I'll seriously have to come up with a list for this soon. intriguing question, really, as recommendation lists for girls related to comics, video games, or even books, seem to stick with the sappy and the unintelligent.
Surprisingly though, there is one such thing I can recommend that SEEMS that way, so it could be easy enough for
any girl to pick up.
Project: Romantic
An Anthology Dedicated to Love and Love Stuff.
It was staring at me on a bookshelf at Kinokuniya, and it was bright pink and it had a cute marshmallow getting intimate with a black stick figure. I mean, how ridiculously cute was that?
It also happens to have some big names involved in the project, and there is such an immense amount of work (35 pieces in all), over a wide variety of genres, that it's impossible to not pick up and love
something. And by introducing the reader to a lot of artists, it's easy to pick something else by the same artist later on.
And on a purely aesthetic note, the book takes no stops with the color production, so it's pretty easy to be dazzled by the artwork. (I know at times that introducing something black and white to a complete noobie can be daunting for them: I've had that happen a few times when I tried pushing "Blue Monday" on some folks).
And it's also a sincere homage to the original Romance genre of comics, from both a historical and modern view point. It's also way too much fun.
Fair review of it
here. and