DC Nation

Man, Knight and Squire sounds AWESOME.

ComicsAlliance said:
According to Cornell, who last visited the world of British super-heroics in Marvel's fantastic (and sadly canceled) "Captain Britain and MI-13," his story of the Knight and Squire are going to be a little more lighthearted: "They come from a deliberately over the top, tremendously fun DC Britain that had previously been only slightly explored. If 'Captain Britain' was a more realistic take on British super-heroics, 'Knight and Squire' delights in Mary Poppins absurdity, in what I think is a quite '2000AD' way."

That sounds awesome, and not just because Cornell's idea of a "realistic take on British super-heroics" involves Dracula shooting vampires at England from his castle on the moon before getting into his magic space pirate ship.
When I first saw them in Battle for the Cowl I was like, "who the hell are these guys and why do they get so much face time?" , now I love them. This and Action Comics are gonna be awesome.

It's creeping me out...make it stop!
So, I thought the new issue of Superman was bad, but I can't seem to make myself care enough to elaborate.
So, I thought the new issue of Superman was bad, but I can't seem to make myself care enough to elaborate.

I saw a page where Superman tells a guy he's having a heart attack and then leaves him.


EDIT: I just read it. It's... decent. It's not great but it's not bad. It's just stupid. This is now the only Superman title and yet I don't even understand the protagonist. Why is he walking across America? I understand that he wants to get back in touch with humanity but... why? Why does he need to do that? And what's the point if he keeps using his powers?

I can't wait to see the little girl go deliver Superman's message to the drug dealers only to be curb stomped. Also, JMS spent half an issue on what Grant Morrison did on one page. I guess All Star Superman will never be beaten.

More Batman news:

Tony Daniel will remain writer/artist on Batman.

Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason are taking over Batman and Robin.
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Was there a lot of walking?

It was an extravaganza of walking!

I saw a page where Superman tells a guy he's having a heart attack and then leaves him.


Americans gotta look out for themselves, yo. I don't know how you do it in New Zealand, but we believe in self-actualization here!

ProjectX2 said:
EDIT: I just read it. It's... decent. It's not great but it's not bad. It's just stupid. This is now the only Superman title and yet I don't even understand the protagonist. Why is he walking across America? I understand that he wants to get back in touch with humanity but... why? Why does he need to do that? And what's the point if he keeps using his powers?

This is the problem you always have when you have superheroes trying to change the world in socially meaningful ways. The nature of the medium ensures that everything has to return to the status quo at some point, so there has to be a suspension of disbelief regarding what the characters can accomplish. I just don't think it makes the character more relevant in any sense of the word. It's boring soap boxing that occasionally sinks into the most dreadful cliches. There was some truly awful writing in there, and I honestly feel like most of what JMS does here doesn't do anything but actually undermine the character. Maybe I'll get around to a more in-depth criticism at some point but... bleh.

ProjectX2 said:
I can't wait to see the little girl go deliver Superman's message to the drug dealers only to be curb stomped.

I just love the stereotypical drug dealers and Superman's logic of treating a problem that's endemic of socio-economic collapse by just burning their product. And what happens when they just move their houses? "Oh, then they'll have to deal with it OVER THERE." Hah!

Project2 said:
Also, JMS spent half an issue on what Grant Morrison did on one page. I guess All Star Superman will never be beaten.

Truth. And even then, the exchange totally misses the point.

ProjectX2 said:


ProjectX2 said:

Hm! Interesting.

So, uh, what's Morrison gonna be writing?
I'm guessing he'll be writing a new title.
What about Damian: Batman of the Future?
What about Damian: Batman of the Future?

Honestly, that might be the ideal project for him. It would allow him to do whatever he wants without worrying about stepping on the toes of any other creative teams working on Batman while still being able to allude to events that follow out of his Batman run. Plus, dude loves him some future stories.

Word. *fist bump*

Ultimate Doc Strange, yo.

Iceshadow said:
Think of what he could do with the new Batman Beyond series!


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