Ultimate Houde
UC's Resident Genetic Recombinator
What I find disappointing is that there is a germ of a very good idea here - or at least, a potentially thought-provoking idea here! - but the writers are clearly just not up to the challenge, or their own outlook so clouds their perspective that they can't tackle the subject with anything resembling balance, or subtlety, or complexity. The "pro-reg" forces are portrayed as flat out evil @#$@s, and the "anti-reg" forces are romanticized and lionized. You'd never guess that the "right" the anti-reg forces are fighting for is the right for ANYONE to throw on a mask and operate as an unlicensed, unchecked, vigilante, subject to no law but his/her own - which might work if you are a near saint like Cap, but might just be a BIT more problematic in "the real world".
Instead - simplistic, superficial, narrowminded. Pity.
sums up my thoughts on this whole Civil War fiasco