. Opinions are great as long as they are not so initially biased. Civil War has many story and character flaws when compared to those 52 has much more less and I say this as a Marvel fan. Also you liked the Ultimate Clone Saga which negates the creditibility of your opinion, in my opinion.
and thats why this website is subpar
Because we make well thought out arguments instead of quickly degenerating into insults and fanboy cliches? You're right. Lets be more "par".
A little criticism is fine. That's not a problem.A little criticism at a poorly constructed (or completely nonexistent) argument only pushes a person to do a better job at explaining what they mean next time as to avoid that same criticism.
If Bendis was a board member would we not be allowed to tell him that his work on Ultimate Spider-Man fudges the line between idiotic and rediculous?