Comic Solicitations for December, 2006.

Is it just me or does this sound like a ripoff of JMS's Rising Stars? I only read a couple of issues of it but this sounds exactly like that. Even the name White Event, wasn't there some white flash of light that started the changes in Rising Stars?

Well, since its a relaunch of a failed marvel property from the late 80s (or was it early 90s) I sorta doubt its intending to rip off Rising Stars.
All the Ultimate titles looks good (except Ultimate FF that still doesn't interest me much). Ultimate Power & Ultimate Spider-Man looks REALLY good.

But the biggest positive surprise for me must be this:

Written by TONY BEDARD
Pencils & Cover by JIM CALAFIORE
They've battled world-class threats of every kind imaginable and always won, but now the Exiles take on an unbeatable enemy: themselves! It's the ORIGINAL Exiles versus the current team lineup in an impossible battle that cuts to the heart of Marvel's most unpredictable series!
48 PGS./Rated A ...$3.99

Now THAT seems like a good opportunity for a story. Hope it plays out as good as it sounds.

Irredeemable Ant-Man #3 -- Looks absolutely awesome.
Beyond! #6 -- I didn't understand issue 3.
Doctor Strange: The Oath #3 -- BKV!!!
Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #15 -- Best 616 title out there. Why aren't you reading it?
Spider-Man: Reign #1 -- Looks interesting.
Ultimate Vision #1 -- Looks dumb.
Nextwave: Agents Of H.A.T.E. #11 -- Is the cover supposed to have that white streak on the left-hand side?
Ultimate X-Men #77 -- Didn't we already read/see this solicit?
Ms. Marvel #10 -- CW has saved Ms. Marvel from being cut off my pull list. Weiringo guest-pencilling ain't gonna hurt, either.
New Avengers: Illuminati #1 -- Mmm, talking heads.
Sensational Spider-Man #33 -- Looks great.
Ultimate Spider-Man #103 -- What's with the diamond on tarantula's head? Did the original have that?
Ultimates 2 #13 -- What is this comic about? I feel like I've heard of it before. Oh well. I'm a completist.
Heroes For Hire #5 -- We'll see. I'm in for at least 3 issues.
Spider-Man Loves Mary Jane #13 -- Best comic book out there. Why aren't you reading it?
Ultimate Fantastic Four #37 -- Hmm.
Ultimate Power #3 -- Nice art.

All the Ultimate titles looks good (except Ultimate FF that still doesn't interest me much). Ultimate Power & Ultimate Spider-Man looks REALLY good.

But the biggest positive surprise for me must be this:

Written by TONY BEDARD
Pencils & Cover by JIM CALAFIORE
They've battled world-class threats of every kind imaginable and always won, but now the Exiles take on an unbeatable enemy: themselves! It's the ORIGINAL Exiles versus the current team lineup in an impossible battle that cuts to the heart of Marvel's most unpredictable series!
48 PGS./Rated A ...$3.99

Now THAT seems like a good opportunity for a story. Hope it plays out as good as it sounds.
I have no idea where they're going with this, but I'll trust that it's got a decent rational behind it.

DOCTOR STRANGE: THE OATH #3 - Doesn't the cover sort've give it away? Gonna be awesome though.

Like I said. Winter Soldier!!


DAREDEVIL #92 - Whose it gonna be!?! Another solid expectation. Bru and Lark won't disappoint.

INCREDIBLE HULK #101 - Almost home. But I'm interested enough to see what revealation there will be.

I love the Illuminati and thought the first was very good.

RUNAWAYS #23 - I don't want to talk about it... :cry:

WHITE TIGER #2 - Sounds good but "new" daredevil? Does this mean someone other than Iron Fist?

CABLE & DEADPOOL #35 - Sounds like it's a straight up DP issue!! So Death (the character) is back and didn't they have a fling before? Is that Widdle Wade!!!!? Pumped.

X-FACTOR #14 - Focusing on Jaime's SHIELD dupe? Sounds fun. Great cover too. :lol:

X-MEN #194 - That cover is slightly appealing to me...
I want to read Exiles so badly. I'm going with the TPB route on that series, but I only have a few TPB's on them. Some day I shall get them all to be caught up...
Image said:
The comic of the CENTURY, that's taken a CENTURY to come out! Find out what all the fuss is about - what's taken so long?! A fight so HUGE, so monumental it's taken TWO YEARS to get to the stands! Move over BATTLE CHASERS, move over CIVIL WAR, take a hike Kevin Smith! KIRKMAN & SU are coming in LAST on the scheduling race! A comic that takes THIS LONG to come out can't be anything short of DIVINE!
Well, at least they can laugh at themselves at Image. Nice solicit.
Take a hike Kevin Smith?! Have they not heard of "Daredevil: Target"? That's taken longer than 2 years. And so has "Spider-Man/Blackcat: The Evil that Men do", as well.
Take a hike Kevin Smith?! Have they not heard of "Daredevil: Target"? That's taken longer than 2 years. And so has "Spider-Man/Blackcat: The Evil that Men do", as well.

Well, it might have been, you know, one of them... what do they call it... oh yeah, a joke. Or I dunno.
Image books.

THE COMPLETE INVINCIBLE LIBRARY, VOL. 1 HC - Yeah. I'm a format whore. I already sold my Ultiamte Collections.
SAVAGE DRAGON ARCHIVES, VOL. 1 TP - Ever since he started doing One Fans Opinion I've been intrested in checking out Savage Dragon. Looks like a good chunk to mkae up my mind on.
CASANOVA #7 - End of Volume one? NOOOOOOOOOO!

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