So i just finished reading #2. Now, comix are shipped everywhere around the country on wednesday, right? Cause here's the thing. I collect ultimate everything, and really only picked up civil war to just get an idea of this big event in the main universe, cause i'm reading the new moon knight and want the new ghost rider when that starts, so i wanna see what's going on. I'm in New York, and THE NY POST SPOILED THE WHOLE UNMASKING IN THE PAPER TODAY. And i don't even read the post, it's a rag. the story from the post was on some other media website that NEVER talks about comics at all. So anyway, bad enough i got spoiled, but the newspaper that spoiled it was on the streets and in offices starting at like 630 in the morning, before anyone could actually go to comic stores and buy the issue!!! fine, it's a big pop culture story, but they could've AT LEAST waited until TOMORROW to print the story. sorry, just had to vent about that. thoughts?:furious: