Well-Known Member
I can't beleive nobody has said Tommy Lee Jones as Norman Osbourne
Deodato should have tried to make that less obvious
Deodato should have tried to make that less obvious
I can't beleive nobody has said Tommy Lee Jones as Norman Osbourne
Deodato should have tried to make that less obvious
I can't beleive nobody has said Tommy Lee Jones as Norman Osbourne
Deodato should have tried to make that less obvious
I can't beleive nobody has said Tommy Lee Jones as Norman Osbourne
Deodato should have tried to make that less obvious
I can't beleive nobody has said Tommy Lee Jones as Norman Osbourne
Deodato should have tried to make that less obvious
Tommy Lee Jones? Are you serious?
You've obviously never read Ellis' Thunderbolts
I haven't.
I like Jake mostly because he can combine a very winning handsome GQ-worthy look with the aw shucks nerdy demeanor perfectly.Spiderman/Peter Parker – Jake Gyllenhaal – Lovable, dorky, shy Peter Parker. Perfected by Tobey…kinda. I've always thought Tobey never really had the "hero" presence about him. But Jake's got it. He can do the quirky, nerdy, new science teacher who rambles when he gets nervous and gushes with love when he's confronted with the fact that he's married to his dream girl. But unlike Tobey, Jake can seriously do action leads.
While there is some merit to your argument, I doubt very much that Maggie Smith, whose career seems to focus on quaint British period material or at least de-modernized present day films, would ever play Aunt May.Victor Von Doom said:Aunt May – Maggie Smith – Really…any old woman can do this. Doesn't matter what justification you put…she could very well be Jake's old Grandma and she'd still work.
The reasoning is sound and awesome, and Tate Donovan is highly under-used. Also, I think he'd make a decent "I'm just a schlub who does reprehensible things" based on his performance from FX's Damages.Victor Von Doom said:Dr.Connors – Tate Donovan – The good guy gone bad by accidental. Tate's played this role before. As The O.C's Jimmy Cooper, Tate played a father who just wanted to provide for his family the best he could. He made some bad decisions but with good intentions and had to suffer the fallout. Just look at Tate…he's got the lovable good guy face---but you just know that smile can turn from heartwarming to sinister. In the early stages of aggression and transformation, I can just see Tate stammering about how all the pressure of the world is on him and his smile turns evil and pretty soon he's tossing furniture, screaming at his wife, scaring the kids, all that.
I have never seen Bradley Cooper in anything but Kitchen Confidential... and I approve.Victor Von Doom said:Electro – Bradley Cooper – For all the reason's Bluebeast said. Electro is basically you're do anything-douchebag-thug with superpowers. And even though Cooper has displayed his innate ability to channel such douchery in "Wedding Crashers" and this season's "Nip/Tuck"…it's Cooper's eyes and maniacal smile that bring this side of Electro to life. Going for an Ultimate-look…imagine Cooper's face all sparky and blue as he stands over a fallen Spider-Man and rants about how much respect he's gonna get for being the man who dropped "The Spider" and how he's gonna run this city with Spidey gone. Cooper screaming it. Frothing at the mouth and spitting all over Peter's mask as he laces his tyrannical rant with punches to Peter's face and shocks to his crumpled body. Imagine it? Good…you know you love it!
A great choice.![]()
Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Dex
Kept alive at the whim of his master, Dex wants Morlun to kill him more than anything else. He needed to look half-dead... But he has to also be the sort who is consciously resisting Morlun, particularly with his help in the monster's defeat. JGL is great at playing emotionally damaged people, and would play off of Eccleston fantastically methinks
A great choice.
You are totally hot for Joseph Gordon-Levitt, aren't you?
I would be too, if I were gay.
He totally is.
Then you're in the wrong.
Now go read it.
Or would you rather cast James Purferoy or whatever his name is?
JP would not make a good Osborn. I just can't see it at all.
Rick McCallum: "That's brilliant."This indeed.