The Timeline Guy
I like his non-Ultimate stuff. His Ultimate stuff just felt like setting up to me so I'm curious about what is next.
There's set-up and then there's idiotic, illogical characterization and pointless plot lines. This was definitely the latter.
He wrote a 3 issue mini which was essentially pointless, other than to kill off a few tertiary X-Men characters no one cares about anyway. Was the entire point of the alternate dimension they went to merely to take the X-Men temporarily "off the board" during the first three issues of the main Cataclysm title? Again, it's pointless, since they end up showing up in #4 anyway.
And the Rogue/Captain Marvel thing was just stupid. I can forgive the fact they start making out after only just meeting (even though that is stupid), but to do it while your team is being swarmed by Gah Lak Tus drones is just moronic. Doesn't sound like the actions of an individual chosen by the Watcher to serve as protector of the universe and a girl who's spent several years training and fighting with a team of mutants.
I'm not sure what else the guy writes, but it amazes me if his other books are anything approaching a quality read if he's churning out crap like this. I'd be embarrassed as a professional writer to put my name on this series if I were him.