DC Nation

Wait, is DC's plan to bring back "The Wall" really just have her overeat?




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So the Watchmen have crossed over with the regular DC universe in Rebirth. Why is no one talking about this?

Because it's inappropriate and a gimmick and there's not a lot to say about it. Yeah, it's conceivable given the parameters of Doc Manhatten and is something he could do, but that's not what Watchmen is about and not what it was for. They are shoehorning it in.

Cynically I'd say it was done to keep Watchmen relevant enough to be able to keep reprinting it so the rights don't revert back to Alan Moore. not much to say about it after that.
Because it's inappropriate and a gimmick and there's not a lot to say about it. Yeah, it's conceivable given the parameters of Doc Manhatten and is something he could do, but that's not what Watchmen is about and not what it was for. They are shoehorning it in.

Cynically I'd say it was done to keep Watchmen relevant enough to be able to keep reprinting it so the rights don't revert back to Alan Moore. not much to say about it after that.
Doesn't feel shoehorned to me, but that's just my opinion.

I don't hate the idea. I'm not opposed to it. I really enjoyed DC Rebirth special for many reasons and so far the Rebirth one-shots were good. Batman's felt like it was missing part of a story, but it was still a good read. Green Arrow was my favorite last week.

I'm excited for more Rebirth.
Rebirth has me 0/5 so far. I'm going to give the #1's of the actual series a shot still partially because I miss these characters, but mostly because absolutely nothing happens in any of these one-shots. Green Arrow was good, but I'm not a Green Arrow fan so the massive Liberal pandering ticked me off, Batman had nothing happen and a really dumb retcon, and Superman felt incredibly lazy. They're quick hype cash ins and nothing more. I does feel like DC is trying to fix things though so I'm optimistic. I like the inclusion of Watchmen
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Rebirth has me 0/5 so far. I'm going to give the #1's of the actual series a shot still partially because I miss these characters, but mostly because absolutely nothing happens in any of these one-shots. They're quick hype cash ins and nothing more.
Surprise, surprise... :wink:
Surprise, surprise... :wink:

That post, which I had edited, was from a longer post I made on Facebook

Rebirth has me 0/5 so far. Not looking good DC. I'm going to give the #1's of the actual series a shot still partially because I miss these characters, but mostly because absolutely nothing happens in any of these one-shots.

The Rebirth special was emotionally manipulative with Wally West's return and only was there purely to set up a status quo. Ultimately it was incredibly forgettable and introduces a lot of eyerolling status quos such as there being three Jokers, the New 52 being the new life that Dr. Manhattan went off to create during Watchmen (it's actually seen in Before Watchmen), and black Wally West being the original Wally West's cousin named after the same ancestor. Lastly, it sets up Dr. Manhattan as the big bad guy to come. It's dumb, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't curious where this goes.

Green Arrow fans would probably like the massive Liberal pandering (stop calling yourself a social justice warrior Oliver, that's not something you want to wear as a badge of pride and it's embarrassing to actually be reading in a comic) and re-connection of Black Canary and Green Arrow. I've never been a Green Arrow fan, but I think that fans of classic Green Arrow will love this because that is what it certainly felt like. The art was gorgeous.

The Batman one was entirely pointless and only served to make Calendar Man age and shed his skin as the seasons pass. I could maybe see this going somewhere, but it's an incredibly dumb retcon that only is there to make Calendar Man supernatural and creepy. What was wrong The Long Halloween's Hannibal Lecter approach? That worked, was spooky, and was a viable and realistic information source for Batman to use. The rest of the issue had nothing happening, but typical Wayne Enterprises business. I'm confused why this issue exists. The art was great.

Green Lantern was incredibly bland. It focused on the Arab and the lady, it's a telling sign that I can't even remember their names, and Hal Jordan being stupid. Basically Lady and the Arab don't work together so Hal fuses their lanterns together and tells them they need to work together or else the incoming Red Lanterns will wreck them. With Sam Humphries writing this series my expectations are incredibly low. The art was passable.

Lastly there was Superman which focused on the death and return of New 52 Superman. Pre-Flashpoint Superman recounts the tale of him dying to Doomsday's hand and, while I appreciated seeing the red trunks again, am tired of DC acting like that is the definitive Superman story when it's the most un-Superman story ever told. What's more is classic Supes discovers that New 52 Supes doesn't have a regeneration matrix and immediately just gives up. Throw in a part where it shows that the writer did absolutely no research and it's a pretty disappointing issue. What's worse is I thought this was the best one by far, Not a good sign, The art borderlines on bad, but never fell into that territory.

Overall the biggest problem these issues have is that they are purely here to set up a status quo that existed before Flashpoint and do nothing more. Yes, DC has realized they screwed up hard and are fixing it. Yes, they have a long road ahead of them in bringing back reader. And yes, this is a better direction, but everything in these issues could have been done in two to five pages in the normal books. These are quick hype cash ins and nothing more. Do what I wish I did and save your money for the trades or actual number ones. I'm still optimistic because this is headed in the right direction.
I guess I should have said it, but 0/5 isn't a grade, it's how many of the titles are being added to my pulllist. Also I give Ghost Rider spirit of Vengeance a 2 out of 5, but I still love it to death
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I'm going to give the #1's of the actual series a shot

I gave the first five issues of every book in the New 52 a shot and regretted it almost immediately.
I gave the first five issues of every book in the New 52 a shot and regretted it almost immediately.

Yeah, that's what I did too. First arc on everything. Not being so leniant this time.
The Flash and Wonder Woman were absolutely fantastic. Really excited to see
Flash and Batman solver Comedian's murder
. Action Comics was very bland with Superman acting wildly out of character and I can't get excited for any of the reveals. I'm going to keep reading it for Jon and Lois. Detective felt like a return to form for the Batfamily and, while I'm not very interested where it goes (so many shadowy people watching in these titles), but I'm going to continue reading. Aquaman was incredibly forgettable, to the point where I had to go back and look to see what else I got. So I am now at 4/10.