We've got the first Criminal trade book coming out in early May, and I'm trying to get it into the hands of, and get coverage by, as many print journalism places as I possibly can. I know, I know, print is dead, blah blah blah... but the only times I've seen significant effect from interviews and articles about my work is when they were in weekly or daily papers, or even college newspapers. Those are the times I've heard of people coming into stores specifically looking for my books. So, print may be dead, but as long as those who read it aren't, they're a decent target audience, I guess.
Anyway, my point is, if you're a journalist for a daily, weekly, or college paper, or if you work for a high-profile online mag like Salon or Slate, and you'd be interested in covering the book or interviewing me for its release, please email me at:
And if you aren't a journalist, but you live somewhere where one of your local papers covers graphic novels, write me and give me the name of the paper and who I should send stuff to there.
This is the kind of thing that myspace is for, right?