DC Elseworlds Timelines

Once "The Batman" comes out in theaters, if it lines up with the history of the 3-issue Batman: The Imposter mini-series, will you add it to its timeline?

They've all but said it's pretty much the same continuity...but they're not making it clear cause spoilers. I guess.
Once "The Batman" comes out in theaters, if it lines up with the history of the 3-issue Batman: The Imposter mini-series, will you add it to its timeline?

They've all but said it's pretty much the same continuity...but they're not making it clear cause spoilers. I guess.
Reading it.

It fits esthetically and timeline-wise. It's mentioned how criminals have been on the streets since Halloween, and they were in Blackgate 6 months ago, so April 2020 if connected. Only thing I thought was a little off was Alfred design in a panel.

I'll keep reading.
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Keep reading.
The old October 23rd newspaper would be discredited due to lining up with The Batman timeline. There's a 2 month time jump between #1 and #2. So, April-June, probably more.

Gotham P.D. S1

The Batman

Batman: The Imposter (if connected)

Stargirl S1 (If Earth-2)


Stargirl S2 (If Earth-2)

In terms of what to look out for in the film to determine canonicity:
1. Alfred sent Bruce to boarding school at young age.
2. Gordon left the GCPD.
3. Penguin needs a monocle.

In terms of what implies it might be seperate:
1. Alfred's design (likeness rights?)
2. Gordon's design (likeness rights?)
3. Penguin's design (could be explained)

I'm not sure, we'll see if the film connects with any of this.
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In terms of what to look out for in the film to determine canonicity:
1. Alfred sent Bruce to boarding school at young age.
2. Gordon left the GCPD.
3. Penguin needs a monocle.
Gordon was FIRED according to the comic. I could honestly see Matt Reeves pulling some twist like that where you think Jimbo is getting a promotion...but gets fired for helping the Bat.
New novel (which I haven't read) mentions Bruce being sent to boarding school, like the comic.

Metropolis and LexCorp are referenced, so those Halloween costumes seem to be referring to them as real people. Who knows? Maybe we'll get a Justice League in one of these Batman projects down the line. Probably not, but... they exist!

There's this too.
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New novel (which I haven't read) mentions Bruce being sent to boarding school, like the comic.

Metropolis and LexCorp are referenced, so those Halloween costumes seem to be referring to them as real people. Who knows? Maybe we'll get a Justice League in one of these Batman projects down the line. Probably not, but... they exist!

There's this too.

I think that if there's a Superman on Reeves-Verse, i think it would be the Superman from Michael B. Jordan's HBO Max TV series, i don't know, maybe WB wants to make a new DC Cinematic Universe, but i don't think so
New novel (which I haven't read) mentions Bruce being sent to boarding school, like the comic.

Metropolis and LexCorp are referenced, so those Halloween costumes seem to be referring to them as real people. Who knows? Maybe we'll get a Justice League in one of these Batman projects down the line. Probably not, but... they exist!

There's this too.

Bought the novel via audiobook. Stay tuned.
The prologue of the "Before the Batman" novel takes place when Bruce is 10.
Chapters 1-11 are when he is 17.
Chapters 12-23 are when he is 27.
The Epilogue is when he is 29 - set TWO YEARS after becoming Batman (WHILE being set on Halloween, potentially towards the end of the film we'll see next month.)

Prologue = 2000
Chapters 1-11 = 2007
Chapters 12-23 = 2017
Epilogue + The Film = 2019
I thought he began crime fighting in 2018, that being "year 1", then The Batman is set in 2019 "Year 2", The Imposter is set 3 years after he started, so 2021 "Year 4".

I'm I correct?
I thought he began crime fighting in 2018, that being "year 1", then The Batman is set in 2019 "Year 2", The Imposter is set 3 years after he started, so 2021 "Year 4".

I'm I correct?
The novel's epilogue explicitly states that 2 years pass since he became Batman.

So there is probably a Year 0 in late 2017.
I think that if there's a Superman on Reeves-Verse, i think it would be the Superman from Michael B. Jordan's HBO Max TV series, i don't know, maybe WB wants to make a new DC Cinematic Universe, but i don't think so


Edit: Forget it, I can't find the article they're referencing. Likely bait. Still, interesting idea.
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The Batman happens between October 31st and November 6th, but mostly November so for now it would be

The Batman**

Also, i haven't read The Imposter, but i think that if part of Gotham isn't flooded it takes place in another universe or to many time after
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The Batman happens between October 31st and November 6th, but mostly November so for now it would be

The Batman**

Also, i haven't read The Imposter, but i think that if part of Gotham isn't flooded it takes place in another universe or to many time after
Is the flooding permanent? Whose to say it wasn't cleaned by the following year?

I haven't seen the movie but I don't know mind knowing that spoiler.
I'm not worried, tbh. If the comic turns out to connect, I still have the timeline details.

No way are we getting a Batman Universe where Gotham is flooded in every instalment set after the first film.