DC Live-Action Multiverse - Viewing/Reading Order

Just checked the wiki, I too have some questions. Why are the following in there?
  • Nolanverse
Catwoman 80th Anniversary includes the Burtonverse and Donnerverse. It's on my timelines.
The Harley Quinn cartoon universe is featured.
The Arrowverse is featured.
I assume it's connected to their inclusion of the Nolanverse.
I assume it's connected to their inclusion of the Nolanverse.
I assume it's connected to their inclusion of the Nolanverse.
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  • Nolanverse
View attachment 1733
Catwoman 80th Anniversary includes the Burtonverse and Donnerverse. It's on my timelines.
The Harley Quinn cartoon universe is featured.
The Arrowverse is featured.
I assume it's connected to their inclusion of the Nolanverse.
I assume it's connected to their inclusion of the Nolanverse.
I assume it's connected to their inclusion of the Nolanverse.
You're correct on the last 3, they're novels. IDK the other Ones.
Also the Batman/Superman Black and White serial shouldn't be here, since it's universe appeared on the flash?
Alright... double checked it... @Rojinn was right, this issue is listed on the Harley Quinn Animated Series Wiki... It is Issue 13... :(
Please give sources next time, your comment just seemed like a random guess and the database, which indeed might be potentially wrong sometimes, said otherwise... Or did you literally guess it an write a random issue? If so, I'll take my appology back!