Civil War series discussion (spoilers)

How would you rate Civil War?

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Crohn's disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), named after one of the first physicians to describe it. The disease is characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.[1] The disease can affect the entire gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. Because it is a systemic disease, it can also cause complications outside of the gastrointestinal tract.[2][3] The main gastrointestinal symptoms are abdominal pain and diarrhea, which may be bloody.


The illness can vary in seriousness, and by the looks of it, Millar has it pretty bad - my friend's mum however, very rarely is affected by it.
MaxwellSmart said:
Why do people keep saying Millar's got a "disease?" It makes it sound like he's got Hepatitis C. If he's got a cold, say he's sick.
Because he does and I've posted it before, but look above this post to see what he has exactly.
Wow, that's a crappy disease to have. I now feel a bit worse about raging on him about all the delays.
Don't think this has been posted yet. Found this Turner variant cover #4.....

Hmm i thought Wasp was on the same side as Hank (pro)??? so why she in the pile with Daredevil and Hercules (who are on anti)
Shihad said:
Hmm i thought Wasp was on the same side as Hank (pro)??? so why she in the pile with Daredevil and Hercules (who are on anti)
When someone is an inche tall, it's kind of hard to avoid them.
OK somethings I've been thinking. I dont know if its been said or not but i think to whole House of M thing/Scarlet Witch is gonna have an effect on the way Civil War ends. I think she's gonna get killed and it will turn somethings back to normal.
Victor Von Doom said:
Don't think this has been posted yet. Found this Turner variant cover #4.....


Anyone else think that doesnt look like Turners art? I know it has his sig on it, but it looks a lot more like Kolins to me.
Daredevil got pwned.


Although I can't see Thor and Mjolinir without snickering anymore. Stupid Nextwave...
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Hibiki said:
It's probably just a different colorist that makes it look different.

No, its the noses. Kolins has a very distinct style, and that looks like it.

Also, can it really be drawn by Turner if it doesnt have scantily clad big breasted women in it? :lol:
Ultimate Warrior said:
Let me just say that even though I'm not the biggest fan of the Iron-Spider suit, this cover rocks!

Hot Damn!

I have to say, the Iron Spider suit is growing on me.


(I think I need a Doctor).
Dr.Strangefate said:
To me that cover looks like he just orgasmed that suit right off...
That'd have to be a hell of a climax, but if anyone could it would be Iron Man.
MaxwellSmart said:
That'd have to be a hell of a climax, but if anyone could it would be Iron Man.

What can't he do with that suit. And what's up with his heart condition nowadays?
Holy crap.. i've just read Cable & Deadpool 31 and Cable just comes back from the big brawl at the end of Civil War 3 and it seems that Thor killed someone from the Underground :shock: