Um, I hate to say this - but this is what free speech is about. People saying things you don't like to hear. And it shouldn't surprise you to hear it.
People will have views you find bizarre or offensive. Part of the problem of political correctness is that it tries to drive this kind of thought underground through ostracizing rather than trying to integrate them into society (which is ironic, because PC means 'everyone is equal - except bigots. you must hate them without question'). I for one, find it somewhat abhorrent that these people think that there is a moral judgement upon homosexual acts that is somehow different to that of heterosexual acts, but at the same time, I understand that those same people feel, in a bizarre way, that their beliefs and way of life are being ridiculed and attacked in the same way homosexuals have for so long (and still are).
It's a rather ugly part of society from any angle. :?